Hacker News
- Show HN: Semantic search engine for finding relevant VCs and angels https://graph.one/investor-search 6 comments
- Vote on Algolia vs. Trieve HN Dataset Blind Search Relevance Poll? https://hn-compare.trieve.ai/?q=Eaglercraft+Minecraft 3 comments
- The fastest and more relevant search engine https://openperplex.com/ 2 comments
- Postgres text search: balancing query time and relevancy https://about.sourcegraph.com/blog/postgres-text-search-balancing-query-time-and-relevancy/ 13 comments
- MeiliSearch: Ultra relevant and instant full-text search API https://github.com/meilisearch/MeiliSearch 2 comments
- New Book: 'Relevant Search' http://opensourceconnections.com/blog/2016/06/21/relevant-search-published/ 14 comments
- Google's search results are not relevant, example: PDF https://plus.google.com/100409232498201806339/posts/SpXWZEEvrEY 18 comments
- Embedded vector database with configurable distance metric and relevancy-based vector search | OasysDB v0.4.0 release https://github.com/oasysai/oasysdb/tree/v0.4.0 9 comments rust
- Dotcom's search warrants declared illegal, all data held by the police to be reviewed with non-relevant data returned, no more giving evidence to the US before his extradition hearing. http://www.nbr.co.nz/article/dotcom-search-warrants-declared-illegal-ca-122374 3 comments worldnews
- A new type of search that yields more relevant but less commonly produced search results compared to conventional search engines. I've been using it for a few weeks and it's just enjoyable to use. I'm finding all these random websites & links that I've never heard of before https://metaphor.systems/ 53 comments internetisbeautiful
- Brave Search introduces the Summarizer, an AI tool for synthesized, relevant results | Brave Browser https://brave.com/ai-summarizer/ 5 comments browsers
- Podcast Overload? Synthesis Youtube lets you search your favourite podcasts and watch relevant segments in seconds! https://www.producthunt.com/posts/synthesis-youtube 75 comments internetisbeautiful
- fccf: A command-line tool that quickly searches through C/C++ source code in a directory based on a search string and prints relevant code snippets that match the query https://github.com/p-ranav/fccf 33 comments cpp
- fccf: A command-line tool that quickly searches through C/C++ source code in a directory based on a search string and prints relevant code snippets that match the query. https://github.com/p-ranav/fccf 17 comments commandline
- SEO is a great way to validate your startup idea - simply check the monthly volume of relevant Google searches. https://trends.google.com/trends/ 38 comments entrepreneur
- Study discovers process that may have produced first organic molecules for life on Earth. The process, which is similar to what might have occurred in some ancient underwater hydrothermal vents, may also have relevance to the search for life elsewhere in the universe. https://www.titech.ac.jp/english/news/2020/048098.html 6 comments science
- Study pinpoints process that might have led to first organic molecules about 4 billion years ago, before the origin of life.. The process, which is similar to what might have occurred in ancient hydrothermal vents, may also have relevance to the search for life elsewhere in the universe. https://www.pnas.org/content/early/2020/09/04/2002659117 4 comments science
- My google searches start to load it's original page, but then immediately refresh and load up a first page of results that aren't half as relevant... None 4 comments chrome
- Guernsey Police definitively call off active search for Emiliano Sala & missing plane. They have informed the relevant individuals’ family members. https://twitter.com/guernseypolice/status/1088455177361711104 297 comments soccer
- Students of Reddit - write papers/essays in half the time with this free website that automatically searches for relevant citations while you write! [OC] http://www.citehero.com/write 5 comments productivity
- Is there a way to disable Google ads relevant to your recent searches? https://www.reddit.com/r/techsupport/comments/7aiimv/is_there_a_way_to_disable_google_ads_relevant_to/ 7 comments techsupport
- What are the main methods for calculating "relevance" for a search query? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tf%E2%80%93idf 3 comments askscience
- How a couple of google search tricks helped us find relevant B2B leads https://developer.linkedin.com/docs/reference/industry-codes 15 comments startups
- Appeals Court ruling: 1) 215 doesn't authorize bulk collection 2) Bulk collection implies everyone has standing 3) 4th Amendment protects against unreasonable seizures, not just searches 4) "Automatic" queries of databases equal to manual searches 5) Gov's reinterpretation of "relevant" invalid https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20150507/07372730922/huge-win-appeals-court-says-nsas-bulk-phone-records-collection-not-actually-authorized-patriot-act.shtml 3 comments technology
- [New IA] Search Product Hunt for relevant posts https://duckduckgo.com/?q=product+hunt+twitter&ia=producthunt 3 comments duckduckgo
- Parts.io is a new electronic component search engine focused on presenting relevant data to engineers http://blog.parts.io/were-live/ 27 comments electronics
- Rage Against the Personalised Search Machine: How Google fell out of bed with relevancy http://blog.opencc.co.uk/2013/02/rage-against-the-personalised-search-machine-how-google-fell-out-of-bed-with-relevancy/ 7 comments technology
- ACLU: In a case with chilling privacy implications, the California Supreme Court recently held that police officers can search the entire contents of a cell phone whenever they arrest someone, no matter how small the suspected crime or how relevant the cell phone contents might be http://www.aclunc.org/issues/technology/blog/don%27t_hide_your_gun_in_your_iphone%28%29.shtml 27 comments politics
- Ever wonder how The Daily Show and Colbert Report can find so many relevant clips from dozens of news sites for their daily shows? They have SnapStream that records a virtually unlimited number of TV shows then search inside those TV shows to pinpoint television content of interest. http://tvsearcher.snapstream.com/2009/12/the-daily-show-and-colbert-report-go-with-snapstream/ 74 comments politics
- The F.C.C. needs to look beyond network neutrality and include “search neutrality”: the principle that search engines should have no editorial policies other than that their results be comprehensive, impartial and based solely on relevance. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/12/28/opinion/28raff.html? 62 comments politics
- GOOGLE has been selling off the top rankings on its search engine results to commercial partners, rather than sorting them by relevance http://www.news.com.au/story/0,23599,22393389-29277,00.html 12 comments reddit.com
- Artem Russakovskii on X: "The sort order is live in Gmail for Android for me. You can now sort search results by most recent or most relevant." https://x.com/ArtemR/status/1854956564144361755 9 comments android
- Google search results feed misinformation on cancer treatments, suggests study - In a Google search for cancer supplement advice, only about 1/4 of the results considered relevant by Google algorithms were vetted by a team of nutrition professionals as actually containing high-quality information. https://academictimes.com/google-search-results-feed-misinformation-on-cancer-treatments/ 112 comments science
- I don't like how the Google mobile search results has changed. It feels less efficient and more ad oriented. I have to scroll through more to get relevant information. https://www.reddit.com/r/google/comments/btdkfa/i_dont_like_how_the_google_mobile_search_results/ 3 comments technology
- Google Maps app now displays ads in your search results. Ads in the Google Maps app are relevant to what you searched for, but can send you farther out of the way than the actual nearest result http://gigaom.com/2013/08/09/google-maps-app-now-displays-ads-in-your-search-results/ 4 comments technology
- Google new look UI Released - they've launched universal search which helps you find the most relevant types of results, search options panel - enables you to get a different view of your results and google Squared helps you find and compare entities! http://www.geekersmagazine.com/2010/05/google-new-look-ui.html 5 comments technology
- How Russia uses LinkedIn in its hybrid warfare against the United States. Not just a job search site, LinkedIn is infested with Russian trolls. An older article, but very relevant given the ongoing investigations of Trump Campaign collusion with Russia. https://www.newsweek.com/russia-putin-bots-linkedin-facebook-trump-clinton-kremlin-critics-poison-war-645696 3 comments worldnews
- Explaining Mercury’s Superconductivity, 111 Years Later. Theorists have finally explained the superconductivity of mercury, the first superconductor ever discovered—gaining insights that could be relevant to the search for room-temperature superconductors. https://physics.aps.org/articles/v15/s155 22 comments science
- In Search of Tomorrow (2022) - A nostalgic journey through '80s sci-fi films, exploring their impact and relevance today, told by the artists who made them and by those who were inspired to turn their visions into reality. [00:04:36] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4kdtrChdosE 3 comments documentaries
- Fusion power getting closer, say UK scientists: A British company believes it is within five years of achieving "reactor relevant" fusion, a major landmark in the six decade long scientific search for the veritable Holy Grail of energy production. http://www.reuters.com/article/us-fusionpower-uk-iduskbn0tq26f20151207?feedtype=rss&feedname=sciencenews&rpc=69 24 comments technology