- US could be witnessing 'end of a two-party system': Republican governor http://abcnews.go.com/politics/us-witnessing-end-party-system-republican-governor/story?id=53330459 548 comments politics
- The Republican Party and the End of Enlightenment: "Republican discourse is a never-ending torrent of lies, idiocies, and absurdities—the very antithesis of Reason." https://www.commondreams.org/views/2021/05/23/republican-party-and-end-enlightenment 321 comments politics
- The Republican Party Is Now in Its End Stages https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2021/02/the-republican-party-is-now-in-its-end-stages/618132/ 6 comments politics
- The Atlantic | The Republican Party Is Now in Its End Stages https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2021/02/the-republican-party-is-now-in-its-end-stages/618132/ 4 comments politics
- The Republican Party Is Now in Its End Stages https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2021/02/the-republican-party-is-now-in-its-end-stages/618132/ 358 comments politics
- The End Of A Republican Party https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/the-end-of-a-republican-party/?ex_cid=538fb 565 comments politics
- America, you're watching the beginning of the end of the Republican Party http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2015/08/31/america-youre-watching-beginning-end-republican-party.html?intcmp=sem_outloud 482 comments politics
- Is this the end of the Republican Party? - BBC News http://www.bbc.com/news/election-us-2016-36862552 30 comments politics
- John Boehner's Resignation Signals The End Of The Republican Party http://www.forwardprogressives.com/speaker-john-boehners-resignation-signals-the-end-of-the-republican-party/ 25 comments politics
- Anarchy in the GOP: The End of Authority in the Republican Party http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2014/06/mutiny-in-the-gop-the-end-of-authority-in-the-republican-party/372654/ 4 comments politics
- You are witnessing the end of the Republican Party as we know it. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/10/04/opinion/the-moderates-who-lighted-the-fuse.html 3 comments politics
- Tea Party Republicans May End Party Discipline http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-01-10/tea-party-republicans-may-end-party-discipline-commentary-by-ralph-nader.html 6 comments politics
- This is where the Republican party has ended up: supporting an ignorant buffoon who believes in the End Times and speaking in tongues while deriding some of the best strategies for scientific research http://scienceblogs.com/pharyngula/2008/10/sarah_palin_ignorant_and_antis.php? 9 comments politics
- Max Boot on the end of conservatism: “The Republican Party needs to be burned down” https://www.salon.com/2018/10/16/max-boot-on-the-end-of-conservatism-the-republican-party-needs-to-be-burned-down/ 461 comments politics
- Dem rep predicts ‘civil war’ in Republican Party if Trump ends DACA with delay http://thehill.com/homenews/house/349168-dem-rep-predicts-civil-war-in-republican-party-if-trump-ends-daca-with-delay 15 comments politics
- Birthright citizenship was one of the Republican Party’s greatest accomplishments. Now some Republicans want to end it. https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/plum-line/wp/2015/08/18/birthright-citizenship-was-one-of-the-republican-partys-greatest-accomplishments-now-some-republicans-want-to-end-it/ 263 comments politics
- Obama’s very secret plot to end the Republican Party http://www.newrepublic.com/article/112493/republican-self-pity-obamas-secret-plot-end-gop# 6 comments politics
- While the Tea Party and Republicans continue screaming about bailouts, the biggest one, the $700 billion TARP, will end up costing taxpayers $50 billion at most, and could conceivably turn a profit in the end. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/10/01/business/01tarp.html?_r=2&hp 5 comments politics
- ‘A Republican Party unraveling’: GOP plunged into crisis as Trump abruptly ends economic relief talks, dismisses virus https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trump-republicans-senate-coronavirus/2020/10/07/6cbfc724-08bb-11eb-9be6-cf25fb429f1a_story.html 27 comments politics
- Republican party wants to end perception as "stuffy, old white men" http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2013/03/18/republicans-want-to-end-perception-as-stuffy-old-men/ 4 comments nottheonion
- 'The answer is no': Mohave County judge rejects Republican Party of Arizona lawsuit to end early voting https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/politics/elections/2022/06/06/arizona-early-voting-upheld-judge-rejecting-gop-attempt-end/7507444001/ 31 comments politics
- The Republican Civil War has started. Senate to pass bipartisan bill to end the shutdown/raise debt ceiling, as moderate and tea party House Republicans were unable to agree on a bill due to irrevocable differences. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/15/government-shutdown-updates_n_4100137.html#619_senate-budget-deal-imminent-after-after-house-fails 8 comments politics
- How to end a Fox News interview abruptly: Call Fox 'a wing of the Republican Party' http://www.dailykos.com/story/2012/11/26/1164764/-how-to-end-a-fox-news-interview-abruptly-call-fox-a-wing-of-the-republican-party 61 comments politics
- End the GOP | In order to save our democracy, we must not merely defeat the Republican Party. https://newrepublic.com/article/156411/end-gop 754 comments politics
- Reflecting upon Trump’s actions, Matt Borges, the Republican Party chairman in battleground Ohio, said, “Can this thing just end — please?” “My God,” he sighed, “what a nightmare.” https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trumps-bad-week-is-a-nightmare-for-the-gop/2016/09/30/e9290ad8-8727-11e6-92c2-14b64f3d453f_story.html 11 comments politics
- Is This the End of the GOP as We Know It? - "This is something that’s very new, very strange, and very hard to assimilate into what we thought we knew about how the Republican Party worked." http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/interrogation/2016/01/rick_perlstein_historian_of_conservatism_on_donald_trump_and_the_gop_crack.html 6 comments politics
- Republicans End 2012 by Showing Their Contempt for Everyone Who is Not Rich: It is an incredibly sad commentary on American politics to know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the Republican Party's view of the population they were elected to serve is one of contempt http://www.politicususa.com/republicans-2012-showing-contempt-rich.html 4 comments politics
- Fox interview ends after guest accuses network of operating "as wing of republican party" http://www.mediaite.com/tv/fox-interview-ends-after-guest-accuses-network-of-operating-as-wing-of-the-republican-party/ 731 comments politics
- Crack-Pot meet Tea-kettle: "I could buy a parrot and train it to say, ‘tax cuts,’ but at the end of the day, it’s still a parrot, not a conservative." Delaware Republican Party chairman Tom Ross on O'Donnell win. http://voices.washingtonpost.com/postpartisan/2010/09/the_tea_party_from_rebellion_t.html 25 comments politics
- Amid acrimony, Senate moves toward historic vote to change its rules - Reid said he planned use a party-line vote to change the Senate’s rules so that nominees can be confirmed by a simple majority, thereby doing an end run around a Republican blockade of nominees to key boards. http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/amid-acrimony-senate-moves-toward-historic-vote-to-change-its-rules/2013/07/11/e3e06e2c-ea45-11e2-a301-ea5a8116d211_story.html?wprss=rss_politics 4 comments politics
- Liberals are convinced that the Republican Party has a death wish. It is sprinting to the right-most fever swamps of American life. It will end up alienating the moderate voters. There’s only one problem with this theory... http://www.nytimes.com/2010/09/17/opinion/17brooks.html?_r=2&ref=opinion 17 comments politics
- How Barack Obama joined hands with Republicans to conquer his party on trade By the end, Nancy Pelosi was left to lament that she was shut out. http://www.politico.com/story/2015/06/how-barack-obama-joined-hands-with-republicans-to-conquer-his-party-on-trade-119444.html#ixzz3eo873syr 8 comments politics
- Mitch McConnell's biggest challenge: Is the "Grim Reaper" nearing the final curtain? | Mitch's legacy is a damaged Senate and a thoroughly corrupted Republican Party. Losing in 2022 could be the end https://www.salon.com/2022/09/25/mitch-mcconnells-biggest-challenge-is-the-grim-reaper-nearing-the-final-curtain/ 535 comments politics
- The Loutish Lemmings of the GOP — Flailing into oblivion, the frat boy politics of the Republican Party simply may end in its unseemly collapse—or national disaster. https://www.commondreams.org/views/2021/04/14/loutish-lemmings-gop 10 comments politics
- Why Clinton’s immigration speech left many Republican rivals speechless:“Republicans’ intransigence has created an obvious opportunity for Hillary to rip off our arms and beat us with the bloody ends,” Cullen said. “She’s expertly exploiting our party’s internal problems.” http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/why-clintons-immigration-speech-left-many-republican-rivals-speechless/2015/05/06/846bc592-f423-11e4-b2f3-af5479e6bbdd_story.html?postshare=9591431000677692 102 comments politics
- New York area-lawmakers in both parties erupted in anger late Tuesday night after learning the House Republican leadership decided to allow the current term of Congress to end without holding a vote on aid for victims of Superstorm Sandy. http://news.yahoo.com/ny-area-lawmakers-house-gop-scraps-vote-sandy-045956219.html 3 comments politics
- How the Tea Party movement crucified Charlie Crist -- The growing influence of conservatives over the Republicans could end the party career of a moderate who has served it in Florida all his political life. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/how-the-tea-party-movement-crucified-charlie-crist-1956198.html 6 comments politics
- Democrats leading GOP by 25 points among women: The Republican fight against health care rights for women may end up hurting the party on election day, according to a new poll. http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2012/03/12/democrats-leading-gop-by-25-points-among-women/#.t147nchksrc.reddit 68 comments politics
- The Republican National Committee is pouring resources into Colorado, adding more than a dozen staffers as a new Senate candidate and sagging poll numbers for Democrats raise GOP hopes of ending the party's decade-long drought on top-of-the-ticket wins in the state http://bigstory.ap.org/article/republican-party-ups-investment-colorado 5 comments politics
- The gun lobby’s con game will come to an end "At this point, Democrats have little to lose. Only fearlessness will flip the politics of guns and begin to put Republicans on the defensive. Surely some in the GOP know that their party cannot forever embrace an irrational absolutism ..." https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/the-gun-lobbys-con-game-will-wind-down/2016/01/06/01e33d9e-b4ad-11e5-9388-466021d971de_story.html 26 comments politics