- [Cole] News: The Grizzlies are planning to retire Tony Allen’s No. 9 jersey next season, the former defensive standout told the Commercial Appeal. https://twitter.com/DamichaelC/status/1787846377013236095 48 comments nba
- [Ramón Fuentes] The Commercial Court dismisses Barcelona’s appeal for Gavi. Spanish youngster returns to the subsidiary record and right now he cannot be registered until the salary limit is lowered for next season. https://www.mundodeportivo.com/futbol/fc-barcelona/20230321/1001970635/juzgado-mercantil-desestima-recurso-barcelona-gavi.html 42 comments soccer
- [Cope] Madrid's 17th Commercial Court has dismissed UEFA's official appeal in the Super League case. UEFA can now do nothing against the Super League. https://www.cope.es/deportes/futbol/superliga/noticias/superliga-vuelve-ganar-una-nueva-batalla-judicial-20210713_1399593 4 comments soccer
- [Melchor Ruiz] Madrid's 17th Commercial Court has rejected UEFA's appeal in the Super League case. UEFA now officially can't do anything against the Super League https://twitter.com/melchorcope/status/1415014213806956547 99 comments soccer
- [Melchor Ruiz] Madrid's 17th Commercial Court have REJECTED UEFA's official appeal in the Super League case. UEFA now legally can't do anything against the Super League. https://twitter.com/melchorcope/status/1415014213806956547?s=21 4 comments soccer
- In punishing Memphis, state lawmakers embarrassed themselves - Chris Herrington, The Commercial Appeal https://www.commercialappeal.com/story/news/local/the-901/2018/04/18/memphis-punishment-removing-confederate-statues-tennessee-lawmakers-embarrassed-themselves/527492002/ 3 comments politics
- [Herrington via Commercial Appeal] Pick-and-Pop: Farewell to the greatest Grizzly Zach Randolph http://www.commercialappeal.com/story/sports/nba/grizzlies/pick-and-pop/2017/07/05/pick-and-pop-farewell-zach-randolph/450962001/ 27 comments nba
- [Calkins via Commercial Appeal] Zach Randolph is greatest of all Grizzlies, and it's hard to say goodbye http://www.commercialappeal.com/story/sports/columnists/geoff-calkins/2017/07/04/calkins-zach-randolph-greatest-all-grizzlies-and-its-hard-say-goodbye/450343001/ 36 comments nba
- [Commercial Appeal] Memphis G Mike Conley not expected back this season http://www.commercialappeal.com/sports/grizzlies/conley-not-expected-back-this-season-hairston-may-return-soon-2fab9af0-e5e3-459a-e053-0100007f7633-374534921.html 68 comments nba
- US Court of Appeals for DC strikes down FDA graphic warning labels on cigarettes: "The First Amendment requires the government not only to state a substantial interest justifying a regulation on commercial speech, but also to show that its regulation directly advances that goal" http://www.cnn.com/2012/08/24/justice/tobacco-warning-label-law/index.html 12 comments law
- [Commercial Appeal] Kanye West called Grizzlies' Mike Conley to tell him he was awesome http://www.commercialappeal.com/story/sports/2017/09/26/kanye-west-called-mike-conley-middle-night-tell-him-underrated/704120001/ 8 comments nba
- [Tillery] Griz center Marc Gasol has a broken right foot and will be out indefinitely, sources told The Commercial Appeal https://twitter.com/cagrizbeat/status/697190680985260036 344 comments nba
- FAA To Appeal Ruling Challenging Its Authority Over Commercial Drones http://online.wsj.com/news/article_email/sb10001424052702304732804579425603712376612-lmyqjaxmta0mdawndewndqywj 3 comments technology
- [Murdock via Commercial Appeal] Ian Clark back to the Bay? "It's not looking like it." On his quick stop to Memphis with the Larry O'Brien trophy. http://www.commercialappeal.com/story/sports/nba/2017/07/10/golden-state-warrior-ian-clark-returns-home-memphis-nba-championship-trophy/462860001/ 8 comments nba
- A film based on the horrors experienced by "comfort women" in Japanese military brothels during World War Two, whose doubtful commercial appeal meant it took 14 years and the contributions of 75,000 individual donors to complete, is top of the box office in South Korea. http://news.trust.org/item/20160303121548-d4vqe/?source=dpagetopic 11 comments worldnews