Hacker News
- Should There Be a Developer Mental Health Day? https://thehosk.medium.com/should-there-be-a-developer-mental-health-day-d76208653337 2 comments
- Should There Be a Developer Mental Health Day? https://thehosk.medium.com/should-there-be-a-developer-mental-health-day-d76208653337 93 comments programming
- Adverse childhood experiences in firstborns linked to poor mental health in siblings. Children are nearly three-quarters (71%) more likely to develop mental health problems between the ages of five and 18, if the firstborn in the family experiences adversity during their first 1,000 days of life. https://www.nursinginpractice.com/clinical/paediatrics/adverse-childhood-experiences-in-firstborns-linked-to-poor-mental-health-in-siblings/ 21 comments science