Hacker News
- Samsung unveils Galaxy Gear smartwatch accessory http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-23961692 22 comments
- Samsung unveils Galaxy Gear smartwatch with built-in camera, 70 apps http://www.engadget.com/2013/09/04/samsung-unveils-galaxy-gear/ 83 comments
- Samsung posts first ad for Galaxy Gear smartwatch [video] http://thetechblock.com/samsung-posts-first-ad-galaxy-gear-smartwatch/ 13 comments
- Samsung's Gear VR Is a Portable Oculus Rift for the Galaxy Note 4 http://www.theverge.com/2014/9/3/6098745/samsung-gear-vr-oculus-announcement-hands-on 33 comments
- Is this Samsung's Galaxy Gear smartwatch? http://www.theverge.com/2013/9/1/4683218/is-this-samsungs-galaxy-gear-smartwatch 41 comments technology
- Samsung unveils Galaxy Gear smartwatch - Flop incoming http://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/personal/2013/09/04/live-samsung-ifa-berlin/2762737/ 6 comments technology
- The New Samsung Galaxy Gear Smartwatch http://thesmashable.com/samsung-announced-galaxy-gear-smartwatch-galaxy-note-3-smartphone/ 3 comments technology
- During development, Apple hid the Apple Watch in plain sight by disguising it as a Samsung Galaxy Gear http://bgr.com/2015/03/02/apple-watch-release-hidden-secret-development/ 194 comments apple
- Samsung rumored to replace Android with Tizen on Galaxy Gear 2 smartwatch http://www.digitaltrends.com/mobile/galaxy-gear-2-to-use-tizen-not-android/ 3 comments technology
- Samsung shows just how awkward life can be in its latest Galaxy Gear ad http://www.theverge.com/2013/12/22/5235278/samsung-awkward-galaxy-gear-ad 43 comments technology
- Samsung boasts 800,000 Galaxy Gear smartwatch sales in two months http://www.engadget.com/2013/11/19/samsung-800000-galaxy-gear-sales/ 10 comments business
- Almost a third of Samsung Galaxy Gear smartwatches are being returned- The Inquirer http://www.theinquirer.net/inquirer/news/2303366/almost-a-third-of-samsung-galaxy-gear-smartwatches-are-being-returned 408 comments technology
- Samsung Galaxy Gear return rate above 30% http://www.geek.com/android/galaxy-gear-support-coming-to-samsung-phones-amid-concern-over-30-return-rate-1575151/ 59 comments technology
- Death by incompatibility: A Samsung Galaxy Gear review http://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2013/10/death-by-incompatibility-a-samsung-galaxy-gear-review/ 22 comments technology
- What do you guys make of this? "Samsung’s Galaxy Gear didn’t “sell” 800,000 units, and it could be as big a flop as Microsoft Surface" http://qz.com/148833/samsungs-galaxy-gear-didnt-sell-800000-units-and-it-could-be-as-big-a-flop-as-microsoft-surface/ 17 comments technology
- Samsung Galaxy Gear ad copies original iPhone ad from 2007 [SameSung] http://obamapacman.com/2013/10/samsung-copies-2007-iphone-ad/ 6 comments apple
- Samsung Galaxy Gear? or iPod Nano with Lunatik? http://www.tuaw.com/2013/09/04/confused-by-the-galaxy-gear-apple-released-a-better-cheaper-wa/ 45 comments apple
- Samsung's Galaxy Gear is a smartwatch like no other - On sale for $299 in the United States from early October http://www.theverge.com/2013/9/4/4692824/samsung-galaxy-gear-features-specs-release-date-price 167 comments technology
- Samsung Galaxy Gear smartwatch looks rushed, misses the mark -- "It's clear that Samsung has dropped the ball. It's also evident that Samsung doesn't understand the wearable technology market yet either." http://www.zdnet.com/samsung-galaxy-gear-smartwatch-looks-rushed-misses-the-mark-7000020243/ 24 comments technology