Hacker News
- It’s Time to Say Goodbye to These Obsolete Python Libraries https://martinheinz.dev/blog/77 2 comments
- Monty Python Finally Says Goodbye http://www.esquire.com/blogs/culture/monty-python-final-reunion-performance-interview 2 comments
- Saying goodbye to Python http://www.ianbicking.org/blog/2014/02/saying-goodbye-to-python.html 157 comments
- Mongrel2 Says, "Goodbye Python" http://sheddingbikes.com/posts/1285063820.html 236 comments
- It's time to say goodbye to these obsolete Python libraries https://martinheinz.dev/blog/77 6 comments programming
- It's Time to Say Goodbye to These Obsolete Python Libraries | Martin Heinz https://martinheinz.dev/blog/77 120 comments python
- Time to Say Goodbye: Python 3.6 Is End-of-Life https://thenewstack.io/time-to-say-goodbye-python-3-6-is-end-of-life/ 111 comments python
- Ian Bicking: "Saying Goodbye To Python" http://www.ianbicking.org/blog/2014/02/saying-goodbye-to-python.html 137 comments programming