Hacker News
- Tor Blog: The Trouble with CloudFlare https://blog.torproject.org/blog/trouble-cloudflare 4 comments privacy
- CloudFlare's Trouble with Tor http://blog.cloudflare.com/the-trouble-with-tor/ 6 comments web
- Tor Trouble: Government Targets Whistleblower https://www.whathacked.com/post/tor-trouble-government-targets-whistleblower 5 comments worldnews
- Is it troubling that half of Tor's revenue was from Government sources last year? https://blog.torproject.org/transparency-openness-and-our-2021-and-2022-financials/ 4 comments privacy
- Is it troubling that 53% of Tor's funding was from Government last year? https://blog.torproject.org/transparency-openness-and-our-2021-and-2022-financials/ 50 comments degoogle
- Tor Woes: Can the Project Survive its Recent Troubles? http://bitcoinist.net/tor-woes-project-survive/ 5 comments privacy