Hacker News
- Slack Rules for Asynchronous Communication https://great1on1s.com/blog/slack-rules-for-asynchronous-communication/ 2 comments
- Slack is down https://status.slack.com/?t=2018-08-16 3 comments
- Yes, Slack is down https://techcrunch.com/2018/06/27/yes-slack-is-down/ 4 comments
- Slackcat – Pipe command output to Slack from your terminal http://slackcat.chat 40 comments
- Show HN: Simple Poll: Native, Simple Polls for Slack https://simplepoll.rocks/ 2 comments
- FREE Slack community for traveling entrepreneurs http://nomadentrepreneurs.co 3 comments
- Slack is Down http://techcrunch.com/2015/11/23/slack-is-having-a-panic-attack/ 55 comments
- How to hide thinking at work so that the non-programmers don't suspect slacking http://stackoverflow.com/questions/811246/how-to-hide-thinking-at-work-so-that-the-non-programmers-dont-suspect-slacking/ 52 comments
- Respond to Tweets from Slack https://sameroom.io/blog/respond-to-tweets-from-slack/ 4 comments show
- Get SSH client connection notifications in Slack http://ryanbrink.com/slack-ssh-session-notifications/ 2 comments devops , security
- US labor board accuses Apple of restricting workers' Slack, social media use https://www.reuters.com/technology/apple-accused-restricting-workers-slack-social-media-use-by-us-labor-board-2024-10-11/ 2 comments technology
- Ikram Aliskerov - The Quiet Dagestani — Jack Slack https://www.fightprimer.com/ikram-aliskerov-the-quiet-dagestani 64 comments mma
- Imavov TKOs Cannonier... Or Does He? (Jack Slack Podcast 179) https://youtu.be/D5sGP2N5W2I?si=8Q4CF2fFThLHK0Mj 25 comments mma
- Quiet - A private, p2p alternative to Slack and Discord built on Tor & IPFS https://github.com/TryQuiet/quiet 2 comments privacy
- "Dev burnout drastically decreases when you actually ship things regularly. Burnout is caused by crap like toil, rework and spending too much mental energy on bottlenecks." Cool conversation with the head engineer of Slack on how burnout is caused by all the things that keep devs from coding. https://devinterrupted.substack.com/p/the-best-solution-to-burnout-weve 127 comments javascript
- Slack’s Incident on 2-22-22 (Slack outage postmortem) https://slack.engineering/slacks-incident-on-2-22-22/ 60 comments programming
- Slack, AWS, and other websites appear to be experiencing outages https://www.businessinsider.com/slack-amazon-web-services-peloton-down-detector-outages-2022-2 4 comments technology
- Joining on Slack http://gophers.slack.com/ 6 comments golang
- Show /r/aws: Get AWS costs posted directly to Slack https://www.vantage.sh/blog/vantage-slack-notifications 10 comments aws
- Slack ($WORK) Mooning through the Wedge 🚀🌑 https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/ih0h88/slack_work_mooning_through_the_wedge/ 62 comments wallstreetbets
- Slack stock drops as Microsoft claims big lead with 20 million Teams users https://www.cnbc.com/2019/11/19/microsoft-teams-reaches-20-million-daily-active-users.html 6 comments technology
- Got to the top of the Slack New & Noteworthy List after a month! https://www.reddit.com/r/juststart/comments/c5cmsy/got_to_the_top_of_the_slack_new_noteworthy_list/ 11 comments juststart
- I made a simple bot that allows you to run artisan commands from Slack https://sellfolio.net/store/josh/7 17 comments laravel
- Slack Discloses $141 Million Loss as Messaging Start-Up Joins Tech Listing Rush https://www.nytimes.com/2019/04/26/technology/slack-filing.html?partner=ifttt 10 comments technology
- Slack 'bans users' who have visited US sanctioned countries https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-46642760 21 comments technology
- I made a tool to get your iOS app reviews in Slack and would love your feedback! https://appreviewbot.com 8 comments swift
- Carroll: Cut Thomas 'a little slack' over gesture http://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/24861494/pete-carroll-cut-earl-thomas-little-slack-gesture 20 comments nfl
- Google Launches Slack Competitor This Week https://twitter.com/verge/status/968893594105991168?s=21 59 comments sysadmin
- Come join the C++ community on Slack! https://cpplang.now.sh/ 11 comments cpp
- What are some good apps for startups on slack? https://www.reddit.com/r/startups/comments/6r4w06/what_are_some_good_apps_for_startups_on_slack/ 31 comments startups
- Mom and pop landlord nation: Small time investors pick up the slack left by large institutional buyers in housing. http://fiscalpost.com/2017/03/1124/ 9 comments economy
- Julio Jones misses Roddy White, finds himself picking up the slack http://on.11alive.com/2bxlkar 35 comments nfl
- If you use Slack, come join to this web development channel [x-post from /r/webdev] https://www.reddit.com/r/learnprogramming/comments/4zhuja/if_you_use_slack_come_join_to_this_web/ 31 comments learnprogramming
- React on Rails Slack Chat - Community for people who build things in Rails+ReactJS http://reactonrails.travismathis.me/ 3 comments reactjs
- If you're looking for an open forum to discuss anything to do with working with Scala join scalajobs on Slack! http://scalajobschat.herokuapp.com 5 comments scala
- Anyone use Slack for small teams? How well does it work for your situation? https://slack.com/ 3 comments sysadmin
- Why you should give Slack a try for your game dev communication http://www.slack.com 41 comments gamedev
- Cut the HealthCare.gov people some slack http://jerryorr.blogspot.com/2013/10/cut-healthcaregov-people-some-slack.html 332 comments programming
- Just a portion of a local furniture store ad, the grammar nazi is slacking. http://i1087.photobucket.com/albums/j473/scourgelight/011711c9.jpg 3 comments reddit.com
- Cut Matt Forte some slack http://www.chicagotribune.com/sports/football/bears/chi-27-haugh-bears-chicago-sep27,0,4972992.column 3 comments sports