Hacker News
- AI Has Made Google Search So Bad People Are Moving to TikTok and Reddit https://medium.com/bouncin-and-behavin-blogs/ai-has-made-google-search-so-bad-people-are-moving-to-tiktok-reddit-6ac0b4801d2e 36 comments
- TRON Grand Hackathon 2022 generates buzz as it announces Reddit-like community forum | Bitcoinist.com https://bitcoinist.com/tron-grand-hackathon-2022-generates-buzz-as-it-announces-reddit-like-community-forum/ 7 comments cryptocurrency
- Join the Reddit Sports Discord Server! https://www.reddit.com/r/sports/comments/gz1ipb/join_the_reddit_sports_discord_server/ 65 comments sports
- Reddit ad: "Use HARP to reduce your mortgage! No fees!" --> "Here are 30 quotes with $6,000+ refinance fees." https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/9wftdf/reddit_ad_use_harp_to_reduce_your_mortgage_no/ 27 comments personalfinance
- A reddit post detailing the influence of Russian propaganda on “the_Donald” subreddit has mysteriously disappeared https://www.newsweek.com/reddit-spez-donald-sub-russia-1134323 10 comments politics
- Reddit Post About Russia-backed Misinformation Mysteriously Deleted, Prompting Outcry https://www.newsweek.com/reddit-spez-donald-sub-russia-1134323 49 comments politics
- Is reddit broken? http://isredditbroken.com 39 comments politics
- È nato Imzy, il Reddit delle persone gentili http://www.rivistastudio.com/cose-che-succedono/imzy-reddit-buonista/ 37 comments italy
- Reddit Is Tearing Itself Apart http://gizmodo.com/reddit-is-tearing-itself-apart-1789406294 11 comments technology
- Science AMA Series: Hi Reddit! I’m Dr. Mark Pimentel, Gastroenterologist and scientist studying GI-Motility at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. I’ll be talking about the role of small bowel bacteria and IBS, and microbiome linked diseases. AMA! https://www.reddit.com/r/science/comments/4wa0cr/science_ama_series_hi_reddit_im_dr_mark_pimentel/ 1299 comments science
- Reddit deletes surveillance 'warrant canary' in transparency report http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-cyber-reddit-iduskcn0wx2yf 4 comments technology
- PLOS Science Wednesday: Hi Reddit, we're Dr. John Ioannidis and Dr. Robert Kaplan, and we're here to discuss the importance of improved reporting in scholarly research for Open Access Week — Ask Us Anything! http://openaccessweek.org/ 71 comments science
- Webcam 'creepshot' pictures viewed and shared on Reddit. Russian site Insecam, and others, were scoured for shots of women in private security camera feeds. http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2014/nov/20/webcam-creepshots-pictures-shared-reddit-insecam 2 comments worldnews
- Why Priyanka Chopra's roasting on Reddit could save film journalism | The actress decided to allow the website's users to ask her anything they wanted, and unlike the usual PR-driven exercise, they posed a series of meaningful questions. http://scroll.in/article/669232/why-priyanka-chopra's-roasting-on-reddit-could-save-film-journalism 11 comments india
- Aether, a decentralised Reddit clone, releases v1.1 http://blog.getaether.net/post/79723395145/aether-v1-1-is-here 57 comments linux
- Reddit Mods Bury Glenn Greenwald's Story On GCHQ/NSA Use Of Internet To 'Destroy Reputations' http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20140226/11344026358/reddit-mods-bury-glenn-greenwalds-story-gchqnsa-use-internet-to-destroy-reputations.shtml?? 42 comments worldnews
- Reddit GP Predictor Results http://gppredictor.com 9 comments formula1
- Imgur Is Now Bigger Than Reddit - BuzzFeed Mobile http://www.buzzfeed.com/jwherrman/imgur-is-now-bigger-than-reddit?s=mobile 4 comments technology
- LPT: bored of /r/india? YSK: There's more to "india" on reddit than is in just /r/india http://www.reddit.com/r/india/search?q=india+-subreddit:india+-subreddit:cricket+-subreddit:bakchodi&sort=top&t=day 3 comments india
- reddit alien in pure css http://cssdeck.com/item/preview/92/reddit-alien-in-pure-css 46 comments web_design
- The only safe and effective vaccine for Lyme Disease was pulled from the market in 2002 because of scientifically unfounded fear. Reddit, please help get it back. http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v439/n7076/full/439509a.html 7 comments technology
- Smith Says Reddit SOPA Protestors are 'Not Legitimate or Large in Number' http://gamepolitics.com/2012/01/04/smith-says-reddit-sopa-protestors-are-039not-legitimate-or-large-number039 303 comments technology
- For my reddit birthday, here is a pic of skeletor on a rug, posing. http://28.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lopvpbyjsz1qd5ikuo1_400.jpg 10 comments reddit.com
- Help Reddit! Newly elected WI governor Scott Walker wants to bust all the public unions except fire/police and take away all collective bargain rights! Get the word out! http://www.jsonline.com/news/statepolitics/115911379.html 3 comments reddit.com
- What color for this alert, reddit? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/11/19/us-embassy-beijing-air-qu_n_785870.html 4 comments reddit.com
- Women's USA Water Polo Team raises ZERO dollars by stripping naked for ESPN's "Body Issue"... Reddit: Isn't this a cause we should get behind? http://www.bloomberg.com/video/63684408/ 27 comments reddit.com
- Dammit, Reddit. I'm sick of saying this: The U.S. spends just as much money on public healthcare as Western European nations. (And has even more private spending on top of that). http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/a0934554.html 3 comments politics
- Excuse me Reddit, but if you could fight anyone, from any time period, who would it be? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kyra_Sedgwick 16 comments reddit.com
- Convince me Reddit -- Prop 19 http://www.voterguide.sos.ca.gov/pdf/english/19-arg-rebuttals.pdf 17 comments politics
- What does reddit think of "Special Topics in Calamity Physics"? http://www.amazon.com/Special-Topics-Calamity-Physics-Marisha/dp/067003777X 5 comments books
- help me out hardware reddit? I'm looking for a surprisingly elusive simplified stereo receiver for my computer. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16829102020&Tpk=creative%20sound%20blaster%20x-fi%20surround 12 comments hardware
- Reddit has disgusted me as of lately http://www.amerika.org/2010/hacking/the-entropy-of-reddit/ 76 comments reddit.com
- Reddit, I'd like to calmly inform you: WOOOOOOOT OFFFFF!!!!!!!!!!!!! http://www.woot.com/ 4 comments reddit.com
- Check this Reddit, the "Media Research Center" www.mrc.org, a media watchdog org and "Evergreen Freedom Foudation" www.effwa.org, a right wing nut org both Have the SAME physical address but try to hide using a p.o. box instead. Scandal? I hope so! http://www.google.com/search?q=113+s.+west+street++2nd+floor+va&aq=f&oq=&aqi= 4 comments reddit.com
- Well, here you go Reddit. A little teaser into the Reddit Alien soap we're making! http://www.soapier.com/reddit_alien_molds.htm 233 comments reddit.com
- MrGreyGhost is one of the "Republican" operatives attempting to control opinions on reddit via psy-ops. What a fool. http://www.reddit.com/user/mrgreyghost/ 9 comments politics
- Hey Reddit, DEMAND THE DEBATE! http://org2.democracyinaction.org/o/5583/t/3369/petition.jsp?petition_key=131 3 comments politics
- As Obama consolidates his power within the party, note who he is bringing with him. It is up to sites like Reddit to create a check on Obama's rightward drift. http://openleft.com/showdiary.do?diaryid=6448 3 comments politics
- Is it just me, or is anyone else uncomfortable with an open pedophile on reddit? http://reddit.com/user/p3do/ 351 comments reddit.com
- Ask Reddit: Can we have a headline preview or editing feature so we can avoid/fix our own errors without deleting and resubmitting? http://reddit.com/info/62ato/comments/ 68 comments reddit.com