Hacker News
- The Best Essay https://paulgraham.com/best.html 236 comments
- I collected the best quotes from Paul Graham's essays http://blog.kaipakartik.com/2011/05/best-of-paul-graham.html 3 comments
- Best Paul Graham Essays - a listiki http://listiki.com/best-paul-graham-essays 16 comments
- Finding the Right Support: Seeking for the Best Essay Writing Service Reddit None 2 comments firebase
- The pursuit of truth can be paralyzing, and without art, it might even be impossible. Nietzsche shows how art at its best is not an imitation of reality, but an illusion that fortifies us to face the world again. An Essay from The Pamphlet https://www.the-pamphlet.com/articles/nietzsche-and-why-we-need-art-to-survive 13 comments philosophy
- 1992 | The Year's Best in Wrestling (Joseph Montecillo Video Essay) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OIYULUlslGY 2 comments squaredcircle
- For April Fool's day, here is one of the best humorous philosophy essays: "Possible Girls" https://sites.google.com/site/neiladri/home/sinhababu-possiblegirls.pdf?attredirects=0 38 comments philosophy
- Why Stoicism is one of the best mind-hacks ever devised – Lary Wallace | Aeon Essays https://aeon.co/essays/why-stoicism-is-one-of-the-best-mind-hacks-ever-devised 9 comments philosophy
- I categorized the best opinions, essays, stories, lists and guides from this sub https://codebook.snc.io/ 5 comments programming
- Happy birthday, Shirley Jackson! Here's an essay on her best novel http://flavorwire.com/447850/flavorwire-author-club-shirley-jacksons-haunting-final-novel-we-have-always-lived-in-the-castle 4 comments books
- For any of you wishing to understand Lacan's "Mirror Stage" essay, this is the best video I've found on the topic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22HEqRrXDlM 12 comments philosophy
- The *real* best essay ever - beats the shit out of the 2g1c one http://www.swordians.com/funny%20pics/funnyessay/ezzayfoshizzle.html 12 comments reddit.com
- The Best Essay Ever http://www.compfused.com/directlink/103/ 3 comments reddit.com
- Best Essay Ever By Someone Who Does NOT Believe that 9/11 was an Inside Job http://www.lewrockwell.com/bovard/bovard55.html 11 comments politics
- Best School Essay Paper Ever. Just awesome! http://fulgerica.com/en/?p=246 7 comments reddit.com
- I built Blainy - the best AI Writing tool for essays and research writing https://s.blainy.com/blainy-zain 9 comments sideproject
- CM Punk vs. Dustin Rhodes | Naturally the Best (Joseph Montecillo Video Essay) https://youtu.be/AxMCf2serhU 8 comments squaredcircle
- $1.8M awarded to contest winners for writing essays capable of providing “the best evidence for establishing that the other side (afterlife) is real.” https://www.singularfortean.com/news/2021/11/5/bigelow-institute-for-consciousness-studies-announces-winners-of-afterlife-evidence-contest 56 comments nottheonion
- “Azadi” by Arundhati Roy review – at her passionate best | The author tackles Kashmir, Hindu nationalism and the dangers of being outspoken in this startling collection of essays https://www.theguardian.com/books/2020/oct/19/azadi-arundhati-roy-review-kashmir-india 3 comments india
- It's October and time to re-read the best essay about baseball. Ever. "Baseball is designed to break your heart." Thank you, A. Bartlett Giamatti http://mason.gmu.edu/~rmatz/giamatti.html 50 comments baseball
- Afghanistan: The Best Way To Peace --- Wide-ranging review-essay. In brief: Western occupation of Afghanistan has been even more incompetent and self-destructive than the Soviet one. http://www.nybooks.com/articles/archives/2012/feb/09/afghanistan-best-way-peace/?pagination=false 19 comments worldnews
- Best Of 2011: Hitler vs. Stalin: Who Was Worse? --- Brilliant essay that asks history's most loaded question, and answers it with meticulous balance sheet. Stalin was first with ethnic killing campaigns; murdered more people than Hitler; but fewer than we used to think http://www.nybooks.com/blogs/nyrblog/2011/jan/27/hitler-vs-stalin-who-was-worse/ 148 comments worldnews
- In his timely 1935 essay In Praise of Idleness, Bertrand Russell claims that it’s in leisure, not work, that humanity best expresses itself. The key to a better future, one that could be granted by modern methods of production, lies in offering more leisure to us all… https://philosophybreak.com/articles/bertrand-russell-in-praise-of-idleness/ 99 comments philosophy
- It breaks your heart. The baseball season has ended. I hope you enjoy this video I made, reading the best baseball essay ever written. https://youtu.be/MHp-DqqNR_k?si=xveTEjbjodxmclZD 12 comments baseball
- The Brilliance in James Baldwin’s Letters: The famous author, who would have been 100 years old today, was best known for his novels and essays. But correspondence was where his light shone brightest. https://www.theatlantic.com/books/archive/2024/08/james-baldwin-letters-schomburg-100th-birthday/679331/?gift=KREwSo-kDf1r799gY2v-Zb-bqOQjSsJAl6UO2g62v1E 22 comments books
- White Paper is a theme built keeping content in focus and is best for writers/developers who also like to share code with their essays. https://github.com/vinitkumar/white-paper/ 6 comments webdev
- Money is Power, But Wisdom is Best - A philosophical stance on what the best answers are and why. Along with the interaction of ignorance, selfishness, bias, wealth, and power has with wisdom in decision making. The essay concludes that money overrides wisdom, and society is worse off for it. https://doellison.medium.com/money-is-power-but-wisdom-is-best-9a6edf10a7db 81 comments philosophy
- Made a cool little essay for what many consider to be the best UFC card of all time: UFC 189. Hope y'all enjoy! https://youtu.be/OqA6clXuTxY 22 comments mma
- A couple in Wellsboro, PA, is giving away their bookstore (with 6 months of free rent) to the person who can write the best 250-word essay about why bookshops are important to the community. http://www.writersdigest.com/online-editor/writing-contests-online-editor/contest-own-a-bookshop 39 comments books
- Excellent essay on Novak Djokovic's quest - and his best shot - at his career slam, arguing that Djoker is the best in the world, no matter the surface. There's no longer a Big Four - only Djokovic, an ocean, and the rest. The Big One. http://www.thescore.com/news/770082 38 comments tennis
- I analyzed 4.5 lakh tweets by CNN News 18, Republic and NDTV to create this short visual essay for a college assignment. Go through each finding and choose a channel that you felt did the best and make an informed decision. [Desktop only] https://thedivtagguy.com/manifesto/ 28 comments india