- Scene of a crime: After billions of dollars in subsidies, here's Verizon's broadband coverage http://m.dailykos.com/story/2015/02/02/1361802/-after-billions-of-dollars-in-subsidies-here-s-verizon-s-broadband-coverage 5 comments business
- Cosmic crime scene reveals how black holes turn stars into 'spaghetti' https://www.space.com/black-hole-star-death-gas-cloud-clues 5 comments space
- Cosmic crime scene reveals how black holes turn stars into 'spaghetti' https://www.space.com/black-hole-star-death-gas-cloud-clues 2 comments space
- Swalwell Blasts RNC: 'This Is Not a Political Convention. It’s a Crime Scene' https://ijr.org/eric-swalwell-rnc-crime-scene/ 140 comments politics
- Avenatti on Cohen plea: 'Trump's fingerprints are all over the crime scene' https://www.cnn.com/2018/08/21/politics/michael-avenatti-crime-scene-trump-cnntv/index.html 37 comments politics
- Crow swoops off with a knife from a Vancouver crime scene. http://www.cbc.ca/beta/news/canada/british-columbia/crow-knife-crime-scene-1.3600299 6 comments law
- South African Cops Stole $10K Watch From Oscar Pistorius Crime Scene http://deadspin.com/south-african-cops-stole-10k-watch-from-oscar-pistoriu-1543831000 4 comments worldnews
- Wall Street's Bailout is a Trillion-Dollar Crime Scene -- Why Aren't the Dems Doing Something About It? http://www.alternet.org/workplace/107000/wall_street%27s_bailout_is_a_trillion-dollar_crime_scene_--_why_aren%27t_the_dems_doing_something_about_it_/?page=entire 15 comments politics
- Creepy ‘Geofence’ Finds Anyone Who Went Near a Crime Scene https://www.wired.com/story/creepy-geofence-finds-anyone-near-crime-scene/ 98 comments privacy
- Deputy resigns after video shows him stealing granola bars from crime scene https://www.9news.com/article/news/deputy-resigns-after-video-shows-him-stealing-granola-bars-from-crime-scene/73-618354226 20 comments nottheonion
- White House as crime scene: how Robert Mueller is closing in on Trump https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/aug/05/robert-mueller-donald-trump-russia 580 comments politics
- Hillary Clinton Returns to the Scene of Donald Trump’s Crime: Atlantic City http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2016/07/06/hil-returns-to-the-scene-of-trump-s-crime-atlantic-city.html?via=mobile&source=reddit 5 comments politics
- Crow apparently flies off with crime scene knife http://m.ajc.com/news/news/weird-news/crow-apparently-flies-crime-scene-knife/nrtzh/ 7 comments nottheonion
- Well, shit. DNA evidence at crime scenes can now be fabricated. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/08/18/science/18dna.html?_r=1 215 comments science
- This picture of Karl Rove is a crime scene http://wonkette.com/politics/karl-rove/this-picture-of-karl-rove-is-a-crime-scene-248991.php 15 comments reddit.com
- FBI Could Track Your Phone Location When You're Near a Crime Scene https://www.techtimes.com/articles/271551/20220207/fbi-track-phone-location-google-geofence-warrant-fbi-new-docs.htm 3 comments privacy
- Suspect in Ahmaud Arbery killing called DA from the crime scene seeking advice, prosecutor says https://www.cnn.com/2020/11/13/us/ahmaud-arbery-suspects-bond-hearing/index.html 6 comments nottheonion
- How did the police know you were near a crime scene? Google told them https://www.mprnews.org/story/2019/02/07/google-location-police-search-warrants 5 comments technology
- Man not guilty of burglary despite his soiled underpants found at crime scene http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-06-15/man-not-guilty-of-burglary-despite-soiled-underpants-crime-scene/7513748 17 comments nottheonion
- Crow swoops into crime scene and tries to steal knife identified as evidence http://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/may/26/crow-steals-knife-canada-crime-scene-car-explosion 4 comments nottheonion
- The use of cellphone records to place suspects at or near crime scenes is coming under attack in courts nationwide. http://wapo.st/1rI9KLK 4 comments law
- Bleeding tooth fungus - It's a mushroom that looks like a crime scene... (PICS) http://thylulenspiegel.blogspot.com/2009/02/bleeding-tooth-fungus.html 2 comments science
- A major breakthrough in the way fingerprints are taken from crime scenes could lead to hundreds of cold cases being reopened http://ukpress.google.com/article/aleqm5jdfdklxlpkl9hhiwdomz0c6af78g 4 comments science
- German TV-launch of the gloomy crime scene of the "2 Guns" -regisseurs ("Trapped - Captured in Iceland" ) http://frontpagenews.nayab.net/2017/02/in-trapped-mysterious-murder-series.html 3 comments germany
- Investigative journalists expose crime scene altering in high profile Philippine murder case http://www.philstar.com/headlines/2016/11/10/1642383/photos-tell-2-stories-espinosa-death-shootout-or-rubout 6 comments worldnews
- Burglary victims could be asked to email evidence to police rather than have an officer attend the crime scene, police chief says. http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2015/aug/06/burglary-victims-could-email-evidence-to-investigators-police-chief-says 5 comments worldnews
- EyeWitness: Police Refused to See Crime Scene in Trayvon Martin Murder // She even tried to show them but they refused! http://www.dailykos.com/story/2012/04/07/1081532/-eyewitness-police-refused-to-see-crime-scene-in-trayvon-martin-murder- 45 comments politics
- US woman caught 'smuggling ammunition into Mexico'.. A US Congressional report suggested some 70% of firearms recovered from Mexican crime scenes in 2009 and 2010 and submitted for tracing came from the US.. Wow, come on guys.. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-14395822 3 comments reddit.com
- New Forensic Method Can Determine a Person's Age from Blood Left at a Crime Scene http://www.popsci.com/science/article/2010-11/new-forensic-method-can-determine-persons-age-blood-left-crime-scene 12 comments science
- Handgun used to assassinate Bhutto found at crime scene--same make used exclusively by Pakistani special forces division. http://winterpatriot.blogspot.com/2008/01/musharraf-postpones-election-calls-in.html 2 comments reddit.com
- RG Kar 'rape case': Crime scene ‘renovation’ near eve of CBI probe, students fear evidence tampering https://www.telegraphindia.com/gallery/rg-kar-rape-case-crime-scene-renovated-on-eve-of-central-bureau-of-investigation-probe-students-fear-evidence-tampering-photogallery/cid/2040789?slide=4 15 comments india
- unexplained murder Documentary : As AI robots become the future (2023) the crime scene investigator Asks the tough questions as the situation gets out of hand with on Who's the true victim [00:11:34] https://youtu.be/bZzmW7D-Lm4 2 comments documentaries
- DNA testing has revealed genetic material from an unknown male in the evidence collected from an Arkansas murder scene years after another man was executed for the crime, according to the Innocence Project and the ACLU https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/551832-genetic-material-from-unknown-man-in-1993-killing-revealed-years-after 105 comments law
- Two men have been jailed for running what is thought to be the UK's first fully functioning gun factory on a Sussex industrial estate. Jurors heard guns from the factory had been sold to London criminals and linked to eight crime scenes including two attempted murders. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-sussex-48202765 18 comments worldnews
- [Eric Smith] Crime scene directly outside Amway Center in ORL...Witnesses say multiple shots were fired & police shot a suspect. I'm not sure if the suspect died. Shooting occured while TOR was practicing https://twitter.com/eric__smith/status/968893380959780864 56 comments nba
- Argentina experts confirm Nisman was murdered, name possible suspect: Investigators determine prosecutor investigating deadly AMIA Jewish center was drugged and beaten by two people, who tried to make crime scene look like a suicide https://www.timesofisrael.com/argentina-experts-confirm-nisman-was-murdered-name-possible-suspect/ 6 comments worldnews
- Rhinos With Spy Cams in Their Horns Will Catch Poachers in the Act - A big problem has been that anti-poaching teams find out about incidents too late, leading to low arrest & conviction rates at the scene of the crime. "All this tech has existed for a long time, we’ve just put it together." http://motherboard.vice.com/read/the-internet-of-rhinos-is-here 53 comments worldnews
- Sri Lanka transforms its killing fields into a tourist attraction - Rewriting history, Sinhalese victors snap photos and eat ice cream at an alleged war crimes scene. http://www.globalpost.com/dispatch/news/regions/asia-pacific/140214/sri-lanka-transforms-its-killing-fields-tourist-attraction 21 comments worldnews
- As grim crime scenes fill our newscasts and nightmares, Americans feel more threatened by violence than ever. But the surprising truth for most people is that. . . YOU'RE SAFER THAN YOU THINK http://money.cnn.com/magazines/moneymag/moneymag_archive/1994/06/01/88911/index.htm 99 comments politics
- 80 Dead: "So far, the major link between these late-night, alcohol-related drownings in 11 different states is that the two former NYPD detectives hired by a group of the victim's families to investigate the killings have found graffiti depicting a smiley face around some of the crime scenes." http://www.asylum.com/2009/03/24/did-the-smiley-face-killer-kill-up-to-80-men/ 4 comments worldnews