Hacker News
- Large Scale Payments Systems and Ruby on Rails https://medium.com/airbnb-engineering/large-scale-payments-systems-and-ruby-on-rails-bfe5b89f6f4 2 comments
- Large Scale Payments Systems and Ruby on Rails http://nerds.airbnb.com/large-scale-payments-systems-ruby-rails/ 2 comments
- Does Rails Scale? https://bearmetal.eu/theden/does-rails-scale/ 23 comments
- Scaling a Rails Webservice on AWS/EC2 for a #1 iPhone and iPad App http://discovr.info/2011/07/scaling-a-rails-webservice-on-awsec2-for-a-1-iphone-and-ipad-app/ 17 comments
- Rails + MySQL scaling on a budget http://devblog.muziboo.com/2011/03/09/rails-mysql-scaling-on-a-budget/ 32 comments
- Building and Scaling a Startup on Rails: Things We Learned the Hard Way (by Posterous S08) http://axonflux.com/building-and-scaling-a-startup 55 comments
- Scaling Twitter & Scaling Ruby on Rails (by Blaine from Twitter) http://www.slideshare.net/Blaine/scaling-twitter 6 comments
- It's boring to scale with Ruby on Rails-interesting math on the relative importance of productivity and performance http://www.loudthinking.com/arc/000479.html 6 comments reddit.com
- Money Saving Add-Ons for Heroku Compared in 2022 - Autoidle, Rails Autoscale, Adept Scale https://autoidle.com/blog/money-saving-tools-heroku 7 comments rails
- Scaling Rails web sockets in Kubernetes with AnyCable https://vitobotta.com/2022/06/18/scaling-rails-web-sockets-in-kubernetes-with-anycable/ 2 comments ruby
- Scaling Rails web sockets in Kubernetes with AnyCable https://vitobotta.com/2022/06/18/scaling-rails-web-sockets-in-kubernetes-with-anycable/ 2 comments rails
- I'd like to build an octagon rail grid like this. What scale/side length do you think works well for scaling big? http://www.supercoloring.com/sites/default/files/styles/coloring_full/public/cif/2015/01/tessellation-with-octagon-and-square-coloring-page.png 17 comments factorio
- Developers Guide To Scaling Rails Apps https://www.devgraph.com/2021/08/09/developers-guide-scale-rails-apps/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=engineyard 7 comments rails
- ruby and rails does not scale@github https://twitter.com/natfriedman/status/1404835709278580739 39 comments ruby
- 📈 Scaling Ruby on Rails on Heroku with Connection Pooling https://medium.com/@cga1123/scaling-ruby-on-rails-on-heroku-with-connection-pooling-4fa2e9b02e72 5 comments ruby
- Rails auto-scaling on Heroku https://bibwild.wordpress.com/2021/01/27/rails-auto-scaling-on-heroku/ 8 comments heroku
- How are Rails' "scaling issues" different from any other framework? https://benchmarksgame-team.pages.debian.net/benchmarksgame/fastest/yarv-python3.html 28 comments rails
- [Factorio 0.17] 1KSPM Scale Rail Grid Stress Test https://www.youtube.com/watch?amp%3Bfeature=youtu.be&v=Fjd7CoZ83H0 4 comments factorio
- California to scale back $77 billion high-speed rail project: governor https://www.reuters.com/article/us-california-governor-rail/california-will-not-complete-77-billion-high-speed-rail-project-governor-iduskcn1q12ii 3 comments politics
- "Big on Heroku: Scaling Fountain without losing a drop". A one-stop guide for getting the most out of Heroku for a Rails startup. https://evilmartians.com/chronicles/big-on-heroku-scaling-fountain-without-losing-a-drop 7 comments ruby
- [Question] Executing daily cron jobs across a horizontally scaled Rails environment https://www.reddit.com/r/rails/comments/6pwi6l/question_executing_daily_cron_jobs_across_a/ 4 comments rails
- Airbnb’s main webapp uses Rails, Java, and MySQL. This article covers how they operate it at scale. https://medium.com/airbnb-engineering/unlocking-horizontal-scalability-in-our-web-serving-tier-d907449cdbcf#.a6avdhpp5 8 comments programming
- How we scaled our Rails backend https://blog.adwyze.com/how-we-scaled-our-rails-backend-135d14a165ca 31 comments rails
- Scaling Rails to 125,000 Requests per Minute on Heroku https://zeemee.engineering/scaling-rails-to-125-000-requests-per-minute-on-heroku-b4128a10a769 42 comments ruby
- I'm interviewing Simon Eskildsen who scales a Rails app with 300M uniques/month on thousands of Docker containers. What do you want me to ask? https://scaleyourcode.com/interviews 5 comments webdev
- Huge Chinese rail company may be unstoppable with impressive economies of scale - The merger of CSR and CNR is now complete, producing a nearly $130-billion behemoth called CRRC Corp. with economies of scale that will allow China to compete even more aggressively for overseas rail deals. http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2015/06/08/asia-pacific/huge-chinese-rail-company-may-unstoppable-impressive-economies-scale/#.vxvh-m5btzm 12 comments worldnews
- Why Do They Say Rails Doesn't Scale? http://codefol.io/posts/why-do-they-say-rails-doesnt-scale 5 comments rails
- Scaling Rails http://railslab.newrelic.com/scaling-rails 6 comments rails
- The sheer scale of public transport in Britain baffles me.....Every bus stop, taxi rank, rail station, airport and ferry port in Britain. And Britain is not even the most extensive network! http://tables.googlelabs.com/embedviz?viz=map&q=select+col0%2Ccol1%2Ccol2%2Ccol3%2Ccol4%2Ccol5%2Ccol6%2Ccol7%2Ccol8%2Ccol9%2Ccol10%2Ccol11%2Ccol12%2Ccol13%2Ccol14+from+260440+&h=false&lat=53.25206880589411&lng=-2.13134765625&z=6&t=3&l=col4 14 comments reddit.com
- facebook should have used Rails. PHP doesn't scale. http://twitter.com/adrianpike/status/25339700087 13 comments rails
- 5 Tips to scale your Ruby on Rails application http://www.engineyard.com/blog/2009/5-tips-to-scale-your-ror-application/ 7 comments programming
- Building and Scaling a Startup on Rails: 12 Things We Learned the Hard Way http://axonflux.com/building-and-scaling-a-startup 3 comments ruby
- NeverBlock: Instant Scaling For Your Rails Apps http://www.espace.com.eg/neverblock/blog/2008/09/04/neverblock-instant-scaling-for-your-rails-apps/ 2 comments ruby
- Ruby on Rails: scaling to 1 billion page views per month http://blogs.zdnet.com/enterprisealley/?p=188 2 comments ruby
- Scale rails from one box to three, four, and beyond http://blog.caboo.se/articles/2007/7/29/scale-rails-from-one-box-to-three-four-and-five 3 comments programming
- Scaling Twitter & Scaling Ruby on Rails (by Blaine from Twitter) http://www.slideshare.net/blaine/scaling-twitter 9 comments programming
- Scaling to multiple databases with Rails in 75 lines http://www.loudthinking.com/arc/000610.html?title=nogood 7 comments programming
- Ruby: Does Rails Scale Down? http://darwinweb.net/article/does_rails_scale_down 9 comments programming
- The adventures of scaling Ruby on Rails, Part 1 http://poocs.net/articles/2006/03/13/the-adventures-of-scaling-stage-1 4 comments reddit.com
- On Twitter, Rails, and Community (Kevin Clark rationally responds to the Twitter scaling controversy) http://glu.ttono.us/articles/2007/04/15/on-twitter-rails-and-community 19 comments programming