- Python cocktail: mix a context manager and an iterator in equal parts https://www.bitecode.dev/p/python-cocktail-mix-a-context-manager 2 comments python
- 5 Levels of Using Context Managers in Python https://medium.com/techtofreedom/5-levels-of-using-context-managers-in-python-8a3c6c3531ba 5 comments programming
- Using a Python context manager as timer. · GitHub https://gist.github.com/halolegend94/f268a85810234b89838ef1dab58604a3 9 comments programming
- Labelled Breaks in Python with Context Managers http://people.cs.uct.ac.za/~ksmith/2011/labelled-break-with-contex-manager.html 12 comments programming
- Context Managers And The 'with' Statement In Python: A Comprehensive Guide With Examples https://geekpython.in/context-managers-and-python-with-statement 22 comments python
- Efficient Resource Management in Python: A Guide to Using Context Managers https://coderlegion.com/361/mastering-context-manager-simplifying-resource-management-python 9 comments python
- CntxtPY: Smarter Python Context Management for LLMs (Open Source, MIT) https://github.com/brandondocusen/CntxtPY 12 comments python
- Python cocktail: mix a context manager and an iterator in equal parts https://www.bitecode.dev/p/python-cocktail-mix-a-context-manager 5 comments python
- Discover Advanced Python Features: itertools, packing, decorators, context managers... (x-post /r/python) https://tech.io/playgrounds/500/advanced-python-features/advanced-python-features 22 comments programming