- How billionaires devoured the world https://www.msnbc.com/the-mehdi-hasan-show/watch/how-billionaires-devoured-the-world-131158085505 41 comments politics
- The world's billionaires lost a total of $388 billion in 2018 https://edition.cnn.com/2019/11/09/success/billionaire-report/index.html 9 comments business
- Mark Zuckerberg Lost $15 Billion This Year, More Than Any of the 500 Richest Billionaires in the World http://time.com/money/5478554/mark-zuckerberg-facebook-loss-net-worth/ 23 comments wallstreetbets
- These 8 billionaires are worth as much as the poorest half of the world http://www.financefastly.com/2017/01/eight-men-own-same-wealth-as-half.html 2 comments politics
- The World's Billionaires Got Much Richer In 2012. http://thinkprogress.org/economy/2013/01/02/1387021/2012-billionaires-richer/ 11 comments politics
- Ethereum’s 27-Year-Old Creator Is Now the World’s Youngest Crypto Billionaire https://observer.com/2021/05/etherum-founder-buterin-billionaire-cryptocurrency-surge-bitcoin/ 26 comments cryptocurrency
- World's richest billionaires saw their wealth soar by 25% in 2019 https://www.independent.co.uk/worlds-richest-people-2019-billionaires-net-worth-mark-zuckerberg-bill-gates-bloomberg-a9262806.html 8 comments worldnews
- Eight billionaires 'as rich as world's poorest half' http://www.bbc.com/news/business-38613488 13 comments worldnews
- Donald Trump: The Least Charitable Billionaire In The World http://newsexaminer.net/politics/donald-trump-the-least-charitable-billionaire/ 33 comments politics
- NDTV: Chinese Billionaire Loses $27 Billion In World's Biggest Wealth Drop. https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/chinese-billionaire-loses-27-billion-in-worlds-biggest-wealth-drop-2543824#publisher=newsstand 292 comments worldnews
- The World's 25 Richest Billionaires Have Gained Nearly $255 Billion In Just Two Months https://www.forbes.com/sites/jonathanponciano/2020/05/22/billionaires-zuckerberg-bezos/ 31 comments business
- A Chinese billionaire may have hidden 6% of the world's aluminum in the Mexican desert http://www.businessinsider.com/a-chinese-billionaire-may-have-hidden-6-of-the-worlds-aluminum-in-the-mexican-desert-2016-9 2621 comments worldnews
- Meet The Man Who Stands Between 2,000 Of The World's Best NFL Athletes And 32 Billionaire Owners http://www.businessinsider.com/demaurice-smith-nfl-players-union-2011-1 3 comments sports
- Alexandr Wang becomes the world's youngest self-made billionaire with Scale AI https://www.forbes.com/sites/alexandrasternlicht/2022/05/28/theres-a-new-youngest-self-made-billionaire-and-he-got-rich-working-with-the-government/?sh=70f595a72970&ss=under30 980 comments technology
- Bitcoin billionaire: Coinbase CEO joins world's richest after $100 billion IPO https://www.wraltechwire.com/2021/04/15/bitcoin-billionaire-coinbase-ceo-joins-worlds-richest-after-100-billion-ipo/ 11 comments cryptocurrency
- India has world’s 3rd highest number of billionaires, says Forbes report https://www.thehindu.com/business/india-has-worlds-3rd-highest-number-of-billionaires-says-forbes-report/article34261374.ece 43 comments india
- Global stock market rout leaves world with 57 fewer billionaires https://www.theguardian.com/news/2019/nov/08/global-stock-market-rout-leaves-world-with-57-fewer-billionaires 7 comments worldnews
- Protectionism is leading the world in completely the wrong direction, Swedish billionaire says https://www.cnbc.com/2019/07/26/swedish-billionaire-protectionism-leading-world-in-wrong-direction.html 29 comments worldnews
- The Creator Of Spanx Is The Youngest Self-Made Billionaire In The World http://www.businessinsider.com/the-creator-of-spanx-is-the-youngest-self-made-billionaire-in-the-world-2012-3 112 comments business
- Six bitcoin (btc) billionaires in the world, new crypto super-rich report says https://www.cnbc.com/2023/09/06/six-bitcoin-btc-billionaires-in-the-world-new-crypto-super-rich-report-says.html 21 comments cryptocurrency
- One-off emergency tax on billionaires’ pandemic windfalls could fund COVID-19 jabs for entire world | Oxfam International https://www.oxfam.org/en/press-releases/one-emergency-tax-billionaires-pandemic-windfalls-could-fund-covid-19-jabs-entire?amp%3Bawc=5991_1628820556_021f535e4345650703078b96bf0131df&cid=aff_affwd_donate_id78888 7 comments worldnews
- This is grotesque... Kiwis abroad who are cancer patients are left to die. Families are stranded in Oz and across the world and are shut out by a failed MIQ booking system... but an American billionaire can come and go as he pleases on his private jet. https://www.odt.co.nz/news/national/google-billionaire-let-nz-resident 14 comments worldnews
- Petr Kellner, 56 year old Czech billionaire dies in a helicopter crash while heliskiing in Alaska. Richest Czech man was in the world top 100 with estimated $17bn fortune https://www.reuters.com/article/alaska-helicopter-crash/five-killed-one-hurt-as-helicopter-crashes-at-alaska-glacier-idinkbn2bl0ap 212 comments worldnews
- Blaming 'Flawed and Sexist' Capitalist System, Oxfam Report Finds 2,153 Billionaires Wealthier Than 4.6 Billion of World's Poorest https://www.commondreams.org/news/2020/01/20/blaming-flawed-and-sexist-capitalist-system-oxfam-report-finds-2153-billionaires 42 comments politics
- Billionaire Novogratz : Everyone in my social circle is panicking about Elizabeth Warren. "You are not victims, you are the richest people in the world. How in God’s name do you feel like a victim?" https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-10-18/novogratz-says-wealthy-worried-about-warren-should-lighten-up 152 comments economy
- David Koch death: Billionaire businessman and one of world's richest people dies, reports say https://news.yahoo.com/david-koch-death-billionaire-businessman-122842360.html 51 comments worldnews
- A Billionaire’s Greed Keeps Three Countries, and a Quarter of the Worlds Population, Burning Coal https://www.nytimes.com/2019/08/15/climate/coal-adani-india-australia.html?rref=collection%2Fsectioncollection%2Fclimate&action=click&contentcollection=climate&region=rank&module=package&version=highlights&contentplacement=1&pgtype=sectionfront 6 comments politics
- The AOC adviser behind the 'Every billionaire is a policy failure' slogan says there's a critical issue with depending on the richest people to fix the world's biggest problems https://www.businessinsider.com/aoc-adviser-dan-riffle-every-billionaire-policy-failure-billionaires-philanthropy-2019-7 52 comments politics
- 'Billionaire Boom': While World's Richest 1% Took 82% of All New Wealth in 2017, Bottom Half Got Zero, Zilch, Nada https://www.commondreams.org/news/2018/01/22/billionaire-boom-while-worlds-richest-1-took-82-all-new-wealth-2017-bottom-half-got 46 comments politics
- Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies 'will come to a bad end', says Warren Buffett. The billionaire investor and his longtime manager Charlie Munger, two of the world’s most successful investors, say they’d never invest in cryptocurrencies https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2018/jan/10/bitcoin-and-cryptocurrencies-will-come-to-a-bad-end-says-warren-buffett 4 comments worldnews
- 75% of the world’s new billionaires are from India and China - The number of billionaires in Asia surpassed the US for the first time. https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/75-of-the-worlds-new-billionaires-are-from-india-and-china/articleshow/61261858.cms 5 comments india
- Billionaire investor Chris Sacca told an amazing story about how obsessed Kobe Bryant is with being a successful investor in the startup world https://finance.yahoo.com/news/billionaire-investor-chris-sacca-told-184818801.html 22 comments nba
- World's biggest sailing yacht built using illegal timber A German shipyard has used illegally-logged teak from Myanmar when constructing a megayacht for a Russian billionaire. The wood was sourced from a government-controlled firm that was sanctioned this year. http://www.dw.com/en/worlds-biggest-sailing-yacht-built-using-illegal-timber/a-38316296 72 comments europe
- World's biggest sailing yacht built using illegal timber: A German shipyard has used illegally-logged teak from Myanmar when constructing a megayacht for a Russian billionaire. The wood was sourced from a government-controlled firm that was sanctioned this year http://www.dw.com/en/worlds-biggest-sailing-yacht-built-using-illegal-timber/a-38316296 72 comments worldnews
- Fascinating interview with Patrick Collison - CEO of Stripe and world's 3rd youngest self-made billionaire https://www.reddit.com/r/startups/comments/5hqn5w/fascinating_interview_with_patrick_collison_ceo/ 38 comments startups
- The open sore of America's political sickness - "Only in the warped world of American politics could a real-estate billionaire who owes a significant part of his fortune to preying on working-class renters pretend to be representing working people against the establishment." http://socialistworker.org/2015/09/24/open-sore-of-a-sick-political-system 41 comments politics
- Billionaire Sam Zell to Bloomberg: “The problem is the world and this country should not talk about envy of the one percent; it should talk about emulating the one percent. The one percent work harder. The one percent are much bigger factors in all forms of our society.” http://www.bloomberg.com/video/zell-the-1-work-harder-and-should-be-emulated-dfwln5dxqvcgwqfk6zmj6q.html 17 comments politics
- Billionaire Mayor Bloomberg Sues to Keep New Yorkers' Wages Low: The world's 20th richest man declared recently that a living wage bill passed (over his veto) by New York's city council was the next best thing to Communist central planning. http://www.alternet.org/hot-news-views/billionaire-mayor-bloomberg-sues-keep-new-yorkers-wages-low 892 comments politics
- Ajay Piramal is sitting on a mountain of cash. Yet the billionaire Indian tycoon, working in one of the world's fastest growing economies, is struggling to figure out what to do with the money. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/huff-wires/20111227/as-india-billionaire-blues/ 6 comments india
- Jewish leader arrested in alleged sex trade scheme | A Jewish billionaire who heads a branch of the World Jewish Congress was among 14 businessmen and underage prostitutes arrested on a yacht in Turkey. Jewish Journal http://www.jewishjournal.com/world/article/jewish_leader_arrested_in_alleged_sex_trade_scheme_20101007/ 10 comments worldnews