Hacker News
- Show HN: SuperMassive – Fast durable, in-memory, distributed key-value database https://github.com/supermassivedb/supermassive 2 comments
- Show HN: EloqKV – Scalable distributed ACID key-value database with Redis API https://www.eloqdata.com/blog/2024/08/16/eloqkv 40 comments
- Show HN: RonDB – fast key-value database in the cloud https://www.rondb.com/ 48 comments
- Pros and cons of different ways of storing Enum values in the database https://zubialevich.blogspot.com/2019/08/enum-vaues-in-the-database.html 2 comments
- Realm is a mobile database: an alternative to SQLite and key-value stores https://github.com/realm/realm-js 35 comments
- FPGA-based hardware acceleration for a key-value store database (2014) https://dspace.mit.edu/handle/1721.1/91829 45 comments
- Sophia: A modern embeddable key-value database – v1.2.2 released http://sphia.org/index.html 42 comments
- Sophia – A modern embeddable key-value database http://sphia.org 11 comments
- Membase: A distributed key-value database for modern web applications http://www.membase.org/ 15 comments
- Starskey - High performance embedded key-value database (LSM tree based) https://github.com/starskey-io/starskey 43 comments golang
- [Databases] A fully-managed embedded key-value store https://github.com/inlinedio/ikv-store 7 comments programming
- CachewDB - An in-memory, key value database implemented in Rust (obviously) https://github.com/theopfr/cachew-db 18 comments rust
- A cloud-native distributed key-value database https://github.com/chuyangliu/rawkv 6 comments golang
- Key-value database. https://github.com/ZSendokame/KDB 21 comments python
- Segment - A New Key-Value Database Written in Rust https://github.com/segment-dev/segment 11 comments rust
- Made a free “Selenium IDE”-like tool that can generate an entire codebase locally in Selenium, Cypress, Playwright or Puppeteer. Great for startups or people who need QA tests quickly for their projects. You can also re-use events and variables as well as grab/assert values from a database. https://automize.dev 17 comments programming
- ViperDB: A tiny log-structured key-value database written in pure Python. https://github.com/ostafen/viperdb 6 comments python
- Writing a simple in-memory key-value Database in Go https://github.com/arriqaaq/flashdb 14 comments golang
- Saved data values not saving correctly on MySQL database https://i.stack.imgur.com/Wu9QU.png 7 comments reactjs
- Whippet-Db - a fast embedded key-value database https://github.com/samokhodkin/whippet-db/blob/main/docs/tutorial/index.md 10 comments java
- I need a stable Key-Value database https://www.reddit.com/r/rust/comments/o0hhpp/i_need_a_stable_keyvalue_database/ 36 comments rust
- How to check if a property value is in the database and then choose and execute POST or PUT https://codesandbox.io/s/confident-dew-iyihk?file=/server/controller/user.controller.js 9 comments node
- Pros and cons of different ways of storing Enum values in the database https://zubialevich.blogspot.com/2019/08/enum-vaues-in-the-database.html 53 comments dotnet
- Pros and cons of different ways of storing Enum values in the database https://zubialevich.blogspot.com/2019/08/enum-vaues-in-the-database.html 26 comments csharp
- petermattis/pebble: RocksDB/LevelDB inspired key-value database in Go https://github.com/petermattis/pebble 7 comments golang
- BoltDB vs Badger: A Comparison of Go Key-Value databases https://tech.townsourced.com/post/boltdb-vs-badger/ 17 comments golang
- Thoughts on keeping or eliminating models whose database values won't change https://www.reddit.com/r/rails/comments/a2fkou/thoughts_on_keeping_or_eliminating_models_whose/ 28 comments rails
- Lightweight Key-Value Database https://www.reddit.com/r/csharp/comments/9lvvcu/lightweight_keyvalue_database/ 22 comments dotnet
- How to get the user form data not the value ' 's in database https://www.reddit.com/r/mysql/comments/7hijfh/how_to_get_the_user_form_data_not_the_value_s_in/ 11 comments mysql
- Populate second select based on first select, where the options will be values from a database https://www.reddit.com/r/web_design/comments/7gxl09/populate_second_select_based_on_first_select/ 4 comments web_design
- NoMethodError: undefined method `value_for_database' for "foo":String https://www.reddit.com/r/rails/comments/7bl4l5/nomethoderror_undefined_method_value_for_database/ 8 comments rails
- [php] Values won't go into mySQL database. No error message? https://www.reddit.com/r/learnprogramming/comments/74b9k1/php_values_wont_go_into_mysql_database_no_error/ 5 comments learnprogramming
- Practical Golang: Building a simple, distributed one-value database with Hashicorp Serf https://jacobmartins.com/2017/01/29/practical-golang-building-a-simple-distributed-one-value-database-with-hashicorp-serf/ 3 comments golang
- CSV vs SQL database for values that will change daily https://www.reddit.com/r/rails/comments/4r1nmi/csv_vs_sql_database_for_values_that_will_change/ 5 comments rails
- Datavetaren on Twitter: "As long as Internet exists #bitcoin will have value. Next Q is how much. How much worth is an immutable database?" https://twitter.com/Datavetaren/status/747007751088386049 5 comments btc
- Best way to handle pulling from a pool (array) of predefined values in database https://www.reddit.com/r/rails/comments/4lzdey/best_way_to_handle_pulling_from_a_pool_array_of/ 7 comments rails
- [jQuery]I'm a complete novice to web dev and I need some help regarding fetching values from a database. https://gist.github.com/anonymous/9ecdca7f900b996ccbae 13 comments learnprogramming
- hamsterdb - "Unlike other key-value databases, hamsterdb knows about the type of the keys and will use that information to optimize storage and algorithms... This memory layout drastically reduces the file size, reduces I/O, increases performance and improves scalability. " http://hamsterdb.com/ 37 comments programming
- Sophia - new embeddable key-value database designed for a highload http://sphia.org 32 comments programming
- American Values Survey Question Database | Books that contain dangerous ideas should be banned from public school libraries http://www.people-press.org/values-questions/q41f/ban-dangerous-books-from-public-school-libraries/#all 6 comments books