- Great talk from Peter on the dangers of Segwit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VoFb3mcxluY 25 comments btc
- Legit discussion - Creator of BitTorrent thinks BU is stupid (and segwit great) - Is he a blockstream shill also? https://youtu.be/HZOD3ytZLWo?t=12m55s 8 comments btc
- SegWit is not great http://www.deadalnix.me/2016/10/17/segwit-is-not-great/ 119 comments btc
- Bitcoin.com hashrate on the Segwit chain collapsing at the moment: DDOS or the great flippening? https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/6qvxht/bitcoincom_hashrate_on_the_segwit_chain/ 3 comments btc
- The bitcoin network worked great for 8 years without Segwit. Segwit doesn't solve any of the problems bitcoin users are experiencing today. https://twitter.com/rogerkver/status/864869561010593793 51 comments btc
- "Segwit Bitcoin sat on a wall, Segwit Bitcoin had a great fall...All of Core's devs and BlockStream's men couldn't put Segwit Bitcoin back together again" https://twitter.com/bsmith12251960/status/924100957222215680 6 comments btc
- Roger Ver: Why does /r/Bitcoin censor so much if Core and SegWit are so great? https://twitter.com/rogerkver/status/840178840169148418 90 comments btc
- Uninstalled BTC price checker from phone. Don't need to understand Segwit blocksize gymnastics. Don't care to figure out how 1MB blocks are great. Don't need to convince anyone why Bitcoin as Gold is as stupid as it sounds. I am free! Bitcoin Cash FTW!!! https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/7byxrl/uninstalled_btc_price_checker_from_phone_dont/ 30 comments btc
- LiteCoin segwit signaling adoption is even more ridicule than on Bitcoin ( not an easy task ): 3.4% as of now , even with strong support by "litecoin's creator " . also note that the activation threshold was moved down to 75% . what a great display of trust ! http://litecoin-segwit.info/ 49 comments btc
- Great Speech by Peter Rizun starting at 25min mark: "A Segwit Coin is not Bitcoin", also touches on other Dangers of Segwit including Enhanced Selfish Mining Attacks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8gWv5lqG9A 9 comments btc
- Great watch!!! Ivan on Tech interviews Roger Ver. Topics include: early days of Bitcoin, scaling debate, theimos censorship & core misinformation, Segwit fork, rise of Bitcoin Cash and future. https://youtu.be/F3zJFJZc4Go?t=2s 41 comments btc
- Just a reminder: For years we constantly heard from BCore about how great Segwit will be. Now that it is activated, almost nobody is using it. It wasn't a blocksize increase as they had claimed. They are liars and can no longer be trusted to develop for Bitcoin anymore. https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/6wsk15/just_a_reminder_for_years_we_constantly_heard/ 132 comments btc
- Great comment by /u/ForkiusMaximus on how a 51% attack under segwit is amplified so that instead of reversing a few transactions, it will instead damage a huge part(if not nearly all) of the ledger https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/6hkyb9/segwit2x_alpha_is_out/dj00o63/ 101 comments btc
- Soft forks - risks of fractional reserve. Mike Hearn. I have been reading a lot recently about SegWit, and I thought this is a great article to go through, especially for newcomers, who might be interested in technical differences of compatible (soft) upgrades and incompatible (hard) upgrades. https://medium.com/@octskyward/on-consensus-and-forks-c6a050c792e7 14 comments btc