- Italy to become first country to make learning about climate change compulsory for school students https://www.cnn.com/2019/11/06/europe/italy-climate-change-school-intl-scli-scn/index.html 7 comments italy
- Italy to become first country to make learning about climate change compulsory for school students https://www.cnn.com/2019/11/06/europe/italy-climate-change-school-intl-scli-scn/index.html 286 comments worldnews
- Should Students Learn About Climate Change in School? Around half of middle school science teachers teach the subject minimally or not at all. How important do you think it is for young people to learn about climate change? https://www.nytimes.com/2022/12/01/learning/should-students-learn-about-climate-change-in-school.html?unlocked_article_code=AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACEIPuonUktbfqYhlSlUbAibRUNE9qByAir_UwLshgnO7NzSIRTtE0_9QB4WJ4UGIbKBkesd21DCaQdZdPfokRPV0weIaPkooUAKopZyA3pQZJiF_4aSCYlQL5bOfF7Yp7W2tKWCjNOZ0wLD47kjeYGntWfPA0nFwcRJi9ZBiaVD9jHEXxquTFrJy3NQvj6wjFYk6EWlbHFSCuPfjCx1-OdWUPFqLukRtBbYvCXyElsWc6rkAbA1SFVvFKXt06m8949pXU8gFaOe9d1VzPZqj3shCTzBgP4yrBJYuR4PLl7kMsb7FqBaEyMPe1Ox6eGP25Wt7nSFVP3SexqdX 47 comments climate
- Students In Alabama Will Now Learn About Climate Change In School -"Berbeco said she would love if Alabama inspired more largely-conservative states to upgrade their standards to include the latest science on climate change and evolution." http://thinkprogress.org/climate/2015/09/15/3701183/alabama-science-standards/ 3 comments politics
- School strikes over climate change continue to snowball | The school strikes last Friday were by far the biggest to date. In Germany, an estimated 30,000 students left their schools in more than 50 cities to protest, carrying banners including: “Why learn without a future?” https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/school-strikes-over-climate-change-continue-to-snowball/ar-bbsfkll 10 comments worldnews