Hacker News
- Biden claims piracy meeting "will bring together all of the stakeholders." So that means consumer and public-interest groups? Technology companies and associations? Internet Service Providers? Nope - just music industry goons and the politicians in their pockets. http://www.dailyfinance.com/2009/12/15/consumer-group-blasts-white-houses-digital-piracy-pow-wow/ 11 comments technology
- .ORG Domain Registry Sale to Ethos Capital Rejected in Stunning Victory for Public Interest Internet https://eff.org/press/releases/org-domain-registry-sale-ethos-capital-rejected-stunning-victory-public-interest 4 comments technology
- The Public Interest Internet: Transnational Digital Public Infrastructure, Tech Governance, and Industrial Policy https://berjon.com/public-interest-internet/ 2 comments futurology
- Major web companies and public interest groups announce Internet-Wide Day of Action to Save Net Neutrality https://www.fightforthefuture.org/news/2017-06-06-major-web-companies-and-public-interest-groups/ 4 comments politics
- President Trump, how is letting internet providers sell consumers’ browsing data in the public interest? https://pri.org/stories/2017-04-16/president-trump-how-letting-internet-providers-sell-consumers-browsing-data 30 comments politics
- Google, Facebook, eBay, and Amazon and create The Internet Association, a trade group "dedicated to advancing public policy solutions to strengthen and protect an open, innovative and free Internet." So, Reddit, do you think this group is going to represent our interests? http://scienceblogs.com/denialism/2012/08/04/hark-a-new-trade-group-is-born/ 69 comments technology
- Google, Microsoft team up to bring Super Wi-Fi to rural USA. Google, Microsoft and more than 500 rural US colleges, universities, and public interest groups have joined forces to finally solve the issue of rural internet connectivity — using Super Wi-Fi on the white space spectrum. http://www.extremetech.com/extreme/131810-google-microsoft-team-up-to-bring-super-wi-fi-to-rural-usa 42 comments technology
- Why US Internet Access is Slow and Expensive. "how the U.S. government has allowed a few powerful media conglomerates to put profit ahead of the public interest — rigging the rules, raising prices, and stifling competition" http://vimeo.com/59236702 1545 comments technology
- You can create your own personal VPN - on the public Internet - thanks to the nature of decentralization and blockchain. Definitely something people may be interested in knowing. https://www.syntropystack.com/vpn/ 6 comments cryptocurrency
- You can create your own personal VPN - on the public Internet - thanks to the nature of decentralization and blockchain. Definitely something people may be interested in knowing. https://www.syntropystack.com/vpn 42 comments cryptocurrency
- Judge Mocks Public Interest Concerns About Kicking People Off Internet, Tells Cox It's Not Protected By The DMCA https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20151120/15104732874/judge-mocks-public-interest-concerns-about-kicking-people-off-internet-tells-cox-not-protected-dmca.shtml 4 comments technology
- Over 90 academics, practitioners and public interest organizations from six continents have collectively warned that a secretive global treaty, currently being negotiated by governments of the world’s largest economies, would see tight controls placed on the internet. http://www.prisonplanet.com/academics-politicians-pending-global-treaty-threatens-free-internet-fundamental-rights.html 8 comments technology
- As the secret Anti-Counterfeiting (actually anti-piracy) Trade Agreement rolls forward, it's clear that some kind of Internet "enforcement" will end up in the text; but what kind? Thirty-eight corporate lawyers and 4 public interest lawyers are the only ones with a say. http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/news/2009/10/these-42-people-are-shaping-us-internet-enforcement-policy.ars 28 comments worldnews
- Germany's Constitutional Court has upheld the right of a man convicted of murder in 1982 to have his name removed from the internet. He killed 2 people and severely injured another. The judges ruled the justifiable public interest in reports that made perpetrators identifiable decreased with time. https://www.dw.com/en/germanys-top-court-upholds-murderers-right-to-be-forgotten/a-51436980 10 comments worldnews
- Protection of open Internet may fail in lame duck Congress, and next year, as Repubs take control of key House committees, leaving tech companies and public interest groups to make case for more regulation to the FCC. But FCC chairman has shown little appetite for a fight with the telecom industry http://www.npr.org/2010/11/18/131406116/midterm-elections-may-hinder-net-neutrality 4 comments politics