- Mizoram Boy Mistakenly Runs Over Chicken With Cycle, Takes It To Hospital With All The Money He Had https://m.indiatimes.com/trending/human-interest/mizoram-boy-mistakenly-runs-over-chicken-with-cycle-takes-it-to-hospital-with-all-the-money-he-had-364785.html 3 comments india
- Clinton's top aides have lobbied for a lot of companies liberals despise. "Not only is Hillary taking money from lobbyists; she's also hiring them to run her campaign." http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2015/07/hillary-clinton-lobbyists-campaign-staff-keystone-lehman 36 comments politics
- Drive-thru customer given $2,000 instead of food; takes the money and runs http://www.daytondailynews.com/blogs/content/shared-gen/blogs/dayton/daytoncrime/entries/2010/05/12/a_young_woman_in_her.html?cxtype=feedbot 11 comments reddit.com
- A Danish artist delivered empty canvases and kept the museum’s loan… The exhibition is called “Take the Money and Run” https://edition.cnn.com/style/article/jens-haaning-kunsten-museum-modern-art/index.html 8 comments nottheonion
- Blue States Should Take Trump's Tax Cut Money and Run http://www.cnn.com/2017/01/02/opinions/blue-states-take-trump-tax-cut-money-and-run-harrop/index.html 16 comments politics
- The Koch brothers group FreedomWorks has run out of money and has had to take out a $1 million line of credit to keep operating. http://www.deathandtaxesmag.com/207519/tea-party-fundraising-group-freedomworks-is-broke-as-hell/ 42 comments politics
- Take the money…and run’: Musk's quick deal for Twitter highlights weaknesses https://www.reuters.com/technology/take-moneyand-run-musks-quick-deal-twitter-highlights-weaknesses-2022-04-27/ 9 comments business
- Museum pays artist $84K — he delivers 2 blank canvases titled ‘Take the Money and Run’ https://nypost.com/2021/09/29/museum-pays-artist-84k-he-delivers-2-blank-canvases-titled-take-the-money-and-run/ 31 comments worldnews
- Artist Takes Museum's $84,000, Returns With Blank Canvases Titled 'Take the Money and Run' https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/danish-artist-takes-museums-cash-for-blank-canvasses-titled-take-the-money-and-run-180978794/ 6 comments nottheonion
- A museum says they gave an artist $84,000 in cash to use in artwork. He delivered blank canvases and titled them "Take the Money and Run." https://www.cbsnews.com/news/jens-haaning-take-the-money-and-run-blank-canvases/ 15 comments nottheonion
- A museum says they gave an artist $84,000 in cash to use in artwork. He delivered blank canvases and titled them "Take the Money and Run." https://www.cbsnews.com/news/jens-haaning-take-the-money-and-run-blank-canvases/?ftag=cnm-00-10aab7e&linkid=133609624 11 comments nottheonion
- Indiana Gov. Mike Pence is taking Obamacare money and running with it http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/dana-milbank-indiana-gov-mike-pence-is-taking-obamacare-money-and-running-with-it/2014/05/19/7ae33bbe-dfa1-11e3-8dcc-d6b7fede081a_story.html?tid=rssfeed 7 comments politics
- How Mass-Transit SHOULD be run! Amsterdam's GVB takes folks where they wanna go, safely and (relatively) cheaply, AND they actually make money doing it... http://blog.wired.com/cars/2007/10/trams-dominate-.html 48 comments reddit.com
- A museum says they gave an artist $84,000 in cash to use in artwork. He delivered blank canvases and titled them "Take the Money and Run." - CBS News https://www.cbsnews.com/news/jens-haaning-take-the-money-and-run-blank-canvases/?ftag=cnm-00-10aab8c&linkid=133611837 9 comments nottheonion
- Okayama buses strike by continuing to run and refusing to take anyone's money http://en.rocketnews24.com/2018/05/01/okayama-buses-strike-by-continuing-to-run-and-refusing-to-take-anyones-money/ 64 comments worldnews
- 'Take your money and run.' Investor David Tice warns on 'pretty dangerous' stock market.' Is anyone else buying into all this fear mongering? https://www.cnbc.com/2018/04/12/stock-market-is-pretty-dangerous-david-tice-warns.html 14 comments stocks
- If Someone Would Actually Pay $3 Billion for the Yankees, the Steinbrenners Should Take the Money and RUN http://sportsrapport.com/2012/05/24/if-someone-would-actually-pay-3-billion-for-the-yankees-the-steinbrenners-should-take-it-and-run/ 6 comments baseball
- Share And Share, But Not Alike: Dual-class share structures allow some CEOs to take the money and run — run the company, that is, according to their own vision http://www.theglobalmail.org/feature/share-and-share-but-not-alike/305/ 8 comments business
- Dodgers file for bankruptcy as a ploy to force the FOX tv contract to go through so that McCourt can take the money and run (x-post from /r/sports) http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/dodgers/2011/06/press-release-announcing-dodgers-bankruptcy-filing.html 9 comments baseball
- ‘We want to go home’: Hundreds of migrant workers in Kerala take to street to protest | Many migrant labourers from West Bengal gathered on the roads in Changanassery, stating that they have run out of money and want to go home. https://www.thenewsminute.com/article/we-want-go-home-hundreds-migrant-workers-kerala-take-street-protest-121387?amp&__twitter_impression=true 16 comments india
- Alabama stadium employee fired after playing "Take the Money and Run" and "Son of a Preacher Man" before the Auburn game http://txedit.ny.atl.publicus.com/article/20101129/news/101129616/1011?title=ua-staffer-terminated-over-song-choice 10 comments sports
- The Birthers may be shut out of most media outlets but the Washington Times is apparently still happy to take their money, even if it means running erroneous ads that barely even flirt with the borders of reality. http://www.salon.com/news/politics/birthers/index.html?story=/politics/war_room/2009/11/30/birther_ad 3 comments politics
- Be a hamster for a night - something I would pay money for. I've always wanted to take a run on one of those wheels. http://www.reuters.com/article/lifestylemolt/idustre5ag1qx20091117 4 comments reddit.com
- Running out of money, Actor Prakash Raj pledges to take loan to help people amid lockdown https://newsd.in/running-out-of-money-actor-prakash-raj-pledges-to-take-loan-to-help-people-amid-lockdown/ 27 comments india
- " He’s a snake oil salesman, and just because he talks smooth about how he’s going to cure your baldness doesn’t mean he’s not planning on taking your money and running with it." http://www.vice.com/read/revisiting-paul-ryans-crazy-ass-path-to-prosperity-plan 4 comments politics
- Nationwide, crime is way down. CA is laying off teachers and forcing state workers to take unpaid days off, yet CA is still running a huge budget deficit. But there's enough money to build a new death row! http://www.sacbee.com/2010/08/11/2953002/calif-borrows-from-budget-to-build.html 8 comments politics
- Allen West Is Raising Money for Religious-Right GOTV and Running to Take Over Texas GOP https://www.rightwingwatch.org/post/allen-west-is-raising-money-for-religious-right-gotv-and-running-to-take-over-texas-gop/ 16 comments politics
- I'm in the running for a new job (interview stages). It is significantly more money (146k vs 41k now). I'm in a decent spot financially now except being behind the ball at retirement due to taking off years and years to raise kids. https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/6s8r1e/im_in_the_running_for_a_new_job_interview_stages/ 19 comments personalfinance
- Take your money and run -- Bank of America's $5 per month debit card fee is just the tip of the iceberg. Big banks are starting to charge fees for what used to be basic services. In protest, switch to a community bank or credit union. http://www.csmonitor.com/commentary/opinion/2011/1021/take-your-money-and-run 53 comments economy
- $160/hr male prostitute Catholic priest takes Haiti drive money and spends on sex chats and online porn, runs craigslist ads in grey underpants ... may get fired http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/02/25/spanish-priest-spent-2300_n_476864.html 51 comments reddit.com
- [keithlaw] Oklahoma State threw sophomore Trevor Martin 125 pitches today ... with a 14-run lead ... after he threw 2/3 of an inning *yesterday*. Take the money, kids. Martin's a draft-eligible sophomore, and a prospect. Not that that makes overuse any worse https://twitter.com/keithlaw/status/1533576025212342272?s=21&t=_-BqWZo9Brbg6l7K61YZpw 22 comments baseball
- It takes a movement | "The passion that's fueling it isn't really about Bernie Sanders. Had Elizabeth Warren run, the same passion would be there for her. It's about standing up to the moneyed interests and restoring our democracy." http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/opinion/bal-it-takes-a-movement-20160202-story.html 140 comments politics
- After doubling the debt in the state of Texas, refusing to debate his opponents, giving tax breaks to yacht owners, dismantling education, and taking Federal money while cursing the Federal government, Texas Governor Rick Perry finally decides it might be time to run for President. http://www.statesman.com/blogs/content/shared-gen/blogs/austin/politics/entries/2011/05/27/perry_says_he_will_consider_wh.html 7 comments politics
- A win for transparency in campaign finance "Money in politics just got a little less opaque. Today's the day a little-known rule by the FCC takes effect for every TV station in the country. In a nutshell, it requires broadcasters that run political ads to disclose who paid for them." http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-switch/wp/2014/07/01/a-win-for-transparency-in-campaign-finance/?tid=rssfeed 47 comments politics
- Norman Solomon (CA), Franke Wilmer (MT) and Cecil Bothwell (NC) are running for Congress. All three are anti-war, pro-rule of law, and are refusing to take money from PACs and lobbyists. http://www.salon.com/2012/03/29/3_congressional_challengers_very_worth_supporting/singleton/ 7 comments politics
- Bernie Sanders Announces He Is Running For President In 2016: "'I've run outside of the two-party system, defeating Democrats and Republicans, taking on big-money candidates and, you know, I think the message that has resonated in Vermont is a message that can resonate all over this country.'" http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/04/29/bernie-sanders-2016-_n_6391086.html 1708 comments politics
- Since the more equal TV-rights deal was signed in 2015, the last matchdays of La Liga has been more contested every season. This is due to the prize money per position increasing. Teams run more and faster, take more shots and create more chances in the last 4 rounds compared to before https://as.com/futbol/2022/05/20/primera/1653013750_153379.html 12 comments soccer
- Video gamers take on protein modellers: Gamers are starting to give biochemists a run for their money. An online computer game that challenges players to contort virtual proteins into shapes that resemble a protein’s genuine structure fared well in a competition to predict protein structures http://blogs.nature.com/news/2011/09/tk.html 39 comments science
- In the new deal to avoid government shutdown congress also put in their pay raise. Why. Why do we keep letting these jokers take our money without our say as they sit at home and do nothing? At this point I’m going to run just for the paycheck. It’s not like it has standards. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/12/18/politics/government-funding-bill-congress-explainer 11 comments politics
- Profiling CEOs and Their Sociopathic Paychecks | There is such a shortage of people who can run modern monopolistic, destructive corporations that stockholders have to pay millions to get them to work. And being sociopaths, they gladly take the money without any thought to its social consequences. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/thom-hartmann/profiling-ceos-and-their_b_245373.html 30 comments politics