Hacker News
- The Feynman Technique–how to learn anything https://twitter.com/SahilBloom/status/1475096936395026434 5 comments
- The Feynman Learning Technique https://fs.blog/2021/02/feynman-learning-technique/ 2 comments
- The Feynman Technique: The Best Way to Learn Anything (2012) https://fs.blog/2012/04/learn-anything-faster-with-the-feynman-technique/ 45 comments
- The Feynman Technique: The Best Way to Learn Anything https://www.fs.blog/2012/04/learn-anything-faster-with-the-feynman-technique/ 13 comments
- The Best Way to Learn Anything: The Feynman Technique https://www.farnamstreetblog.com/2012/04/learn-anything-faster-with-the-feynman-technique/ 16 comments
- Learn Anything Faster With The Feynman Technique (2012) http://www.farnamstreetblog.com/2012/04/learn-anything-faster-with-the-feynman-technique/ 9 comments
- The Feynman Technique 2.0: How to Take Your Learning to the Next Level https://themindcollection.com/the-feynman-technique/ 13 comments
- The Feynman Technique showed me how to learn things more effectively and simplify them https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RleSyp16lLE 12 comments productivity
- There is a big difference between knowledge and wisdom.If you want to learn things fast as hell and actually understand what you are learning I suggest ‘The Feynman Technique’. It was popularized by Richard Feynman a Noble Award-winning Quantum Physicist. Here is a quick guide. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pqQylOcW7gM 29 comments productivity