Hacker News
- Some thoughts on microservices https://filipnikolovski.com/posts/thoughts-on-microservices/ 134 comments
- When it comes to microservices, do you put each microservice in it's own git repository, or use a monorepo? If the same, how do you handle multiple services in the same repo? Keen to hear your thoughts https://twitter.com/chancymajormusk/status/1518204777968160768 150 comments dotnet
- When it comes to microservices, do you put each microservice in it's own git repository, or use a monorepo? If the same, how do you handle multiple services in the same repo? Keen to hear your thoughts https://twitter.com/chancymajormusk/status/1518204777968160768 138 comments programming
- My thoughts after trying Hanami in microservice architecture! https://www.useo.pl/blog/2021/07/trying-hanami-in-microservices 6 comments rails
- My thoughts after trying Hanami in microservice architecture! https://www.useo.pl/blog/2021/07/trying-hanami-in-microservices 10 comments ruby
- Managing Microservice Schema and Interfaces in Distributed Environments With Protocol Buffers - [Part - I] Feel free to comments your thoughts on this. All examples used in the blog is written in golang https://ednsquare.com/story/managing-microservice-schema-and-interfaces-in-distributed-environments-with-protocol-buffers-part-i-------akfvjp 4 comments golang
- An opinionated guide on making microservices communicate! Your thoughts!!? https://medium.com/spaceuptech/the-right-way-of-making-microservices-communicate-b6cd517ae702 7 comments golang
- Some thoughts on microservices http://www.defuze.org/archives/390-lets-talk-about-microservices.html 3 comments devops