Hacker News
- A16 Bionic on iPhone 14 Pro Max scores 359 on Speedometer 2.0 https://twitter.com/kixpanganiban/status/1583770788519645186 12 comments
- The iPhone XS faster than iMac Pro on the Speedometer 2.0 JavaScript benchmark https://twitter.com/dhh/status/1043277162676072449?s=09 4 comments
- iPhone XS is faster than an iMac Pro on the Speedometer 2.0 JavaScript benchmark https://twitter.com/dhh/status/1043277162676072449 4 comments
- Speedometer 2.0 Browserbench results on a new MacBook Pro (M1 Pro) https://twitter.com/vladquant/status/1453100298231160837 11 comments apple
- As a web dev and Apple fan girl I find this interesting the WebKit team just released speedometer 2.0 https://webkit.org/blog/8063/speedometer-2-0-a-benchmark-for-modern-web-app-responsiveness/ 30 comments apple