- Rio de Janeiro’s Mayor to Invest 1% of The City’s Treasury in Bitcoin https://cryptopotato.com/rio-de-janeiros-mayor-to-invest-1-of-the-citys-treasury-in-bitcoin/ 341 comments bitcoin
- Rio de Janeiro’s Mayor to Invest 1% of The City’s Treasury in Bitcoin https://oglobo.globo.com/economia/eduardo-paes-quer-aplicar-parte-do-tesouro-do-rio-em-criptomoeda-dar-desconto-para-iptu-pago-em-bitcoin-25353018 22 comments bitcoin
- Rio de Janeiro’s Mayor to Invest 1% of The City’s Treasury in Bitcoin https://cryptopotato.com/rio-de-janeiros-mayor-to-invest-1-of-the-citys-treasury-in-bitcoin/ 41 comments cryptocurrency
- Rio de Janeiro mayor plans to invest 1% of the city's treasury in bitcoin https://www.theblockcrypto.com/post/130311/rio-de-janeiro-mayor-bitcoin-btc-1-treasury 16 comments cryptocurrency
- Rio de Janeiro mayor plans to invest 1% of the city's treasury in bitcoin https://www.theblockcrypto.com/post/130311/rio-de-janeiro-mayor-bitcoin-btc-1-treasury 9 comments cryptocurrency