Hacker News
- I Blame the W3C's HTML Standard for Ordered Lists https://siderea.dreamwidth.org/1819759.html 17 comments rant , web
- W3C approves WebAuthn as the web standard for password-free logins https://venturebeat.com/2019/03/04/w3c-approves-webauthn-as-the-web-standard-for-password-free-logins/ 5 comments security , web
- WebRTC is now a W3C and IETF standard https://web.dev/webrtc-standard-announcement/ 75 comments programming
- Semantic web standards: W3C versus schema.org https://www.w3.org/standards/semanticweb/ 2 comments semanticweb
- Three years after the W3C approved a DRM standard, it's no longer possible to make a functional indie browser https://boingboing.net/2020/01/08/rip-open-web-platform.html 6 comments webdev
- Three years after the W3C approved a DRM standard, it's no longer possible to make a functional indie browser https://boingboing.net/2020/01/08/rip-open-web-platform.html 258 comments programming
- W3C and FIDO Alliance Finalized WebAuthn, Web Standard for Secure, Passwordless Logins https://www.infoq.com/news/2019/06/w3c-fido-released-webauthn/ 6 comments programming
- Browser vendors win war with W3C over HTML and DOM standards https://www.zdnet.com/article/browser-vendors-win-war-with-w3c-over-html-and-dom-standards/ 9 comments programming
- W3C approves WebAuthn as the web standard for password-free logins https://venturebeat.com/2019/03/04/w3c-approves-webauthn-as-the-web-standard-for-password-free-logins/ 4 comments programming
- W3C approves WebAuthn as the web standard for password-free logins https://venturebeat.com/2019/03/04/w3c-approves-webauthn-as-the-web-standard-for-password-free-logins/ 24 comments webdev
- W3C and FIDO Alliance Finalize Web Authentication Standard https://www.w3.org/2019/03/pressrelease-webauthn-rec.html 3 comments webdev
- Introducing webauthn — a new W3C standard for secure authentication on the web https://webauthn.me 3 comments webdev
- Introducing webauthn — a new W3C standard for secure authentication on the web https://webauthn.me 90 comments programming
- Victory for libre networks: ActivityPub is now a W3C recommended standard https://www.fsf.org/blogs/community/victory-for-libre-networks-activitypub-is-now-a-w3c-recommended-standard 6 comments linux
- W3C Approves DRM standard Encrypted Media Extensions (EME) for the Web https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2017/07/amid-unprecedented-controversy-w3c-greenlights-drm-web 12 comments programming
- EFF resigns from W3C over DRM standard decision https://www.theinquirer.net/inquirer/news/3017630/electronic-frontier-foundation-resigns-from-w3c-over-drm-standard-decision 5 comments opensource
- W3C erects DRM as web standard https://www.theregister.co.uk/2017/03/22/w3c_drm_web_standard/ 12 comments linux
- It's happening! It's happening! W3C erects DRM as web standard https://www.theregister.co.uk/2017/03/22/w3c_drm_web_standard/ 83 comments technology
- W3C Has Officially Begun Working on HTML 5.1 Standard https://thelasttechie.com/2016/04/12/work-has-begun-on-html-5-1-standard/ 3 comments technews
- W3C includes bitcoin in new standards and tools for web checkout processes http://bravenewcoin.com/news/w3c-includes-bitcoin-in-new-standards-and-tools-for-web-checkout-processes/ 3 comments btc
- Microsoft's Pointer Events becomes W3C standard, Google and Apple ignore standard http://www.neowin.net/news/microsofts-pointer-events-becomes-w3c-standard-google-and-apple-play-hardball 6 comments technology
- W3C Finalizes HTML5 Standard http://java.dzone.com/articles/w3c-finalizes-html5-standard 7 comments java
- After nearly eight years of work, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) has finalized the HTML5 standard, bringing the basic Web technology firmly into the era of mobile devices and cloud-driven rich Internet applications. http://www.itnews.com/development-tools/85335/html5-finalized-finally#tk.itnewsnle_nlt_itndaily_2014-10-29http:// 26 comments linux
- HTML5 is now officially a W3C 'recommended' standard! http://sdtimes.com/w3c-html5-reaches-recommendation-status/ 8 comments technology
- W3C green-lights adding DRM to the Web's standards. http://boingboing.net/2013/10/02/w3c-green-lights-adding-drm-to.html 34 comments linux
- Lowering Your Standards: DRM and the Future of the W3C https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2013/10/lowering-your-standards 6 comments opensource
- Lowering Your Standards: DRM and the Future of the W3C https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2013/10/lowering-your-standards 502 comments programming
- Defend the Open Web: Keep DRM Out of W3C Standards https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2013/03/defend-open-web-keep-drm-out-w3c-standards 34 comments technology
- Defend the Open Web: Keep DRM Out of W3C Standards https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2013/03/defend-open-web-keep-drm-out-w3c-standards 33 comments webdev
- Adding DRM to the HTML standard will have far-reaching effects, incompatible with the W3C's most important policies http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/blog/2013/mar/12/tim-berners-lee-drm-cory-doctorow 385 comments programming
- CSS Shaders, W3C, Microsoft and Broken Standards http://codeflow.org/entries/2012/aug/22/css-shaders-w3c-microsoft-and-broken-standards/ 9 comments webdev
- The two HTML5 standards and the split between W3C and WHATWG http://developers.slashdot.org/story/12/07/21/2040257/html5-splits-into-two-standards 32 comments webdev
- Update on the relationship between the WHATWG HTML living standard and the W3C HTML5 specification http://lists.w3.org/archives/public/public-whatwg-archive/2012jul/0119.html 4 comments programming
- W3C, the main international standards organization for the WWW, confirms it will work to bring DRM to the open web platform http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html/2012Mar/0097.html 21 comments opensource
- W3C, the main international standards organization for the WWW, confirms it will work to bring DRM to the open web platform http://lists.w3.org/archives/public/public-html/2012mar/0097.html 25 comments technology
- FIDO Alliance and W3C Achieve Major Standards Milestone in Global Effort Towards Simpler, Stronger Authentication on the Web https://www.w3.org/2018/04/pressrelease-webauthn-fido2.html.en 3 comments crypto
- New W3C community group devoted to developing a standard and a technology for displaying math online that takes advantage of the advancements in browser HTML/CSS engines https://www.w3.org/community/mathonwebpages/ 6 comments math
- Some Help Please? I'm the founder of rbutr, a database of rebuttal based connections (URL X rebuts URL Y) and I am wondering how we can work with the W3C and the Semantic Web standards http://rbutr.com 4 comments semanticweb
- "Unethical" HTML video copy protection proposal draws criticism from W3C reps - A new Web standard proposal authored by Google, Microsoft, and Netflix seeks to bring copy protection mechanisms to the Web. http://arstechnica.com/business/news/2012/02/unethical-html-video-copy-protection-proposal-criticized-by-standards-stakeholders.ars 352 comments technology