- Neovim is on the changelog podcast https://changelog.com/podcast/457 7 comments neovim
- Go Time: Weekly Go podcast from the Changelog http://gotime.fm 4 comments golang
- The State of Go in 2015 with Andrew Gerrand - The Changelog Podcast https://thechangelog.com/148/?utm_content=bufferf8f9d&utm_medium=twitter&utm_source=changelog&utm_campaign=buffer 12 comments golang
- Vim with Drew Neil, Tim Pope, and Yehuda Katz (The Changelog podcast) http://thechangelog.com/post/4557774334/episode-0-5-6-vim-with-drew-neil-tim-pope-and-yehuda-kat 3 comments vim
- Ghostty terminal is still on track to be released this month. Changelog podcast recorded an episode about it with the creator https://x.com/mitchellh/status/1869764913377468662 187 comments neovim
- Chris McCord talking about Elixir and Phoenix on The Changelog podcast http://5by5.tv/changelog/147 3 comments elixir