- Patients are becoming collateral damage in US war on drugs http://america.aljazeera.com/opinions/2013/11/pain-medication-fdawarondrugs.html 5 comments politics
- Rachel Hoffman: The Drug War's Latest Collateral Damage http://reason.com/blog/show/126475.html 22 comments reddit.com
- Duterte says children killed in Philippines drug war are 'collateral damage' https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/oct/17/duterte-says-children-killed-in-philippines-drug-war-are-collateral-damage 176 comments worldnews
- Five Economics Nobel Laureates Call for End to War on Drugs and Its "Collateral Damage" http://panampost.com/belen-marty/2014/05/08/five-economics-nobel-laureates-call-for-end-to-war-on-drugs-and-its-collateral-damage/ 3 comments economy
- Duterte has a name for innocent people killed in the Philippines’ drug war: Collateral damage https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2016/10/18/duterte-has-a-name-for-innocent-people-killed-in-the-philippines-drug-war-collateral-damage/?hpid=hp_hp-more-top-stories-2_wv-duterte-515am%3Ahomepage%2Fstory 8 comments worldnews
- Three innocent people killed in drug raids. In all three cases, the cops who shot them were cleared, and authorities say there will be no change in procedures. Conclusion: The occasional dead innocent is just inevitable, acceptable drug war collateral damage. http://reason.com/archives/2010/01/11/that-other-war 50 comments reddit.com
- War on Drugs: The Collateral Damage - Prohibition militarizes police, enriches our enemies, undermines our laws, and condemns our sick to suffering. http://culture11.com/article/36436 11 comments politics
- Philippines senator defends police over toddler's death in drugs raid - A senator who oversaw the most violent period in the Philippines’ war on drugs has dismissed the killing of a three-year-old girl in a police drug operation as collateral damage, stating that “shit happens”. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/jul/05/philippines-senator-dela-rosa-defends-police-over-toddlers-death-in-drugs-raid 118 comments worldnews
- 'The drug war’s most serious collateral damage has been to undermine the role of civilian law enforcement in our free society.' - A tiny family home is raided by SWAT team executing an 8-day-old search warrant, and the only things seized were a pipe containing a small amount of marijuana residue http://www.cato-unbound.org/2011/11/09/norm-stamper/losing-hearts-and-minds-in-the-drug-war/ 7 comments politics