- The biggest obstacle to Joe Biden’s progressive agenda is a senator in his own party https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2021/06/08/the-biggest-obstacle-to-joe-bidens-progressive-agenda-is-a-senator-in-his-own-party.html 142 comments politics
- Congress’s Biggest Obstacle: Though the Congressional Budget Office is obscure to most Americans, politicians have enabled it to stand in the way of progressive ambitions. They don’t have to. https://prospect.org/politics/congress-biggest-obstacle-congressional-budget-office/ 6 comments politics
- It's not Republicans, it's not blocking blue dogs, or die-hard progressives who form the biggest political obstacle to enacting universal health care. It's Democrats, following Obama's lead. The Democrats have gone from the party of Change to the party of Excuses. http://www.commondreams.org/view/2009/09/03-11 7 comments politics