Hacker News
- Rust-Written Linux Scheduler Showing Promising Results for Gaming Performance https://www.phoronix.com/news/Rust-Linux-Scheduler-Experiment 111 comments
- Fixing Python Performance with Rust https://blog.sentry.io/2016/10/19/fixing-python-performance-with-rust.html 103 comments
- data processing performance with python, go, rust, and c https://nathants.com/posts/data-processing-performance-with-python-go-rust-and-c 5 comments
- Async Rust is about concurrency, not (just) performance https://kobzol.github.io/rust/2025/01/15/async-rust-is-about-concurrency.html 16 comments rust
- Rust vs. C++: Fine-grained Performance http://cantrip.org/rust-vs-c++.html 12 comments c , rust
- Cheap tricks for high-performance Rust https://deterministic.space/high-performance-rust.html 14 comments rust
- capnproto-rust v0.12: support for unaligned memory without sacrificing soundness or performance https://dwrensha.github.io/capnproto-rust/2020/01/19/new-feature-to-allow-unaligned-buffers.html 6 comments rust
- Building a high-performance TCP client with async/await in Rust https://ragona.com/posts/clobber_async_await 4 comments rust
- Rust with Session Types for Extra-Safe High-Performance Codecs https://polysync.io/blog/session-types-for-hearty-codecs/ 9 comments rust
- [Compilation times/Run-Time performance] Rust-1.66 vs C++20 use case with Meta-Programming, any idea about rust-compiler behavior? https://twitter.com/krisjusiak/status/1579825692266885125 15 comments rust
- Actix (Rust) vs Zap (Zig) vs Stdlib (Zig): Performance Benchmark in Kubernetes #208 - Updated https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SR2LRhnL1AQ 62 comments zig
- Maximizing Your Rust Code's Performance https://jbecker.dev/research/on-writing-performant-rust 20 comments rust
- Performance: Rust and its relationship with Node.js https://sprkl.dev/performance-rust-node-js/ 68 comments programming
- Found very good book on increasing rust program performance Tips https://nnethercote.github.io/perf-book 12 comments rust
- Building Performant Web Apps with Rust, WebAssembly, and Webpack https://canvasapp.com/blog/building-modern-web-apps-with-rust-wasm-and-webpack/ 2 comments webassembly
- Linux 6.0 arrives with performance improvements (AMD GPU related) and more Rust coming https://www.zdnet.com/article/linux-6-0-arrives-with-performance-improvements-and-more-rust-coming/ 78 comments linux_gaming
- A performance retrospective using Rust (part 2) https://agourlay.github.io/rust-performance-retrospective-part2/ 17 comments rust
- Raw stdout write performance go vs rust https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yes_(Unix) 33 comments rust
- Writing performant ML/Data Science algorithms in Rust: What's different from Python? https://www.reddit.com/r/rust/comments/n75772/writing_performant_mldata_science_algorithms_in/ 5 comments rust
- How I significantly improved Giganotes app performance using Rust https://www.reddit.com/r/rust/comments/m14agf/how_i_significantly_improved_giganotes_app/ 7 comments rust
- If Go could turn off its GC optionally like Nim/Crystal, what benefits would you expect? Would it be viable like C/Rust performance for systems dev? Would a company like Discord not have swtiched to Rust from Go if it had this? What are your thoughts? https://www.reddit.com/r/golang/comments/junupo/if_go_could_turn_off_its_gc_optionally_like/ 64 comments golang
- xsv - a command-line toolkit (for CSV data) written in Rust is crushing it in performance https://ezzeddinabdullah.medium.com/how-to-clean-csv-data-at-the-command-line-part-2-207215881c34 18 comments rust
- Unimpressed with lolcat's startup performance, I've rewritten it in Rust - Introducing dotacat! https://git.scd31.com/stephen/dotacat 45 comments linux
- Unimpressed with lolcat's startup performance, I've rewritten it in Rust - Introducing dotacat! https://crates.io/crates/dotacat 25 comments rust
- Poor docker performance for Rust + Tokio + Hyper server https://www.reddit.com/r/rust/comments/ib5uj6/poor_docker_performance_for_rust_tokio_hyper/ 19 comments rust
- Brave Improves Its Ad-Blocker Performance by 69x with New Engine Implementation in Rust https://brave.com/improved-ad-blocker-performance/ 4 comments redox
- Brave Improves Its Ad-Blocker Performance by 69x with New Engine Implementation in Rust | Brave Browser https://brave.com/improved-ad-blocker-performance/ 11 comments linux
- Performance comparison of rust versions http://chimper.org/rawloader-rustc-benchmarks/ 8 comments rust
- Understanding Rust performances: a newbie question https://www.reddit.com/r/rust/comments/6o8ok9/understanding_rust_performances_a_newbie_question/ 21 comments rust
- Similar Rust and modern C++ code yields in similar performance https://www.reddit.com/r/rust/comments/6nn3rt/similar_rust_and_modern_c_code_yields_in_similar/ 42 comments rust
- Rust Performance Pitfalls https://llogiq.github.io/2017/06/01/perf-pitfalls.html 18 comments programming
- Rust as a language for high performance GC implementation http://ts.data61.csiro.au/publications/nictaabstracts/lin_bhn_16.abstract.pml 18 comments rust
- Performance analysis of two Ethereum clients in Go (Geth) and Rust (Parity) https://blog.ethcore.io/performance-analysis/ 7 comments golang
- (Almost) 6 Months of Rust Runtime Performance https://dikaiosune.github.io/almost-6-months-rust-runtime-perf.html 27 comments rust
- Rust vs. C++: Fine-grained Performance http://cantrip.org/rust-vs-c++.html 13 comments coding
- Rust vs. C++: Fine-grained Performance http://cantrip.org/rust-vs-c++.html 102 comments cpp
- How to Use Rust with Node.js When Performance Matters http://blog.risingstack.com/how-to-use-rust-with-node-when-performance-matters/ 4 comments node
- Matrix Multiply Performance in Rust http://csherratt.github.io/csherratt/blog/2013/11/24/matrix-multiply-in-rust/ 17 comments rust
- Performance of Rust and Dart in Sudoku Solving http://attractivechaos.wordpress.com/2013/04/06/performance-of-rust-and-dart-in-sudoku-solving/ 89 comments programming
- Async Rust In Practice: Performance, Pitfalls, Profiling https://www.p99conf.io/2022/08/02/async-rust-in-practice-performance-pitfalls-profiling/ 4 comments rust