Hacker News
- Saudi Women, Tired of Restraints, Find Ways to Flee https://www.nytimes.com/2019/01/11/world/middleeast/saudi-arabia-women-flee.html 30 comments
- Pro-Assad alliance threatens to hit U.S. positions in Syria: A military alliance fighting in support of Bashar al-Assad said on Wednesday it could hit U.S. positions in Syria, warning that its "self-restraint" over U.S. air strikes on government forces would end if Washington crossed "red lines". http://www.reuters.com/article/us-mideast-crisis-syria-usa-iduskbn18y17h 20 comments worldnews
- Israel unleashes heavy strikes on Lebanon as US, UK urge restraint https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israeli-strikes-hit-multiple-targets-lebanon-2024-09-19/ 86 comments worldnews
- China’s Unusual Restraint to Deadly Incident Between Fisherman and Taiwan Coast Guard https://time.com/6695206/taiwan-coast-guard-fishermen-deaths-china-condemnation/ 40 comments china
- Biden facing pressure for restraint after full-fledged support of Israel https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/biden-facing-pressure-for-restraint-after-full-fledged-support-of-israel 38 comments worldnews
- Britain has urged Israel to show restraint, says Cleverly https://www.reuters.com/world/uk/britain-has-urged-israel-show-restraint-says-cleverly-2023-10-15/ 419 comments worldnews
- There is no conservative legal movement: Originalism, textualism and judicial restraint all got short shrift in this term’s major environmental-regulations decision https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/2022/07/06/epa-roberts-conservative-court-libertarian/ 14 comments law
- The F.B.I. arrest two men who had carried plastic restraints into the Capitol https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/10/us/politics/capitol-zip-ties-arrest.html?s=09#click=https://t.co/amddv8gwo5 45 comments politics
- The F.B.I. arrest two men who had carried plastic restraints into the Capitol. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/10/us/politics/capitol-zip-ties-arrest.html?s=09&#click=https://t.co/u9x2bpu1xw 39 comments politics
- New Mexico officer charged with involuntary manslaughter after man put in neck restraint dies https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/501482-new-mexico-officer-charged-with-involuntary-manslaughter-after-man-put 31 comments politics
- Police restraint caused man's death in Tacoma, medical examiner says https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/501094-police-restraint-caused-mans-death-in-tacoma-medical-examiner-says 10 comments politics
- Minnesota cops trained by Israeli police, who often use knee-on-neck restraint https://israelpalestinenews.org/minn-cops-trained-by-israeli-police-who-often-use-knee-on-neck-restraint/ 41 comments worldnews
- CAA ‘divisive’, exercise restraint in dealing with protests, says UK - Times of India https://m.timesofindia.com/india/uk-govt-calls-caa-divisive-urges-india-to-exercise-restraint-in-handling-protests/amp_articleshow/74407580.cms 12 comments india
- Iraqi security forces shot dead at least 13 protesters in the past 24 hours, abandoning weeks of comparative restraint to unleash live gunfire in a bid to crush demonstrations against the political parties that control the government. https://mobile.reuters.com/article/amp/iduskbn1xf0x8 3 comments worldnews
- Rep. Steve Cohen: Trump does not understand any restraints on his power https://www.msnbc.com/weekends-with-alex-witt/watch/rep-steve-cohen-trump-does-not-understand-any-restraints-on-his-power-69617733602 69 comments politics
- New law ends use of restraints on pregnant inmates as advocates push for more to be done https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/new-law-ends-use-restraints-pregnant-inmates-advocates-push-more-n1007526 7 comments politics
- Pamela Anderson calls out Trump in rant about social media bullies: 'A horrible example of self restraint' https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/pamela-anderson-calls-out-trump-in-rant-about-social-media-bullies-a-horrible-example-of-self-restraint-142630345.html 13 comments politics
- UAE says it will show restraint after tanker attacks, Iran's behavior a concern https://www.reuters.com/article/us-saudi-oil-emirates-tanker-gargash/uae-says-it-will-show-restraint-after-tanker-attacks-irans-behavior-a-concern-iduskcn1sl2d5?il=0 5 comments worldnews
- 'Maximum restraint': Europe allies reject US escalation with Iran https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2019/05/restraint-europe-allies-reject-escalation-iran-190513193300744.html 12 comments politics
- EU calls for restraint from Russia, Ukraine https://apnews.com/2faf065be3d941369fce0cdfe25f823e 7 comments europe
- Seatbelts on school buses could have prevented thousands of injuries, numerous deaths - ‘Exaggerated’ Canadian government study asserted restraints might harm children https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/school-bus-seatbelts-1.4826500 8 comments worldnews
- Trump thanks Syria, Russia, Iran for 'restraint' in Syrian province https://thehill.com/policy/defense/408495-trump-thanks-syria-russia-iran-for-restraint-in-syrian-province 4 comments politics
- After Gaza deaths, France calls on Israel to show restraint https://www.timesofisrael.com/after-gaza-deaths-france-calls-on-israel-to-show-restraint/ 3 comments worldnews
- Washington Is Going for the Jugular. Putin Can't Afford to Be Patient Anymore... Restraint is no longer an option. Russia must take action...John Helmer http://russia-insider.com/en/politics/washington-going-jugular-putin-cant-afford-be-patient-anymore/ri20522 8 comments russia
- Report Rebuts Russia’s Claims of Restraint in Syrian Bombing Campaign https://www.nytimes.com/2017/02/12/us/politics/russia-syria-aleppo-bombing-campaign-restraint.html?partner=rss&emc=rss&smid=tw-nytpolitics&smtyp=cur 3 comments politics
- Trump Responds to North Korean Missile Launch With Uncharacteristic Restraint https://www.nytimes.com/2017/02/12/us/politics/donald-trump-north-korea-missile.html?_r=0 36 comments politics
- Steinmeier’s Tragic Dance Around the Issues - or: Does Restraint Make Germany an Unreliable Ally? http://carnegieeurope.eu/strategiceurope/?fa=64063 27 comments geopolitics
- U.S. intelligence veterans are calling on German Chancellor Merkel to bring a needed dose of realism and restraint to the upcoming NATO conference, which risks escalating the dangerous new Cold War with Russia. https://consortiumnews.com/2016/07/06/merkel-urged-to-temper-natos-belligerence/ 6 comments russia
- German MPs can now read the secret TTIP consolidated texts but are not allowed talk about what they read. A restraint document obtained by correctiv.org shows the harsh penalties in case of disclosure. https://correctiv.org/en/investigations/ttip/blog/2016/02/01/35-square-meters-transparency/ 20 comments germany
- Oil hits 11-year low, Saudi-Iran row cuts chances of output restraint http://www.reuters.com/article/us-global-oil-iduskbn0uk04c20160106 20 comments worldnews
- A real counterweight to US power is a global necessity - Conflicts in the Middle East and Ukraine will spread without effective restraint on western unilateralism http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/oct/29/counterweight-us-power-global-necessity-conflicts-spread 18 comments worldevents
- China's President Xi urges Obama to show restraint with Russia, urges diplomatic solution - Washington Times http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/mar/10/chinas-president-xi-urges-obama-show-restraint-rus/#.ux20upsjwiu.reddit 4 comments worldnews
- Obama to Place Some Restraints on Surveillance http://www.nytimes.com/2014/01/15/us/politics/judge-warns-proposed-safeguards-could-hamper-surveillance-court.html?_r=0 5 comments worldnews
- Fidel Castro pens first column in 9 months, urges restraint on tense Korean Peninsula http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/the_americas/fidel-castro-pens-first-column-in-9-months-urges-restraint-on-tense-korean-peninsula/2013/04/05/caf85ab4-9e00-11e2-9219-51eb8387e8f1_story.html? 57 comments worldnews
- PL Clubs Agree To Restraint On Overspending http://www.sfgate.com/sports/article/premier-league-clubs-agree-cost-control-measures-4259410.php 54 comments soccer
- Hillary Clinton said Bahrain and Saudi Arabia were "on the wrong track" and demanded that Bahrain show restraint with demonstrators and keep hospitals open http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/mar/16/five-die-bahrain-crackdown 38 comments worldnews
- Obama promotes fiscal restraint, big spending and oxymorons http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/obama_economy 3 comments politics
- Phone numbers. Without data entry restraints there's no telling what you might find in a typical phone number data field. Until now. http://www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=159645 18 comments programming
- Executive privilege abused - After six years of kowtowing to the White House, Congress is finally challenging President George W. Bush's campaign to trample all legal and constitutional restraints on his power http://www.iht.com/articles/2007/07/01/opinion/edabuse.php 2 comments reddit.com
- "the president can displace from office a man whose merits require that he should be continued in it. What will be [...] the restraints that operate to prevent it? In the first place, he will be im-peachable by this house, before the senate, for such an act of mal-administration;" -- James Madison, speech on presidential power, 1789 http://www.constitution.org/jm/17890616_removal.htm 27 comments reddit.com