Hacker News
- Why I’m not switching to the Verizon iPhone: Need for speed http://www.bgr.com/2011/01/10/why-im-not-switching-to-the-verizon-iphone/ 2 comments
- In 2021, We Need To Fix America’s Internet - We Pay Twice As Much As Europe For High Speeds, Assuming We Can Even Get Them https://www.theverge.com/22177154/us-internet-speed-maps-competition-availability-fcc 1174 comments politics
- Coronavirus: Trump claims 'warp speed' action will create vaccine by end of year but experts say he will need a miracle https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-claims-warp-speed-action-will-create-vaccine-by-end-of-year-a9517516.html 25 comments politics
- Teen caught speeding at 106mph 'needed bathroom after too many hot wings' https://news.sky.com/story/teen-caught-speeding-at-106mph-needed-bathroom-after-too-many-hot-wings-11738598 3 comments nottheonion
- Teen caught speeding at 106mph 'needed bathroom after too many hot wings' https://news.sky.com/story/teen-caught-speeding-at-106mph-needed-bathroom-after-too-many-hot-wings-11738598 3 comments worldnews
- Climate change threat to Germans’ need for speed on Autobahn https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/jan/18/climate-rules-could-put-brakes-germany-no-limit-autobahns 5 comments worldnews
- [C++/OpenCV4] Need some help/ideas on speeding up Floyd-Steinberg dithering without degrading quality https://gist.github.com/vixfwis/b33e752b8dd246916eb5e33f68076457 10 comments learnprogramming
- Need some help finding a vintage Fuji 10 (maybe 12) speed https://www.reddit.com/r/bicycling/comments/9klkon/need_some_help_finding_a_vintage_fuji_10_maybe_12/ 3 comments bicycling
- Maybe you don't need Rust and WASM to speed up your JS http://mrale.ph/blog/2018/02/03/maybe-you-dont-need-rust-to-speed-up-your-js.html 109 comments programming
- Curious about download speeds, maybe need help with games. https://www.reddit.com/r/techsupport/comments/6y2a3s/curious_about_download_speeds_maybe_need_help/ 5 comments techsupport
- Do We Need a High-Speed Emergency Lane for the Internet? Communicating through a disaster is much more challenging than it appears. http://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/infrastructure/news/a27575/do-we-need-a-high-speed-emergency-lane-for-the-internet/ 8 comments technology
- My old hardware is affecting internet speed, need help diagnosing which hardware is at fault https://www.reddit.com/r/techsupport/comments/6ks50p/my_old_hardware_is_affecting_internet_speed_need/ 8 comments techsupport
- Do We Really Need To Speed Up Baseball? http://www.npr.org/sections/13.7/2017/03/31/522150591/do-we-really-need-to-speed-up-baseball?utm_source=twitter.com&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=npr&utm_term=nprnews&utm_content=20170403 44 comments baseball
- How much write/reading speed fo i need in my usb? https://www.reddit.com/r/techsupport/comments/5hxgqv/how_much_writereading_speed_fo_i_need_in_my_usb/ 3 comments techsupport
- Good free software/open-source driving games like Need for Speed? https://www.reddit.com/r/freesoftware/comments/51ae2x/good_free_softwareopensource_driving_games_like/ 4 comments freesoftware
- IGN gives away free codes to download Need for Speed: Most Wanted for iOS http://www.ign.com/prime/promo/needforspeed 32 comments apple
- The need for speed in traffic http://bikesafeboston.com/post/21264379122/the-need-for-speed 14 comments bicycling
- Unlimited Detail : 3D Speed, Hyperrealism without need for a GPU http://www.wired.com/gadgetlab/2010/04/unlimited-detail-3-d-graphics/ 7 comments reddit.com
- Linux feels the need for speed! http://www.computerworlduk.com/community/blogs/index.cfm?entryid=1259 28 comments linux
- Need for speed: Fugaku, Japan's new supercomputer, ranked fastest in world https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2020/06/23/national/fugaku-supercomputer-ranked-fastest/ 4 comments worldnews
- PCGH Benchmarks Need for Speed Payback http://www.pcgameshardware.de/Need-for-Speed-Payback-Spiel-56985/Specials/Benchmark-Review-Release-Test-Systemanforderungen-1243074/ 3 comments nvidia
- Need for speed: Just how fast is Google's new Nexus 4? http://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2012/10/need-for-speed-just-how-fast-is-googles-new-nexus-4 69 comments technology
- Need to replace old 6 speed suntour freewheel. What can I replace it with? https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001472M4K/ 11 comments bicycling
- DeepForSpeed: A self driving car in Need For Speed Most Wanted built with python + pytorch https://youtu.be/t0iqfM36mRc 20 comments python
- Mercedes need "more than speed" in title run-in https://www.gpfans.com/en/f1-news/70892/mercedes-need-more-than-speed-in-title-run-in/ 4 comments formula1
- Need for More Speed: Profiling and Optimizing the pbrt Build https://pharr.org/matt/blog/2019/10/23/profiling-the-pbrt-build.html 5 comments cpp
- What material and what speed would an asteroid-comet need to pierce a planet and exit the other side? xpost from /askreddit http://funnyphotography.info/30-charming-examples-of-cg-space-scenes/ 17 comments askscience
- Reddit & RobotRollCall's "Why exactly can nothing go faster than the speed of light" featured on Business Insider's Top 10 Things In Tech You Need To Know!! http://e.businessinsider.com/view/211s.pw/c9186506 73 comments askscience
- Started a new Page Speed view optimisation and caching package for Laravel, need input! https://www.reddit.com/r/laravel/comments/bmaj4q/started_a_new_page_speed_view_optimisation_and/ 11 comments laravel
- [Translated from Japanese] The Toro Rosso-Honda lacks straight-line speed. Urgent need to revamp their energy management. https://sportiva.shueisha.co.jp/clm/motorsports/motorsports/2018/05/02/___split_13/index_5.php 66 comments formula1
- Republicans see need for speed to satisfy Trump's tax overhaul demands http://abcnews.go.com/politics/republicans-speed-satisfy-trumps-tax-overhaul-demands/story?id=50759017 4 comments worldnews
- High-speed cameras help explain high-school chemistry. The textbooks need to be rewritten on what's happening when a piece of sodium is dropped into water http://www.rsc.org/chemistryworld/2015/01/alkali-metal-explosion-explained 4 comments science
- World speed record for polymer simulations shattered by over a hundred-fold. A unique computer algorithm was invented to capture the billions of steps needed for entangled polymers. https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2018-09/uu-wsr091418.php 8 comments science
- No need for speed: Cable industry opposes 25Mbps broadband definition. Normal people don't need 25Mbps down or 3Mbps up, cable lobby says. http://arstechnica.com/business/2015/01/no-need-for-speed-cable-industry-opposes-25mbps-broadband-definition/ 130 comments politics
- "Steph Curry went through his second full speed scrimmage today. Steve Kerr said he thinks Curry needs more before being cleared to return and pumped brakes on definite Sunday return: “If it’s Sunday, great. If it’s not, that’s fine, too." https://streamable.com/caglx 80 comments nba
- SpaceX says more Starlink orbits will speed service, reduce launch needs https://spacenews.com/spacex-says-more-starlink-orbits-will-speed-service-reduce-launch-needs/ 4 comments space
- Unai Emery: “It is difficult to predict the potential of Kubo, he has similar characteristics to what I saw in David Silva when I arrived at Valencia. He plays well between the lines, he drives with speed … He needs to keep growing.” https://sportsfinding.com/kubo-has-characteristics-similar-to-those-of-david-silva/68918/ 13 comments soccer
- Calculator for Science Packs Needed per second, given number of labs, research cycle time, and speed bonuses. I made this based on information available in the wiki. https://codepen.io/jamesmskelsey/pen/ExPNdaK 3 comments factorio
- "I think I’m going to put an order," the president continued. "When we build a new aircraft carrier, we’re going to use steam. I’m going to just put out an order: We’re going to use steam. We don’t need that extra speed." https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-future-aircraft-carriers-are-going-to-use-steam-2019-5 35 comments worldnews
- Great profile of T. Pham and his training: "my ground speed is 22 (mph). Turner ran 22.7 (mph). So, you see, I’m behind. … I’m still looking to gain. Because when I’ve done my research on these certain players in the game, they’re still ahead of me. I need to catch them.” http://www.stltoday.com/sports/baseball/professional/pham-does-his-job-by-the-numbers/article_68446053-7ebe-5e22-a8a4-86617d6d1d1c.html 29 comments baseball