- Former judges who sent kids to jail for kickbacks must pay more than $200 million https://www.npr.org/2022/08/18/1118108084/michael-conahan-mark-ciavarella-kids-for-cash 761 comments nottheonion
- Jon Moxley on rehab: "The one therapist I had straight up told me to retire. She said, ‘Start a wrestling school. Train some kids. You know what the problem is? You gotta get out of there.’ I was like, 'I don’t think it’s that.'" https://wrestlingnews.co/aew-news/jon-moxley-shares-details-about-his-stint-in-alcohol-rehab-the-one-therapist-i-had-straight-up-told-me-to-retire/ 218 comments squaredcircle
- Texas gov threatens to challenge SCOTUS ruling that allows migrant kids to go to school https://www.audacy.com/krld/news/national/tx-gov-to-challenge-scotus-ruling-regarding-migrant-kids 567 comments nottheonion
- Sasha Banks nominated for Favourite Female Sports Star at the Kids Choice Awards (other nominees: Serena Williams, Simone Biles, Naomi Osaka, Candace Parker, Chloe Kim) https://twitter.com/SashaBanksWWE/status/1501603120215834624 29 comments squaredcircle
- [Simon Collings] Arsenal fans: “How shit must you be, we’re winning away!” WBA fans: “How shit must you be, we’re playing our kids.” https://twitter.com/sr_collings/status/1430611206646243328?s=21 44 comments soccer
- Moms of Zendaya, Alicia Keys and Jonah Hill Team Up for Voting PSA: ‘Don’t Make Us Nag You’ — “Yes, our kids are famous. But your vote counts just the same as theirs,” says Terria Augello, mom to Keys. https://people.com/politics/moms-zendaya-alicia-keys-jonah-hill-team-up-voting-psa/ 3 comments politics
- More Kids Are Getting COVID and Some Need the ICU, CDC Warns https://www.ibtimes.com/more-kids-are-getting-covid-some-need-icu-cdc-warns-3029241 171 comments politics
- Calling Out Low Effort Mobile Kids Game Devs https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/comments/gydgtg/calling_out_low_effort_mobile_kids_game_devs/ 34 comments gamedev
- I need ideas of how to attach a training push handle to a kids bike seat post with quick release https://smile.amazon.com/CABINA-HOME-Non-Slip-Practical-Training/dp/B07W3SG32B/ref=sxbs_sxwds-stvp?cv_ct_cx=Bike+Trainer+Handle&keywords=Bike+Trainer+Handle&pd_rd_i=B07W3SG32B&pd_rd_r=ecac11ef-efa8-4cd9-a9aa-b07ae8673af2&pd_rd_w=cA0gx&pd_rd_wg=nR1Wp&pf_rd_p=a6d018ad-f20b-46c9-8920-433972c7d9b7&pf_rd_r=D4X6CJ8BNZ5CZ2WEC950&psc=1&qid=1579703594&s=sporting-goods&sr=1-1-dd5817a1-1ba7-46c2-8996-f96e7b0f409c 5 comments bicycling
- At gun safety events, 40% of gun owners reported not locking all household guns — even around kids https://www.washington.edu/news/2020/01/09/at-gun-safety-events-40-of-gun-owners-reported-not-locking-all-household-guns-even-around-kids/ 4586 comments science
- Greta: Thunberg: People underestimate 'angry kids' | Responding to a question from a journalist who said some adults viewed her as "angry", she said: "We are angry, we are frustrated and it's because of good reasons. If they want us to stop being angry, maybe they should stop making us angry." https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-50644395 61 comments worldnews
- Curious Kids: How come Donald Trump won if Hillary Clinton got more votes? https://www.chicagotribune.com/sns-curious-kids-how-come-donald-trump-won-if-hillary-clinton-got-more-votes-126658-20191202-story.html 197 comments politics
- Belgian FA open investigation about Turske FC regarding their 9 years old kids doing military salute. https://www.tvl.be/nieuws/turkse-fc-begrijpt-niets-van-heisa-over-militaire-groet-jeugdspelertjes-86505 22 comments soccer
- Trump kids blame "presidential harassment" after company scraps plans for 30 new hotels https://www.salon.com/2019/02/15/trump-kids-blame-presidential-harassment-after-company-scraps-plans-for-30-new-hotels/ 104 comments politics
- Peppa Pig Is Causing Kids to Speak in British Accents https://www.romper.com/p/toddlers-who-adopt-peppa-pigs-accent-are-totally-bingly-bongly-normal-say-experts-15915675 3 comments nottheonion
- A loud, new voice after the latest school shooting: Kids wanting to know why adults hadn’t done more https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/a-loud-new-voice-after-the-latest-school-shooting-kids-wanting-to-know-why-adults-hadnt-done-more/2018/02/15/48b3903e-1298-11e8-9065-e55346f6de81_story.html?utm_term=.0e6c56bfa254 5 comments politics
- Report: 80's kids started programming at an earlier age than today's millennials https://thenextweb.com/dd/2018/01/23/report-80s-kids-started-programming-at-an-earlier-age-than-todays-millennials/ 35 comments coding
- Kid Rock to watchdog group: Go f- - - yourselves http://www.freep.com/story/news/politics/2017/09/01/kid-rock-senate-election-contributions/626690001/ 69 comments politics
- John McCain Called Kim Jong-un a ‘Crazy Fat Kid’ and North Korea Is Pissed http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2017/03/mccain-called-kim-jong-un-a-crazy-fat-kid-and-nk-is-pissed.html 45 comments politics
- McCain responds to North Korea criticism over calling Kim Jong Un 'crazy fat kid' http://thehill.com/blogs/in-the-know/in-the-know/326434-mccain-responds-to-north-korea-criticism-over-calling-kim-jong 19 comments politics
- Planning for the future with a special needs kid https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/5huoef/planning_for_the_future_with_a_special_needs_kid/ 11 comments personalfinance
- Tony Allen and some of the Grizzlies take the kids out for some holiday shopping https://twitter.com/aa000g9/status/808087764663205888 5 comments nba
- Pharma paid docs prescribing to foster kids http://extras.mercurynews.com/druggedkids/ 4 comments politics
- HS Principals group: transgender students are not those kids they're our kids http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2016/05/18/hs-principals-group-transgender-students-are-not-those-kids-theyre-our-kids.html 35 comments politics
- India, would you be willing to marry some one who doesn't want to have kids ever? https://www.reddit.com/r/india/comments/4i3g8c/india_would_you_be_willing_to_marry_some_one_who/ 340 comments india
- Muslim activists alarmed by FBI's 'game-like' counter-terror program for kids http://m.theage.com.au/world/muslim-activists-alarmed-by-fbis-gamelike-counterterror-program-for-kids-20151103-gkpcqc.html 12 comments worldnews
- Woman Says Michael Jacksons Ghost Molested Her Kids http://www.celebtricity.com/woman-says-michael-jacksons-ghost-molested-her-kids/ 21 comments nottheonion
- "I am not afraid of retaliation. I have no kids, no wife, no car, no credit. It perhaps sounds a bit pompous, but I prefer to die standing than living on my knees." http://www.lepoint.fr/societe/charlie-hebdo-charb-cabu-wolinsky-et-tignous-morts-dans-la-fusillade-07-01-2015-1894661_23.php 8 comments europe
- Mo'ne Davis is SI's Sports Kid of the Year http://espn.go.com/sports/llws14/story/_/id/11962772/mone-davis-named-sports-illustrated-sports-kid-year 18 comments baseball
- Lou Merloni confirms that the kid who is breaking all these Red Sox signings hours early actually has a source in the organisation https://twitter.com/loumerloni/status/537100867124871168 3 comments baseball
- NPR: Playing music may help kids' brains process language http://www.npr.org/blogs/ed/2014/09/10/343681493/this-is-your-brain-this-is-your-brain-on-music 7 comments linguistics
- Why Isn't This Ever Discussed Here??: 'Moderate' 'Palestinian Authority' Television teaches kids that Christians and Jews are 'inferior, cowardly and despised' http://israelmatzav.blogspot.com/2012/05/moderate-palestinian-authority.html 4 comments politics
- This 15 year-old kid invented a 90% accurate, 28x cheaper pancreatic cancer test. http://content.usatoday.com/communities/sciencefair/post/2012/05/pancreatic-cancer-test-garners-science-prize-for-teenager/1#.t7gqluwwk0m 71 comments science
- You kids, with your "cloud computers" and "Googly Docs" http://mthruf.files.wordpress.com/2011/08/kidstoday-e1314808448884.jpg 86 comments technology
- Japanese soccer team v. 100 kids http://www.winstonsword.com/2011/06/japanese-soccer-team-v-100-kids.html 3 comments reddit.com
- Matt Barber: Gay Kids Kill Themselves Because They Know They Are Immoral http://joemygod.blogspot.com/2011/03/matt-barber-gay-kids-kill-themselves.html 4 comments reddit.com
- Kid destroys bully (more in comments) http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=157762297615657&comments 16 comments reddit.com
- Kids With Autism at the Movies: Where Shhhh Isn't Allowed http://www.time.com/time/health/article/0,8599,1977230,00.html?xid=rss-health&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=feed%3A+time%2Fscienceandhealth+%28time%3A+top+science+and+health+stories%29&utm_content=google+feedfetcher 76 comments reddit.com
- Parents 'should supply alcohol' to their kids. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/8297821.stm 17 comments science
- MInneapolis Schools pushing pro gay curriculum, bullying kids into being gay! http://www.startribune.com/local/18846129.html 3 comments reddit.com