Hacker News
- Google-funded startup builds search engine + API for predicting the future http://www.technologyreview.com/computing/26452/ 16 comments
- The Future of Startup Funding http://www.paulgraham.com/future.html 3 comments
- The Future of Startup Funding http://paulgraham.com/future.html 91 comments
- Ethereum Is A Big Part of Future VC Funding in Blockchain Startups – The Merkle http://themerkle.com/ethereum-is-a-big-part-of-future-vc-funding-in-blockchain-startups/ 7 comments ethereum
- Future Tech Ventures launches with €20M fund for startups in Northern Netherlands https://thenextweb.com/news/future-tech-ventures-fund-for-startups-northern-netherlands 2 comments technews
- Google Teams Up with CIA to Fund "Recorded Future" Startup Monitoring Websites, Blogs & Twitter Accounts http://www.democracynow.org/2010/7/30/google_teams_up_with_cia_to 4 comments technology
- This Is a Glimpse of the Future of AI Robots - Physical Intelligence, a well-funded startup chasing breakthroughs in robotic intelligence, has developed a robot capable of doing various household chores remarkably well. https://www.wired.com/story/physical-intelligence-home-robot/ 13 comments futurology