Hacker News
- Setting up a trusted, self-signed SSL/TLS certificate authority in Linux https://previnder.com/tls-ca-linux/ 36 comments
- Startup idea: Turnkey self-publishing service for authors http://jasoncrawford.org/2011/12/startup-idea-turnkey-self-publishing-service-for-authors/ 16 comments
- Ukrainian Military "Authorized" To Use Live Ammo For Self-Defense http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-03-18/ukrainian-military-authorized-use-live-ammo-self-defense 32 comments worldnews
- Trump rejects author's accusations, calls self 'stable genius' https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-book/trump-rejects-authors-accusations-calls-self-stable-genius-iduskbn1ev0dw 7 comments politics
- Author has Big Six contract terminated for self-publishing something else with Amazon http://kianadavenportdialogues.blogspot.com/2011/08/sleeping-with-enemy-cautionary-tale.html 4 comments books
- A Self-Published Author's $2-Million Cinderella Story : NPR http://www.npr.org/2012/01/08/144804084/a-self-published-authors-2-million-cinderella-story?sc=fb&cc=fp 9 comments books
- Author John Marco defends self publishing. http://happynerdjohn.blogspot.com/2013/11/i-is-for-indie.html 5 comments books
- First Video of Fabricating Holocaust Author Defending Self http://gawker.com/5155500/first-video-of-fabricating-holocaust-author-defending-self 9 comments worldnews
- Self-help author Marianne Williamson exits 2020 presidential race https://www.latimes.com/politics/story/2020-01-10/marianne-williamson-presidential-candidate-drops-out-of-presidential-race 28 comments politics
- Indie game developer vs self-publishing book author https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/comments/5ft9sc/indie_game_developer_vs_selfpublishing_book_author/ 6 comments gamedev
- Authorities: Putnam County deputy attempting to shoot attacking dog accidentally hits self https://www.news4jax.com/news/local/2020/05/07/authorities-putnam-county-deputy-attempting-to-shoot-attacking-dog-accidentally-hits-self/ 16 comments nottheonion
- Trump Appoints Illuminati Self-Help Author 'Magus Incognito' To Federal Education Board https://www.huffpost.com/entry/magus-incognito-george-mentz-trump-education-board_n_5da87fa4e4b0b24e75de7719 71 comments politics
- Amazon set to pay self-published authors as little as $0.006 per page read [The Guardian] http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2015/jul/02/amazon-pay-self-published-authors-per-page-read-kindle 12 comments books
- When anyone can be a published author. How do you find something good to read in a brave new self-published world? http://www.salon.com/2010/06/23/slush_3/ 7 comments books
- Authors catch fire with self-published e-books {USA Today} http://www.usatoday.com/life/books/news/2011-02-09-ebooks09_ST_N.htm 7 comments books
- Hugging Face Blocked! “Self-Castrating” China’s ML Development. Hugging Face is currently inaccessible in China without a virtual private network (VPN), suggesting Chinese authorities are cracking down on access to open-source platforms despite their importance to machine learning research. https://www.chinatalk.media/p/hugging-face-blocked-self-castrating 6 comments china
- The Mississippi Abortion Case and the Fragile Legitimacy of the Supreme Court - Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization is an open challenge to the Court’s authority, and perhaps broadly reflects a spirit of legal self-help that is running through the land. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2021/12/13/the-mississippi-abortion-case-and-the-fragile-legitimacy-of-the-supreme-court 10 comments politics
- Universities in the UK have been urged to adopt a risk management strategy for any dealings with China amid concerns that academics are self-censoring because of fears about the consequences of offending the Chinese authorities. https://www.theguardian.com/education/2020/jul/09/uk-universities-urged-to-adopt-risk-management-strategy-with-china 7 comments worldnews
- Violators of the two-week self-quarantine rule aimed at containing the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic will be required to wear electronic bracelets designed to track their locations, the health authorities said Friday. The new rule will be implemented from Monday. https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2020/04/119_288463.html 7 comments worldnews
- Simon Stone: "David Moyes is self-isolating after coming into contact with Mikel Arteta at last Saturday’s Premier League game between West Ham and Arsenal. Moyes is showing no signs of illness but is following advice from the relevant health authorities." https://twitter.com/sistoney67/status/1238475644121624582?s=20 23 comments soccer
- Coronavirus: South Korea reports 123 new cases and two more deaths. Authorities place more than 9,000 Shincheonji church members in self-quarantine https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/feb/23/coronavirus-south-korea-reports-123-new-cases-and-two-more-deaths 66 comments worldnews
- How Trump Has Exposed Congress’ Self-inflicted Weaknesses - Over time, Congress has ceded its constitutional authority to the president. It’s only gotten worse since Trump took office. https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2020/01/22/how-trump-has-exposed-congress-self-inflicted-weaknesses-101732 5 comments politics
- Michael Lewis: ‘Don’t bet against the US. It has an incredible capacity for self-reinvention’: The author of The Big Short on Trump’s war on experts and why it would take a pandemic to remind Americans of the importance of good governance https://www.theguardian.com/books/2019/dec/07/michael-lewis-interview-the-big-short-fifth-risk 9 comments politics
- Trump picked the author of more than 60 self-help Illuminati books for a federal education board that honors top high school seniors https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-picked-self-help-illuminati-book-author-federal-education-board-2019-10 23 comments politics
- I’m Nicholas Ryan Howard, self-published author of the illustrated novel "Mortal Enemy" and creator of its epic, immersive, star-studded (and totally independently produced) audiobook. AMA. https://www.mortalenemybook.com/ 33 comments books
- About 1 in 4 teen girls and about 1 in 10 teen boys in the U.S. report deliberately harming themselves without suicidal intentions, a new report has found; one of the first to examine self-harm outside of a clinical setting, its authors say. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/brainstorm/201807/teen-girls-harm-themselves-more-boys-cdc-finds 1207 comments science
- The idea of relative truth is self-defeating because the very concept of true vs. false requires the recognition of epistemic authority. Our objective understanding is not subordinate to so-called conceptual schemes. Rather, it transcends subjective expressions of individual belief or cultural norms https://blogofthecosmos.com/2017/12/28/the-assault-on-truth/ 568 comments philosophy
- Research finds that certain small RNA molecules can trigger a mechanism hidden in every cell that forces it to self-destruct. This failsafe may protect us from cancer. The mechanism could potentially become a novel form of cancer therapy, the study authors say. https://news.northwestern.edu/stories/2017/october/suicide-molecules-kill-any-cancer-cell/ 98 comments science
- "Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan secured final passage of legislation on Saturday authorizing overseas combat missions for his country’s military, overturning a decades-old policy of reserving the use of force for self-defense." http://www.nytimes.com/2015/09/19/world/asia/japan-parliament-passes-legislation-combat-role-for-military.html?emc=edit_th_20150919&nl=todaysheadlines&nlid=68337520 3 comments worldnews
- MIT claims to have found a "language universal" that ties all languages together -- "All languages, the authors say, self-organise in such a way that related concepts stay as close together as possible within a sentence, making it easier to piece together the overall meaning" http://arstechnica.com/science/2015/08/mit-claims-to-have-found-a-language-universal-that-ties-all-languages-together/ 733 comments science
- "James Patterson launched Private Vegas, a book that will be available to download to 1000 readers only and will self-destruct 24 hours later." 7 remarkably inventive ways authors have promoted their books http://inktank.fi/seven-literary-marketing-tricks-will-blow-mind/ 278 comments books
- Many authors’ earnings fall below $500pa, survey finds. Research shows median income for all authors is now below $5,000, though ‘hybrid’ authors who use both traditional and self-publishing are doing best. http://www.theguardian.com/books/2015/jan/23/authors-earnings-fall-350pa-survey 114 comments books
- Britons Feeling Rootless After Changes to England's Historic Counties Counties are important in giving the English "both a self-identity and a way of being known," author says. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2014/11/141123-british-identity-matthew-engel-history-culture-ngbooktalk/ 4 comments books
- In an effort to stabilize Ukraine and extend its authority, the interim government has set a deadline of Friday for turning in the illegal firearms that are now carried openly by so-called self-defense groups in Independence Square, the politically important plaza in the center of the capital. http://nytimes.com/2014/03/21/world/europe/ukraine-sets-deadline-for-militias-to-surrender-illegal-guns.html?hpw&rref=world&_r=2&referrer= 56 comments worldnews
- Young Men's Self Esteem Hurt By Female Companion's Success: Author Says "So thinking of themselves as unsuccessful might trigger men's fear that their partner will ultimately leave them." http://www.universityherald.com/articles/4415/20130902/young-mens-self-esteem-hurt-female-companions-success.htm 815 comments science
- The success of Hugh Howey’s self-published "Wool" series points to a complete upending of publishing paradigms. Much like Amanda Palmer in music, Howey has created a whole new model of how authors relate to readers. http://www.popmatters.com/pm/column/170307-when-a-great-yarn-becomes-an-overnight-success/ 3 comments books
- Hostess took Union members self funded pensions without their authorization to pay their debts - will not be paid back under bankruptcy http://www.dailykos.com/story/2012/11/18/1162786/-inside-the-hostess-bankery 2946 comments politics
- Protests, Self-Immolation Signs of a Desperate Tibet - Chinese authorities tighten security around Tibet after a series of demonstrations demanding more religious & political freedoms. Self-immolation protests have led to violent confrontations, & some monasteries are emptying. http://www.npr.org/2012/02/21/147170229/protests-self-immolation-signs-of-a-desperate-tibet 31 comments worldnews
- More Monks Die by Fire in Protest of Beijing: The deaths suggest that self-immolation is gaining favor as a form of political protest for Tibetan clergy. And they underscore the challenges the Chinese authorities face in controlling more than five million ethnic Tibetans http://www.nytimes.com/2012/01/10/world/asia/3-monks-deaths-show-rise-of-self-immolation-among-tibetans.html 21 comments worldnews
- Book publishers see their role as gatekeepers shrink: Writers are bypassing the traditional route to bookstore shelves and self-publishing their works online. By selling directly to readers, authors get a larger slice of the sale price. http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-gatekeepers-20101226,0,7119214.story 33 comments books