- Published My First Unity Asset - Scene Poser https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/animation/scene-poser-match-animation-poses-fast-312706 0 comments unity3d
- I published my first game asset! All critiques are welcome. https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/props/flamingo-lawn-ornament-292202 2 comments unity3d
- Nigeria's markets regulator publishes rules on crypto assets https://www.reuters.com/world/africa/nigerias-markets-regulator-publishes-rules-crypto-assets-2022-05-14/ 2 comments economics
- Nigeria's markets regulator publishes rules on crypto assets https://www.reuters.com/world/africa/nigerias-markets-regulator-publishes-rules-crypto-assets-2022-05-14/ 6 comments cryptocurrency
- Switzerland Frees $60 Million in Zardari’s Assets (Published 2008) | New York Times https://www.nytimes.com/2008/08/28/world/asia/28zardari.html 5 comments pakistan
- Publish "portable" .NET 8 app: How to access the correct native asset when running https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/rid-catalog#rid-graph 2 comments dotnet
- Hong Kong to Publish Approved List of Crypto Assets for Retail Trading: Report https://cryptopotato.com/hong-kong-to-publish-approved-list-of-crypto-assets-for-retail-trading-report/ 9 comments cryptocurrency
- A group of researchers have recently published a paper that can “Freeze Assets” using an Ethereum token https://www.deepdotweb.com/2017/07/22/restricting-illegal-cryptocurrency-transactions-via-ethereum-token/ 5 comments ethereum
- Publishing free game assets can lead to great things http://open.commonly.cc/ 45 comments gamedev
- Official unity dev published previously used but unpublished assets from Unite Copenhagen 2018 and others https://github.com/MarekMarchlewicz/2D-Animation-Resources?tab=readme-ov-file 4 comments unity3d
- Nassim Taleb, Erstwhile Bitcoin Admirer, Publishes Paper Trashing It As A Failure And A Zero-Sum Asset https://www.scribd.com/document/512617134/bitcoin-currencies-and-bubbles-by-nassim-taleb 5 comments cryptocurrency
- Goldman Sachs Publishes a Comprehensive Report on Crypto As A “New Asset Class” https://bitcoinexchangeguide.com/goldman-sachs-publishes-a-comprehensive-report-on-crypto-as-a-new-asset-class/ 41 comments cryptocurrency
- How to publish React component with static assets to npm? (Posting this on Reddit to invite discussion on this topic) https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38155586/how-to-publish-react-component-with-static-assets-to-npm 7 comments reactjs
- Russia Publishes New Crypto Law Expanding State Control Over Digital Assets https://news.bitcoin.com/russia-publishes-new-crypto-law-expanding-state-control-over-digital-assets/ 12 comments cryptocurrency
- I published my first asset on the asset store! A tool to streamline the performance profiling of scenes, using a volumetric performance heat map. https://youtu.be/Gcu0ZbqULxc?si=klhLi49vxNQbwzCl 2 comments unity3d
- Not the greatest timing, but my first asset pack (Low Poly Nature) was recently published on UAS. Here's a trailer. What do you think? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0Tvq4AR4mE 9 comments unity3d
- Coinbase Insider trading details — a wallet started buying $400k worth of tokens about 24hrs before the Coinbase Asset Listing post was published. The tokens are worth over $572,000 now. https://mobile.twitter.com/cobie/status/1513874972552355846 76 comments cryptocurrency
- Switzerland does not want to know about sanctions against Putin and does not freeze Russian assets. Journalists who publish data on dictators' accounts face jail time. https://www-faz-net.translate.goog/aktuell/feuilleton/medien/schweiz-schont-putin-und-schraenkt-die-presse-ein-17833340.html?_x_tr_hl=de&_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en 30 comments worldnews
- Just published my very first pixel art asset pack! It is free and you can use it on personal or commercial projects. https://gvituri.itch.io/space-shooter 37 comments gamedev
- Some may not care, but its a big deal to me. My paper on using ERC721s to track assets was published in the IEEE. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8615007 60 comments ethereum
- Complete source and assets of my game published on Google Play (MIT license) https://github.com/igorcrevar/GoingUnder 25 comments gamedev
- I just published a new website that turns live asset data into music. It's a work in progress and would welcome any feedback. Idea being you can track the market while your eyes are busy. http://dam.fm 31 comments cryptocurrency
- Blockchain project Stacks has published a whitepaper showing how a new digital asset called “Stacks bitcoin” (sBTC) can be used to make Bitcoin fully programmable. https://www.coindesk.com/tech/2022/12/29/step-aside-ethereum-blockchain-project-stacks-wants-to-bring-smart-contracts-to-bitcoin/ 33 comments cryptocurrency
- "Plenty of exchanges and lending platforms promised to have cold wallets published by yesterday/today. If your platform hasn’t done so, pull your assets until they do." https://twitter.com/adamscochran/status/1591062507032301568 3 comments btc
- The new Binance Proof of Reserve page, published today. Other people are posting the BC and BSC bridged token proof of assets by mistake https://www.binance.com/en/blog/community/our-commitment-to-transparency-2895840147147652626 7 comments cryptocurrency
- General Protocols on twitter: "Did you know our oracles currently publish the price data of Bitcoin Cash against 8 assets including gold, silver and dogecoin" https://twitter.com/GeneralProtocol/status/1549328589870403584 15 comments btc
- The Central Bank of Italy Banca d’Italia has just published a new report evaluating DvP (Delivery vs Payment) between DLTs and traditional market infrastructure. The team selected Algorand to manage the asset leg of their research https://www.bancaditalia.it/pubblicazioni/mercati-infrastrutture-e-sistemi-di-pagamento/approfondimenti/2022-026/index.html?com.dotmarketing.htmlpage.language=1&dotcache=refresh 32 comments cryptocurrency
- Turkey has frozen the assets of a total of 770 people and a U.S.-based foundation on the grounds of terrorism financing, a ruling published in its official gazette showed on Friday. https://www.reuters.com/markets/europe/turkey-freezes-assets-770-individuals-us-based-foundation-2021-12-24/ 8 comments worldnews
- The vast majority of traders under 40 are investing in cryptocurrencies and other “high-risk” assets due to a sense of “competition” with friends and family, according to research published by the U.K. financial services watchdog on Wednesday. https://www.cnbc.com/2021/10/19/young-traders-treat-crypto-investing-like-a-competition-fca-says.html 28 comments cryptocurrency
- A new report published by Bank of America says the second-largest bank in the U.S. is "bullish" on the long-term prospects of crypto assets. https://nitter.net/bloqport/status/1445295160292696064#m 8 comments cryptocurrency
- Finally, I can finish my game without crowdfunding or publisher, 100% of the development cost comes from saving money, and two years working. Reducing cost by using stuff on the asset stores. How's about you? https://www.hogvalord.com/post/introducing-hogvalord-a-survival-hog-farm-rpg-from-thap-tam-studio 3 comments gamedev
- Deciding to forgive someone is linked to subsequent improvements in mental well-being, according to a longitudinal study of US nurses (n=54,703) published in BMC Psychology. Forgiveness may be a health asset for promoting population mental health and psychosocial well-being. https://www.psypost.org/2021/03/longitudinal-study-finds-forgiving-others-is-associated-with-subsequent-improvements-in-mental-health-60122 47 comments science
- "The Unraveling of America" by Wade Davis, published on 6 August 2020 -- "The elite one percent of Americans control $30 trillion of assets, while the bottom half have more debt than assets." [United States of America] http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/political-commentary/covid-19-end-of-american-era-wade-davis-1038206/ 19 comments economy
- Does ViacomCBS Need to Slim Down to Scale Up? As the two companies prepare to recombine, some Wall Street skeptics hope the mogul will sell "non-core" assets (like book publishing, real estate or even a TV channel) to better position the firm for investors. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/does-viacomcbs-need-slim-down-scale-up-1259379 3 comments business
- The 3rd time Prime Minister of Pakistan, submitted fake documents into the Supreme Court (investigating millions in stolen/hidden assets), dated and signed 2006 using Calibri font. The Calibri font was made publish by Microsoft in 2007. This happened yesterday. http://indianexpress.com/article/trending/trending-globally/pakistan-maryam-nawaz-forged-document-jit-report-calibri-front-twitter-jokes-and-memes-4746111/ 4 comments worldnews
- The 3rd time Prime Minister of Pakistan, submitted fake documents into the Supreme Court (investigating millions in stolen/hidden assets), dated and signed 2006 using Calibri font. The Calibri font was made publish by Microsoft in 2007. This happened yesterday. http://indianexpress.com/article/trending/trending-globally/pakistan-maryam-nawaz-forged-document-jit-report-calibri-front-twitter-jokes-and-memes-4746111/ 6 comments politics
- MapLight published last week the results of their investigation which found "that executives at eight financial firms with contracts to manage Massachusetts state pension assets have bypassed anti-corruption rules and funneled at least $778,000 to groups backing Question 2 http://www.commondreams.org/news/2016/11/02/public-education-stake-mass-voters-decide-pro-charter-school-measure 3 comments politics
- The Rape of Russia - Anne Williamson book on the '90s asset stripping in Russia was never published despite being cited in magazines and other books as a future must read. http://28sherman.blogspot.com.br/2014/04/note-on-mechanics-of-russian-looting.html 3 comments russia
- Complete source and assets of my simple libgdx game published on Google Play; with MIT license; on github https://github.com/igorcrevar/RollOverSphere---a-simple-libgdx-game 4 comments gamedev
- Governments should publish clear accounts listing assets and liabilities, making the inter-generational implications of continuing with current debt levels absolutely clear for young voters. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-18456131 159 comments worldnews