- Qt Creator 4.15: What's new in C++ support? https://www.qt.io/blog/qt-creator-4.15-whats-new-in-c-support-0 7 comments cpp
- New theme from the creator of the top rated theme https://addons.mozilla.org/en-CA/firefox/addon/plexus-crystals-turquoise/ 13 comments firefox
- Thoughts about the new XBOX ONE creator's club https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/comments/741d3g/thoughts_about_the_new_xbox_one_creators_club/ 14 comments gamedev
- Discord: The New Standard for Verifying Content Creators https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/comments/6sqihj/discord_the_new_standard_for_verifying_content/ 8 comments gamedev
- Siri's creators will unveil their new AI bot on Monday https://www.reddit.com/r/artificial/comments/4hy7ja/siris_creators_will_unveil_their_new_ai_bot_on/ 10 comments artificial
- Architecture in The Witness (new game by creator of Braid) http://the-witness.net/news/2011/12/architecture-in-the-witness/ 3 comments gamedev
- 3xpl.com — new adless and blazingly fast block explorer for Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash by Blockchair's creators! https://twitter.com/3xplcom/status/1617614747339489281 24 comments btc
- Bored Apes creator to launch new metaverse ‘Otherside’ https://forkast.news/headlines/bored-apes-creator-metaverse-otherside/ 39 comments cryptocurrency
- We, Wall, we, Wall, Raku: Perl creator blesses new name for version 6 of text-wrangling lingo https://www.theregister.co.uk/2019/10/11/perl_6_raku_larry_wall/ 10 comments perl
- ‘Storm Area 51’ creator has new plan: Alienstock — Can they plan a three-day festival in a town with 54 people in under six weeks? https://www.dailydot.com/unclick/storm-area-51-alienstock-rachel-nevada/ 5 comments politics
- New interview with Swift creator Chris Lattner https://developers.slashdot.org/story/17/01/23/085232/slashdots-interview-with-swift-creator-chris-lattner 7 comments swift
- Mango - a new video from the creator of badger badger badger badger mushroom! http://www.weebls-stuff.com/toons/mango/ 8 comments reddit.com
- How does Spore’s creature creator work?Specifically, with regard to remeshing the creature model when you add a new part. https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/comments/aeachd/how_does_spores_creature_creator_workspecifically/ 5 comments gamedev
- New Mutants Movie Spells Comics Co-Creator’s Name Wrong https://screenrant.com/new-mutants-movie-bob-mcleod-name-spelled-wrong/ 10 comments nottheonion
- TikTok creators are pretending to be Holocaust victims in heaven in a new trend dubbed 'trauma porn' https://www.insider.com/tiktok-trend-shows-people-pretending-to-be-holocaust-victims-heaven-2020-8 2220 comments nottheonion
- New Work by Gary Larson - Creator of 'The Far Side' https://www.thefarside.com/new-stuff 303 comments books
- New Bluetooth features in Windows 10 Creators Update (a.k.a. GATT Server and friends) https://blogs.windows.com/buildingapps/2017/01/13/new-bluetooth-features-in-creators-update-gatt-server-bluetooth-le/#3Ru4gzT2MMsq1Si5.97 12 comments windowsphone
- Bitcoin 'creator' backs out of coin move 'proof': The entrepreneur who has claimed to be the inventor of Bitcoin has reneged on a promise to present new "proof" to support his case. http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-36213580 17 comments technology
- AI robot that learns new words in real-time tells human creators it will keep them in a “people zoo" http://glitch.news/2015-08-27-ai-robot-that-learns-new-words-in-real-time-tells-human-creators-it-will-keep-them-in-a-people-zoo.html 28 comments worldnews
- [Creator] New Hobby Box. I'm just excited to release my first product. :) https://newhobbybox.com 7 comments startups
- "Btrfs Filesystem: Status and New Features" video, by Btrfs creator, Chris Mason http://video.linux.com/videos/btrfs-filesystem-status-and-new-features 31 comments linux
- Creator of the Ron Paul money bomb has a new site for setting up a debate where all candidates are invited http://www.thirdpartyticket.com/ 5 comments politics
- Dogecoin (DOGE) Co-Creator Says Web3 Has Zero Value, Warns NFTs Are a Way To Get New Suckers Into Crypto: Report https://dailyhodl.com/2022/06/04/dogecoin-doge-co-creator-says-web3-has-zero-value-warns-nfts-are-a-way-to-get-new-suckers-into-crypto-report/ 46 comments cryptocurrency
- New AI fake text generator may be too dangerous to release, say creators | Technology https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2019/feb/14/elon-musk-backed-ai-writes-convincing-news-fiction 11 comments technology
- New AI fake text generator may be too dangerous to release, say creators | Technology https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2019/feb/14/elon-musk-backed-ai-writes-convincing-news-fiction 7 comments technology
- Interview with the Creator of Javascript, Brendan Eich on his new web browser, Brave, and bitcoin micropayments. https://twitter.com/blockchannel/status/796924910111059968 6 comments javascript
- Director’s Cut: New Movie Creator App - Lumia Conversations http://lumiaconversations.microsoft.com/2014/11/13/directors-cut-new-movie-creator-app/ 3 comments windowsphone
- New 'Company' Claims It Uses Algorithms To Create Content Faster Than Creators Can, Making All Future Creations 'Infringing' https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20140929/08500728662/new-company-claims-it-uses-algorithms-to-create-content-faster-than-creators-can-making-all-future-creations-infringing.shtml 13 comments technology
- Susan Kare, the creator of original Macintosh system icons makes a new sticker pack for Path http://blog.path.com/post/48300512759/iconic-bites-by-susan-kare-now-available-in-the-shop 8 comments apple
- Scrabulous creators launch new game called Wordscraper to get around Hasbro. http://www.techcrunch.com/2008/07/31/wordscraper-hurts-my-eyes/ 3 comments reddit.com
- Litecoin Creator Charlie Lee Joins BTCS as New Independent Director https://finance.yahoo.com/news/litecoin-creator-charlie-lee-joins-120700436.html 4 comments cryptocurrency
- CentOS Creator Gregory Kurtzer Discusses His New Distro, Rocky Linux https://thenewstack.io/centos-creator-gregory-kurtzer-discusses-his-new-distro-rocky-linux/ 3 comments centos
- Airlander 10: is this the dawning of a new age of the airship? After maiden flight in Bedfordshire, creators of world’s largest aircraft say 100 could be in skies within five years https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/aug/17/airlander-10-is-this-the-dawning-of-a-new-age-of-the-airship 8 comments worldnews
- ‘Doom’ co-creator John Romero is making a new first-person shooter https://www.engadget.com/john-romero-fps-unreal-engine-5-194507701.html 181 comments technology
- 'Family Guy' creator helps Library of Congress obtain Carl Sagan's papers (And will also direct the new 'Cosmos' w/ NDT http://www.theithacajournal.com/viewart/20120627/news01/206270344/-family-guy-creator-helps-library-congress-obtain-carl-sagan-s-papers?odyssey=nav%7Chead 3 comments science
- The creators of the global Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty say focusing on emissions but not stopping new fossil fuel projects is a sure recipe for escalating climate failure. https://www.climateandcapitalmedia.com/its-not-an-energy-transition-if-we-keep-building-out-the-problem/ 10 comments climate
- Microsoft has filed a new declaration in support of Epic Games, stating Apple interfering with Unreal Engine would hurt creators, and keep people from playing not just their games but everyone's https://cdn2.unrealengine.com/epic-pi-tro-08-23-2020-819871195.pdf 4 comments technews
- Goodbye New World Order (NWO). Hello New Crypto Order (NCO). - Cryptocurrencies Hit New All-Time High To Ring In 2018! by Jeff Berwick, creator of "The $ Vigilante" (x-post r/conspiracy) https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7nz2wf/cryptocurrencies_hit_new_alltime_high_to_ring_in/ 4 comments btc
- New archeological research has shed fresh light on China's first emperor, creator of the world-famous terracotta army. A set of wooden slips found in the central province of Hunan contain an executive order from emperor Qin Shihuang for a nationwide search for the elixir of life http://www.france24.com/en/20171225-order-chinese-emperor-find-immortality 35 comments worldnews
- A new computer game where players assume the roles of border guards and shoot people trying to escape from communist East Germany has unleashed a storm of controversy in Germany. The game's creator says he wanted to teach young people about history, but he has been accused of glorifying violence. http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/0,1518,720467,00.html 28 comments worldnews