- How Niagara Falls might not be Canada's "Natural beauty" or even natural. https://www.everythingcanada.org/blog/how-niagara-falls-might-not-be-canadas-natural-beauty-or-even-natural 7 comments nottheonion
- Natural Gas Prices Fall Below Zero In Texas | OilPrice.com https://oilprice.com/energy/gas-prices/natural-gas-prices-fall-below-zero-in-texas.html 8 comments economy
- Global wildlife populations fall 60% as WWF declares state of emergency for natural world https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2018/10/30/global-wildlife-populations-fall-60-wwf-declares-state-emergency/ 27 comments worldnews
- Study published in Nature suggests fall and rise of earth's crust takes approximately 2 billion years. http://www.nature.com/news/ancient-crust-rises-from-the-deep-1.12859 3 comments science
- Earth Overshoot Day 2024 falls on August 1st | the date when humanity’s demand on nature’s resources surpasses Earth’s capacity to regenerate them for the given year. https://www.clubofrome.org/impact-hubs/climate-emergency/earth-overshoot-day/ 31 comments climate
- Falling behind: postdocs in their thirties tire of putting life on hold (Nature) https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-023-03296-9 2 comments science
- Couple's win forces Smiths Falls to revisit approach to 'naturalized' lawns https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/smith-falls-naturalized-lawn-yard-victory-bylaw-environment-ecology-wildlife-diversity-1.6467370 102 comments upliftingnews
- Couple's court win forces Smiths Falls to revisit approach to 'naturalized' lawns https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/smith-falls-naturalized-lawn-yard-victory-bylaw-environment-ecology-wildlife-diversity-1.6467370 36 comments environment
- 'Nature and Physics Will Not Fall for It': Greta Thunberg Rips Into Climate Theatrics of World Leaders https://www.commondreams.org/news/2021/07/02/nature-and-physics-will-not-fall-it-greta-thunberg-rips-climate-theatrics-world 4 comments environment
- Based on 20 years of data, energy storage would have to cost $10 to $20/kWh for a 100% wind-solar mix with storage to be beat a nuclear power plant providing baseload electricity; against a natural gas peaker plant, this falls to $5/kWh. But if it is only 95% wind-solar, it can be $150/kWh. https://www.cell.com/joule/fulltext/S2542-4351(19)30300-9 12 comments energy
- Based on 20 years of data, energy storage would have to cost $10 to $20/kWh for a 100% wind-solar mix with storage to be beat a nuclear power plant providing baseload electricity; against a natural gas peaker plant, this falls to $5/kWh. But if it is only 95% wind-solar, it can be $150/kWh. https://www.cell.com/joule/fulltext/s2542-4351(19)30300-9 33 comments science
- Humans causing shrinking of nature as larger animals die off: Average size of wild animals predicted to fall by a quarter in 100 years through extinctions https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2019/may/23/humans-causing-shrinking-of-nature-as-larger-animals-die-off 9 comments worldnews
- One of Trump’s biggest lies is falling apart. So naturally, he’s blaming the media for it. https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/plum-line/wp/2016/08/29/one-of-trumps-biggest-lies-is-falling-apart-so-naturally-hes-blaming-the-media-for-it/?utm_term=.043a28125c8c 3 comments politics
- One of Trump’s biggest lies is falling apart. So naturally, he’s blaming the media for it. https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/plum-line/wp/2016/08/29/one-of-trumps-biggest-lies-is-falling-apart-so-naturally-hes-blaming-the-media-for-it/?utm_term=.89249872c589 255 comments politics
- Sweden is facing its ‘day of reckoning’ as house prices plummet • The fall in property prices is not surprising given the "dysfunctional" nature of the market • Some economists anticipate a 20% downturn in property prices from peak to trough. https://www.cnbc.com/2023/01/11/sweden-is-facing-its-day-of-reckoning-as-house-prices-plummet.html 7 comments europes
- When a tree dies naturally or falls due to extreme weather events, new life springs forward. It can take up to 100 years or more for wood to decompose, depending on the species and forest type. According to researchers “There are no data to unequivocally estimate what is ‘enough’” dead wood. https://daily.jstor.org/what-happens-to-a-tree-when-it-dies/ 13 comments science
- [Reiss] Opt-out decisions are naturally very personal in nature for players. Specific to Patriots TE Matt LaCosse, some background: His wife, Jessica, is pregnant and the due date falls during the 2020 season. https://mobile.twitter.com/MikeReiss/status/1289973346311036928 24 comments nfl
- MPs warn post-Brexit environment plans fall ‘woefully short’ - Proposals to replace EU rules severely ‘downgrade’ green principles. Most of the laws that protect the UK’s air & water & its nature from destruction come from the EU. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2019/apr/25/mps-warn-post-brexit-environment-plans-fall-woefully-short 10 comments worldnews
- Languages because they're constructed can pose and derange, but always fall short of what in nature merely grows https://iai.tv/video/limits-of-language?access=all 3 comments philosophy
- Earth's resources consumed in ever greater destructive volumes. Earth Overshoot Day falls on 1 August this year, set to run out of resources two days sooner than last year - marking the point at which consumption exceeds the capacity of nature to regenerate, says study. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2018/jul/23/earths-resources-consumed-in-ever-greater-destructive-volumes 11 comments science
- "How to Build a Universe that Doesn't Fall Apart Two Days Later" -- Philip K. Dick's finest essay on the nature of reality http://deoxy.org/pkd_how2build.htm 16 comments books
- Victoria Falls: One of world’s natural wonders at risk of drying up because of climate change, warns Zambian president - Edgar Lungu said drought had reduced water levels at the falls – which border Zambia and Zimbabwe – to their lowest in 25 years. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/africa/victoria-falls-climate-change-crisis-drought-zambia-zimbabwe-natural-wonders-a9231196.html 3 comments worldnews
- "I thought he was going to fall on me. It was a natural reaction" Harry Maguire explains his clash with Michy Batshuayi which VAR decided was not a red card https://twitter.com/SkySportsPL/status/1229528656298553344 638 comments soccer
- In Michel de Montaigne’s essay, “On the Custom of Wearing Clothing,” he looks at the nature and disadvantages of wearing clothes. Some of these arguments, however, fall into a naturalistic fallacy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?ab_channel=PhilosophyToons&v=MmpZ4fHNF8M 4 comments philosophy
- New research found optimal timing of warm baths and showers for cooling down of core body temperature in order to improve sleep quality is about 90 minutes before going to bed, which aids the natural circadian process and increase chances of falling asleep quickly and have better quality sleep. https://news.utexas.edu/2019/07/19/take-a-warm-bath-1-2-hours-before-bedtime-to-get-better-sleep-researchers-find/ 746 comments science
- Bicycles: Making good women go bad since the 1800s “Cycling tends to destroy the sweet simplicity of her girlish nature; besides how dreadful it would be if, by some accident, she were to fall into the arms of a strange man” http://fitisafeministissue.wordpress.com/2013/03/27/bicycles-making-good-women-go-bad-since-the-1800s/ 10 comments bicycling
- Sami Zayn says he was more likely to win a world title under Vince McMahon than he is under Triple H - "I think things were a lot more unpredictable because of the nature of Vince's week to week, kind of approach, that sometimes the marble would just fall in the right hole, and now you're champion" https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/wwe/article-13411603/Sami-Zayn-WWE-world-title-Vince-McMahon-Triple-H.html 14 comments squaredcircle
- Texas will get more electricity from solar and wind power than natural gas next year, EIA projects. Texas "is likely to experience the largest shift in generation mix in 2023," the EIA said, with natural gas falling to 36 percent and solar and wind power rising to 37 percent. https://theweek.com/energy/1019043/texas-will-get-more-electricity-from-solar-and-wind-power-than-natural-gas-next-year?amp= 25 comments energy
- Oil and Gas’s Pivot to Blue Hydrogen Is Falling Through. The oil and gas industry’s plan to convince the world to switch from natural gas to hydrogen made from natural gas is being upended by an unexpected cause: economics. https://theintercept.com/2022/07/30/blue-hydrogen-climate-oil-and-gas/ 96 comments energy
- The market has spoken: Coal is dying. Coal just can't keep up with dirt-cheap natural gas and increasingly affordable renewables. "If there is any sort of policy on carbon pricing the coal industry will fall off even faster." https://www.cnn.com/2019/09/20/business/coal-power-dying/index.html 47 comments energy
- Support for fracking falls to lowest ever level, finds official UK government survey - Destruction to natural environment the main reason for opposing fracking https://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/support-for-fracking-lowest-ever-level-finds-official-government-survey-a8908016.html 264 comments worldnews
- African elephants "could fall by 1/5" due to poaching - There were 100 million at turn of 20th century. That has fallen to 1/2 million. 22,000 were killed in 2012. Rate of killing compared to natural population growth means the largest animal on earth could soon become extinct. http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2013/dec/02/african-elephant-numbers-fall-poaching 259 comments worldnews
- There’s a lot of good news about American energy. US oil and natural gas production has hit new record highs, while carbon emissions have declined. Emissions are falling even though the economy is growing and we’re using more energy. That means the economy is getting less “carbon-intensive.” https://finance.yahoo.com/news/theres-a-lot-of-good-news-about-american-energy-000946086.html 50 comments energy
- There’s a lot of good news about American energy. US oil and natural gas production has hit new record highs, while carbon emissions have declined. Emissions are falling even though the economy is growing and we’re using more energy. That means the economy is getting less “carbon-intensive.” https://finance.yahoo.com/news/theres-a-lot-of-good-news-about-american-energy-000946086.html 8 comments economy
- Bitcoin price falls sharply amid Wall Street sell-off, with value cut in half since November. The key line “It’s human nature to think, ‘I’m making money, therefore I’m really smart and this thing will keep going up,’ ” he said. “They were right, but not as right as they thought they were.” https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2022/01/22/crypto-crash-bitcoin-fed/ 17 comments cryptocurrency
- Finally some relief: Gasoline and natural gas prices are falling. Cooling energy prices, if they last, could take significant inflationary pressure off the US economy. Shortage fears on the natural gas front were overdone, especially considering the US is the largest producer of gas on the planet. https://www.cnn.com/2021/12/07/energy/gas-prices/index.html 21 comments energy
- A quarter of the world’s tropical land could disappear by the end of the century unless meat and dairy consumption falls. If the global demand for animal products continues to grow, large swathes of natural land will vanish potentially leading to widespread loss of species and their habitats. https://www.ed.ac.uk/news/2019/diet-change-needed-to-save-vast-areas-of-tropics 68 comments science
- Humans May Be Accidentally Geoengineering the Oceans - Iron particles released by industrial activities are falling into the seas in greater quantities than previously thought. Known as “iron fertilization,” it could promote the growth of phytoplankton, which naturally suck up carbon dioxide. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/humans-may-be-accidentally-geoengineering-the-oceans/ 4 comments worldnews
- Russia has become almost a petro-state—a nation of roughly 140 million people, many of them highly educated, whose wealth comes mostly from the blunt-force industries of resource extraction, and whose economy rises and falls on individual fluctuations in the price of oil or natural gas http://www.bostonglobe.com/ideas/2015/01/04/russian-science-amazing-why-hasn-taken-over-world/u61vuliq3ljiyimy0olz7n/story.html 133 comments worldnews
- Germany: Solar PV electricity falling rapidly in cost. Current cost for PV electricity is ~0.15 € / kWh (US $0.22 / kWh). Wacker Chemie, one of the world's largest polysilicon manufacturers, predicts ~0.08 € / kWh (US $0.12 / kWh) by 2016, making it cheaper than natural gas electricity. http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&ie=utf8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=de&tl=en&twu=1&u=http://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/unternehmen/0,1518,783180,00.html 36 comments technology