- Zelina Vega on reading rumors fans make up regarding her and Malakai Black online: “I’m like, ‘Sir, get out of your basement. Where did you hear that? Where did you conjure that up and what dream did you have in some weird, twisted dimension that you pulled that from?’” https://wrestlingnews.co/wwe-news/zelina-vega-on-how-she-reacts-to-rumors-about-her-and-malakai-black-legado-del-fantasma-role-was-a-surprise-to-her 40 comments squaredcircle
- Putin just gave a speech with massive implications for Bitcoin and global macro. We won't read a word of it in Western media, so I pulled out the interesting bits: https://twitter.com/stackhodler/status/1539888526589820929 237 comments bitcoin
- [Will Brinson] Peyton: "Pretty sure I read Jameis' lips and he said 'I blanked up' - not going to pull a Marshawn or Eli here. Keep it PG." https://twitter.com/WillBrinson/status/1452835853705916419?s=20 37 comments nfl
- Leander, Texas, School District Pulls Books from Reading List: “This is instead a significant loss for young people, who have to work harder to access books that are relevant to them.” https://bookriot.com/leander-removes-books/?amp%3Butm_campaign=What%27s+Up+in+YA+081921&%3Butm_medium=email&%3Butm_term=BookRiot_WhatsUpInYA_DormantSuppress 5 comments books
- ‘I’m so confused’: People baffled as Kevin McCarthy reads Green Eggs and Ham in protest at pulling of Seuss books | ‘Democrats are passing Covid relief And Republicans are reading Dr Seuss’ says one reply https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/kevin-mccarthy-dr-seuss-green-eggs-and-ham-b1813463.html 2207 comments politics
- 'They Should Be Ashamed': With Jobless Benefits to Expire in 9 Days, Republicans Pull Out All Stops to Obstruct Relief Bill | "When Sen. Johnson voted to cut taxes for the wealthiest Americans, he didn't force staff to read the bill. But now that working people need help, he's forcing a delay." https://www.commondreams.org/news/2021/03/05/they-should-be-ashamed-jobless-benefits-expire-9-days-republicans-pull-out-all-stops 3885 comments politics
- Ajai Shukla on Twitter: Read the difference between 1962 and today! Then Nehru ordered army to hold Galwan at all costs. The soldiers there fought to the end.Today, Modi’s 56-inch govt has agreed with the Chinese to pull out of the Galwan valley entirely. https://twitter.com/ajaishukla/status/1276434175810101248 3 comments india
- [Larry Walker] Although I believe I’m going to come up a little short today I still wanna thank all you that have been pulling for me and showing your support. I’m grateful for all of you! It’s been fun leading up to today reading everyone’s thoughts. Cheers https://twitter.com/Cdnmooselips33/status/1219691612047052800?s=19 603 comments baseball
- One time, Joe Carter pulled an amazing prank on Derek Bell by pretending to raffle off his car mid-game. He rode onto the field in it and the announcer read off a fake "winning ticket". (1992) https://twitter.com/Ben13Porter/status/1206390387348246529 211 comments baseball
- [Sohi] After Butler made it clear he wanted to be in Miami, Riley pulled out a laminated blue card he’s had for 20 years from his credit-card holder and handed it to him. “Warriors do not live in the past,” it reads. “The past is dead. Your life is now and your future is waiting.” https://sports.yahoo.com/why-the-heat-are-such-a-natural-fit-for-jimmy-butler-200127094.html 30 comments nba
- Shef. Wednesday face a possible 21 points deduction (with relegation being considered as an alternative punishment) for selling their stadium to club owner Dejphon Chansiri. Derby, Reading and Villa also pulled off similar sales. https://theathletic.com/1429511/2019/12/04/sheffield-wednesday-to-claim-authorities-knew-about-timing-of-stadium-sale-but-efl-still-confident-of-large-points-deduction/?source=shared-article 38 comments soccer
- For anyone considering pulling their money out of the market, read about the World's Worst Market Timer. https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/ctglzg/for_anyone_considering_pulling_their_money_out_of/ 273 comments personalfinance
- Wolves move for Reading forward Danny Loader is OFF. Player had a medical and agreed terms with Wolves but I’m told Reading have pulled the plug at the last minute. https://twitter.com/SkyAnton/status/1159505192347426816 22 comments soccer
- [Duffy] Belichick: “The Hall of Fame is a Hall of Fame for every player, not just the enshrines. Literally I could pull up the 1941 Lions and see a team photo and see my dad, read articles...they do a great job of preserving the history of the game” https://twitter.com/KevinRDuffy/status/1158364130799226880 556 comments nfl
- Big read: How the Blues pulled off one of the greatest turnarounds in NHL history https://www.sportsnet.ca/hockey/nhl/st-louis-blues-2019-turnaround-playoffs-big-read/ 51 comments hockey
- Dropped my Lenovo Yoga 11s and killed it. Gingerly took it apart & pulled the SSD out. Geek squad said they couldn’t get their system to read it. What next? https://www.reddit.com/r/techsupport/comments/alyk6f/dropped_my_lenovo_yoga_11s_and_killed_it_gingerly/ 32 comments techsupport
- How Ronaldinho inspired Atlético Mineiro to Copa Libertadores glory in 2013. A great read on the magician pulling off one last trick before he retired. https://thesefootballtimes.co/2018/05/09/how-ronaldinho-inspired-atletico-mineiro-to-copa-libertadores-glory-in-2013/ 7 comments soccer
- 'A serious mistake': Read Barack Obama's statement on President Trump's decision to pull out of the Iran nuclear deal https://www.cnbc.com/2018/05/08/a-serious-mistake-read-obamas-statement-on-trumps-decision-to-pull-out-of-iran-deal.html 3 comments politics
- 'A serious mistake': Read Obama's statement on Trump's decision to pull out of the Iran nuclear deal https://www.cnbc.com/2018/05/08/a-serious-mistake-read-obamas-statement-on-trumps-decision-to-pull-out-of-iran-deal.html 31 comments worldnews
- ‘Liberalism Is a Mental Disorder’: School pulls highly conservative summer reading list http://www.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/national/article157540954.html 41 comments politics
- Ala. high school class pulls conservative reading list after backlash http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/339012-ala-high-school-teacher-pulls-conservative-summer-reading-list 45 comments politics
- A comprehensive Ethereum reading list... Submit a Pull Request to add an Article! http://www.scanate.co/eth 11 comments ethereum
- U.S. Congress will not allow Trump to pull out of NATO - German official - Chancellor Merkel "read with interest" Donald Trump's interview with the Bild newspaper in which he called NATO "obsolete", her spokesman said, adding Berlin still aimed for close cooperation with Washington. http://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-usa-trump-germany-idukkbn1500y7 7 comments worldnews
- Did anyone manage to read this article before it was pulled? http://www.forbes.com/sites/alexknapp/2014/08/19/spacex-denies-report-that-its-seeking-new-funding/ 7 comments spacex
- Off-season reading: Strategies for Pulling the Goalie in Hockey [pdf] http://people.stat.sfu.ca/~tim/papers/goalie.pdf 12 comments hockey
- Group reads Orwell novel in public to protest Thailand's military rule - As pedestrians trundled past, the protesters sat down, pulled out book titles such as George Orwell's “Nineteen Eighty-Four,” a dystopian novel about life in a totalitarian surveillance state, and began to read. http://triblive.com/usworld/world/6207562-74/coup-act-army 33 comments worldnews
- The U.S. Bureau of Land Management is warning its workers in Utah to be on alert after two men threatened an agency wrangler on the state's main highway by pulling out a weapon and holding up a sign that read, "'You need to die." http://bigstory.ap.org/article/federal-land-worker-threatened-utah-highway 10 comments politics
- After doing DNA sequencing in the late 80's, trying to pull an ultra-thin gel off a glass plate with saran wrap, I laughed out loud when I read this headline. http://news.sciencemag.org/sciencenow/2012/03/dna-sequencing-without-the-fuss.html 3 comments science
- I just read that the space station is not high enough to have escaped the bulk of earth's gravitational pull, and still experiences a full 90% of it. If this is the case, why do they experience weightlessness? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gravity_of_Earth#Altitude 24 comments askscience
- The article "Native Americans morally disqualified themselves from the land" by Bryan Fischer is a very, very tough read. Shortly after publication it was removed; the author explained in a follow-up column why it was pulled. This submission, as best as I can tell, is a copy of the original piece. 4 comments politics
- Five Marines jumped Javier and beat him until he was nearly unconscious, before taking turns raping him. His sexual victimization narrative reads, “One of them, a corporal, pulled down my shorts and instructed the others to ‘Get the grease’. Another corporal instructed someone to bring the stick. http://english.aljazeera.net/indepth/features/2010/12/2010122182546344551.html 4 comments worldnews
- Pull Over Before You Read This http://blogs.forbes.com/davepell/?p=15 4 comments reddit.com
- One of ESPN's writers spent an evening with Lebron in Vegas. The writeup isn't that favorable, and apparently got pulled from the site. You can read it here. http://img821.imageshack.us/f/bloglebronespn.jpg/ 8 comments reddit.com
- I'd like to see (or read about) someone throwing a pick axe into Sean Hannity's forehead and if possible, pulling a Roy Batty on Michelle Malkin's tiny-little-head!? http://crooksandliars.com/david-neiwert/malkins-latest-screed-obamas-culture 4 comments politics
- Gay figures pull out of Biden fundraiser : "I've had concerns about the lack of movement from the administration on LGBT issues for some time now but I wasn't comfortable attending after that DOMA brief came out," Towle, who writes the widely read Towle Road blog, said in an e-mail. http://www.politico.com/blogs/bensmith/0609/gay_figures_pull_out_of_biden_fundraiser.html 4 comments politics
- Who pulls the strings? A brilliant Guardian piece on the workings of the Bilderberg Group, and the man who has dedicated 30 years of his life tracking them down. A must read. http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2001/mar/10/features.weekend 39 comments politics
- Man Pulled Over By Cops, Visited By Secret Service Over Anti-Obama Sign. According to a report in The Oklahoman, the sign, which read “Abort Obama Not the Unborn,” was seized from motorist Chip Harrison’s car by police officers who cited it as a possible “threat against President Obama”. http://obamanati.info/2009/02/man-pulled-over-by-cops-visited-by-secret-service-over-anti-obama-sign/ 9 comments reddit.com
- After reading a Kff.org report on US COVID-19 vaccination rates by race/ethnicity (data pulled from the CDC), why is the vaccine adoption rate so low among Hispanics/Blacks? https://www.kff.org/coronavirus-covid-19/issue-brief/latest-data-on-covid-19-vaccinations-race-ethnicity/ 21 comments askscience
- [Jordan Raanan]: There was a point in the second quarter Daniel Jones went into the huddle and said, “Let’s fu***** score!” Guys were taken aback. Had never seen that side of him, seen him curse. Moments later he pulled a zone read and ran in a touchdown. Had the sideline buzzing. #Giants https://twitter.com/JordanRaanan/status/1175925101067460613?s=20 13 comments nfl
- [Raanan] There was a point in the second quarter Daniel Jones went into the huddle and said, “Let’s fucking score!” Guys were taken aback. Had never seen that side of him, seen him curse. Moments later he pulled a zone read and ran in a touchdown. Had the sideline buzzing. #Giants https://twitter.com/JordanRaanan/status/1175925101067460613 288 comments nfl