Hacker News
- XML is not S-Expressions (2002) https://web.archive.org/web/20020614094233/http:/www.prescod.net/xml/sexprs.html 2 comments
- Hacking S-expressions into Ruby https://sonnym.github.io/2015/02/26/hacking-s-expressions-into-ruby/ 6 comments
- S-expressions for fun and profit http://www.mohiji.org/2011/01/s-expressions/ 10 comments
- Using s-expressions instead of XML http://blog.fandle.com/2010/02/using-s-expressions-instead-of-xml.html 23 comments
- Show HN: a Lisp that uses JSON instead of S-expressions (in .js) https://github.com/jes5199/brid.js 70 comments
- O-expressions - An alternative to s-expressions for extensible syntax http://breuleux.net/blog/oexprs.html 12 comments lisp
- Yet another S-expression crate? https://r0tty.org/blog/yet-another-rust-sexpr-crate/ 6 comments rust
- Is there a database for s-expressions? https://www.reddit.com/r/lisp/comments/55jp3y/is_there_a_database_for_sexpressions/ 13 comments lisp
- TAO: a simple alternative to XML, JSON, S-expressions https://www.tree-annotation.org/ 19 comments programming
- S-expressions as a Lightweight Serialization Format https://bryangarza.github.io/s-expressions-as-a-lightweight-serialization-format.html 21 comments programming
- Visualize S-expression nicely https://github.com/tojoqk/pict-sexp 11 comments lisp
- Some thoughts on JSON vs. S-expressions http://eli.thegreenplace.net/2012/03/04/some-thoughts-on-json-vs-s-expressions/ 168 comments programming
- How XML should have looked - an s-expression to XML DSL in elisp http://repo.or.cz/w/shellarchive.git?a=blob_plain;hb=head;f=xmlgen.el 3 comments emacs
- Dumping OCaml values as S-expressions and dot-files. http://lambdamuesli.blogspot.com/ 7 comments programming
- In Praise of s-Expressions http://www.redlizards.com/blog/?p=176 9 comments ocaml
- Hasp: an s-expression to Haskell compiler. http://www-student.cs.york.ac.uk/~anc505/code/hasp/hasp.html 5 comments haskell
- sfsexp - the small, fast s-expression library http://sexpr.sourceforge.net/index.html 2 comments programming
- IETF draft for canonical s-expressions http://people.csail.mit.edu/rivest/sexp.txt 8 comments programming
- S-expressions: A syntax of minimal commitment http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.lisp/msg/d3b0419bcb04d216 2 comments programming
- Representing S-Expressions as colored boxes. http://www.32768.com/bill/weblog/2004/11/04/someone-threw-up-some-lisp/ 7 comments programming
- Python S-expressions template engine http://breve.twisty-industries.com/ 7 comments programming
- I know there a dime a dozen, but I made an S-expression interpreter https://github.com/maxgoren/mgclisp/ 10 comments lisp
- GUI components as s-expressions to generate dynamic “knowledge” documents https://joelkuiper.eu/knowledge 4 comments lisp
- S-Expression Isomorphism Between Lisp and Markup http://www.kludgecode.com/index.php/s-expression-isomorphism-between-lisp-and-markup/ 10 comments lisp
- Readable Lisp S-expressions Project http://readable.sourceforge.net/ 22 comments lisp
- S-expressions for fun and profit. | mohiji.org http://www.mohiji.org/2011/01/s-expressions/ 11 comments lisp
- SEXP---(S-expressions) - Ron L. Rivest's site. http://people.csail.mit.edu/rivest/sexp.html 9 comments programming
- Readable s-expressions and sweet-expressions: Getting the infix fix and fewer parentheses in Lisp-like languages http://www.dwheeler.com/readable/readable-s-expressions.html 71 comments programming
- Lisp code for generating images of cons cells (S-Expression) like from SICP https://codepen.io/jcubic/pen/WNQOgpY 7 comments lisp
- GitHub - anko/eslisp: un-opinionated S-expression syntax and macro system for JavaScript https://github.com/anko/eslisp 10 comments lisp
- Machine readable version of GLSL spec (s-expression & json) https://github.com/cbaggers/gl-to-sexp/tree/master/spec 6 comments gamedev
- S-expressions for long-term storage of Ocaml values http://nleyten.com/2008/03/10/sexpressions-for-longterm-storage-of-ocaml-values.aspx 4 comments programming
- XML isn't as bad as people make it out to be: a discussion about XML, flat files, and s-expressions http://useless-factor.blogspot.com/2008/02/xml-and-its-alternatives.html 43 comments programming
- I created a cross compiler which converts s-expressions to Matlab - it allows lispy metaprogramming on top of a solid numerical platform. http://dorophone.blogspot.com/2012/04/parenlab-s-expressions-on-top-of.html 4 comments lisp
- S-Expressions: The Fat-Free Alternative to JSON http://shinkirou.org/blog/2010/06/s-expressions-the-fat-free-alternative-to-json/ 199 comments programming
- S-expression based mark-up language (with a bonus discussion on Markdown in the comments) http://cairnarvon.rotahall.org/2010/05/25/towards-a-better-bbcode/ 16 comments coding
- S-expression based mark-up language (with a bonus discussion on Markup in the comments) http://cairnarvon.rotahall.org/2010/05/25/towards-a-better-bbcode/ 26 comments programming
- Sexplib - Library for automated conversion of OCaml-values to and from S-expressions. From Jane Street Capital. http://www.janestcapital.com/ocaml/index.html 6 comments programming
- Haskell-style parser combinators in Factor: s-expression reader example http://www.bluishcoder.co.nz/2006/10/factor-parser-combinator-example.html 4 comments programming
- Meta-meta-programming: Generating C++ templates from Racket S-expressions [PDF] http://matt.might.net/papers/ballantyne2014metameta.pdf 3 comments programming