Hacker News
- How the Curse of Lisp impacts your business (even if you don't use Lisp) https://medium.com/@pc.peterso/how-the-curse-of-lisp-impacts-your-business-even-if-you-dont-use-lisp-33fa2097c6cc 56 comments
- The Lisp Curse (2017) http://www.winestockwebdesign.com/Essays/Lisp_Curse.html 89 comments
- The Lisp Curse (2011) http://www.winestockwebdesign.com/Essays/Lisp_Curse.html 98 comments
- The Lisp Curse (2011) http://www.winestockwebdesign.com/Essays/Lisp_Curse.html 3 comments
- The Lisp Curse (2011) http://winestockwebdesign.com/Essays/Lisp_Curse.html 119 comments
- The Lisp Curse (2011) http://www.winestockwebdesign.com/Essays/Lisp_Curse.html 303 comments
- The Lisp Curse http://www.winestockwebdesign.com/Essays/Lisp_Curse.html 54 comments
- The Lisp Curse http://www.winestockwebdesign.com/Essays/Lisp_Curse.html 151 comments
- The Lisp Curse http://www.winestockwebdesign.com/Essays/Lisp_Curse.html 8 comments lisp , programming
- The Lisp "Curse" Redemption Arc, or how I learned to stop worrying and love the CONS https://applied-langua.ge/posts/lisp-curse-redemption-arc.html 7 comments lisp
- What is the curse of Lisp in simple terms? https://freshcodeit.com/freshcode-post/myths-of-lisp-curse 11 comments clojure
- Perl can escape the Lisp Curse https://phoenixtrap.com/2021/06/22/perl-lisp-curse/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=perl-lisp-curse 7 comments coding
- Perl can escape the Lisp Curse https://phoenixtrap.com/2021/06/22/perl-lisp-curse/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=perl-lisp-curse 21 comments perl
- The Lisp Curse http://www.winestockwebdesign.com/Essays/Lisp_Curse.html 22 comments julia
- What is the Curse of Lisp? https://youtu.be/_J3x5yvQ8yc 11 comments lisp
- The Lisp Curse [submitted 8 years ago, still interesting] http://www.winestockwebdesign.com/essays/lisp_curse.html 25 comments lisp
- The curse of Lisp http://www.winestockwebdesign.com/essays/lisp_curse.html 21 comments lisp
- TIL about the Lisp Curse http://www.winestockwebdesign.com/essays/lisp_curse.html 271 comments programming
- The Lisp Curse: The power of Lisp is its own worst enemy http://www.winestockwebdesign.com/essays/lisp_curse.html 4 comments programming
- The Lisp Curse http://www.winestockwebdesign.com/essays/lisp_curse.html 10 comments lisp