Hacker News
- Google – Project Shield – Free DDoS Protection https://projectshield.withgoogle.com/public/ 10 comments
- Project Shield https://jigsaw.google.com/projects/#project-shield 104 comments
- Project Shield http://projectshield.withgoogle.com/ 86 comments
- Project Shield: DDoS Protection by Google for news and human rights orgs https://www.google.com/ideas/products/project-shield/ 32 comments
- Neutral Switzerland joins European Sky Shield defence project https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/foreign-affairs/neutral-switzerland-joins-european-sky-shield-defence-project/75467288 38 comments worldnews
- Türkiye joins Germany-led defense shield project https://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/turkiye-joins-germany-led-defense-shield-project-190792 3 comments europe
- Neutral Switzerland wants to take part in Sky Shield defence project https://www.reuters.com/business/aerospace-defense/neutral-switzerland-wants-take-part-sky-shield-defence-project-2023-07-04/ 3 comments military
- Neutral Switzerland wants to take part in Sky Shield defence project https://www.reuters.com/business/aerospace-defense/neutral-switzerland-wants-take-part-sky-shield-defence-project-2023-07-04/ 23 comments worldnews
- hi, can someone help me pick out an Arduino + touch screen + mega shield that will work for this project? http://www.instructables.com/Eco-Friendly-Arduino-Metal-Detector 3 comments arduino
- Using the Arduino Wave shield seems to disable everything else in my project https://www.reddit.com/r/arduino/comments/n287um/using_the_arduino_wave_shield_seems_to_disable/ 3 comments arduino
- My first (completed) project! A backlit Minecraft sword on shield using NeoPixels and Arduino for my Nephew's Christmas present https://media.giphy.com/media/zbo7ceprb4khkvhxpo/giphy.gif 9 comments arduino
- U.S. officials shield Ivanka Trump’s and Mike Pence’s projects in review of foreign aid https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/us-officials-shield-ivanka-trump-and-mike-pence-projects-in-review-of-foreign-aid/2019/08/14/82db2847-2bf2-4ffe-b944-2aee7cba8c01_story.html 6 comments politics
- 7th tier South Shields launch 'Project EFL', targeting their return to the Football League http://nonleaguedaily.com/south-shields-officially-launch-project-efl/ 33 comments soccer
- Google Project Shield: Anyone use it? https://www.reddit.com/r/sysadmin/comments/6wk5jd/google_project_shield_anyone_use_it/ 17 comments sysadmin
- Project CARS 2 Dev's take on how should cockpit shield look like in modern formula https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YdmUgtVN-D8 8 comments formula1
- The R.Pi IoT Shield adds IoT connectivity to your DIY project https://techcrunch.com/2016/11/16/the-r-pi-iot-shield-adds-iot-connectivity-to-your-diy-project/ 4 comments raspberry_pi
- Have any of you done any projects with this Arduino Can-Bus shield? https://www.sparkfun.com/products/13262 5 comments arduino
- Google Project Shield - Protecting Free Expression From DDoS https://projectshield.withgoogle.com/public/ 7 comments webdev
- a new post on arduino projects : a simple burglar . Ethernet shield connections http://www.jucetechnology.com/wordpress/simple-burglar-ethernet-shield-connection/ 4 comments arduino
- NeoPixel RGB LED Shield: Any cool images, pattern or projects? https://www.adafruit.com/products/1430 13 comments arduino
- Google launches new anti-DDoS service called 'Project Shield' http://www.theverge.com/2013/10/21/4862724/google-launches-new-anti-ddos-service-called-project-shield 7 comments technology
- GSM shield released for Arduino! Now you can use cell networks with your Arduino project! http://arduino.cc/blog/2013/03/11/dive-into-the-new-arduino-gsm-shield/ 17 comments arduino
- The BlueberryDe project is looking for funding on IndiGogo. These shields look pretty cool. http://www.indiegogo.com/blueberryde-arduino-shields/ 9 comments arduino
- NVIDIA announces new gaming system, dubbed "Project Shield" http://www.geforce.com/whats-new/articles/nvidia-project-shield 4 comments technology
- NVIDIA's Project SHIELD: Android Gaming Handheld with Tegra 4 http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/01/07/ces-nvidia-introduces-project-shield-android-gaming-handheld 6 comments technology
- Nvidia unveils Project Shield, an Android-based gaming system capable of running Unreal Engine 4 http://www.polygon.com/2013/1/7/3845330/nvidia-unveils-project-shield-an-android-based-gaming-system-capable 16 comments technology
- NVIDIA announces Project Shield handheld gaming system http://www.theverge.com/2013/1/7/3845282/nvidia-announces-project-shield-handheld-gaming-system 229 comments technology
- My college project: Data logging with the Google App Engine and an Ethernet shield http://nuigarduino.wordpress.com/2012/03/29/arduino-ethernet-shield-motion-sensor-temperature-sensor-google-app-engine-data-logger/ 3 comments arduino
- My Little Project, Complete. (Motor Shield + Ping))) Sensor) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-92YF87huo 9 comments arduino
- The European Parliament adopted an unprecedented amendment recognising the "Eastern Shield" in Poland and "Baltic Defence Line" as a flagship project for the EU's common security. https://wiadomosci.onet.pl/kraj/projekt-tarcza-wschod-jest-glos-parlamentu-europejskiego/wkleebs 1 comment europe
- Binance Enhances User Protection With Security Audit Program ‘Project Shield’ https://dailyhodl.com/2022/01/22/binance-enhances-user-protection-with-security-audit-program-project-shield/ 9 comments cryptocurrency
- Mars astronaut radiation shield set for moon mission trial-developer - "testing will also take place on the Orion spacecraft, a joint project of Lockheed Martin, NASA and the European Space Agency." http://www.reuters.com/article/us-spacex-mars-israel-iduskbn16a0zj 7 comments space
- Arduino N00b Project Help. Need to turn on/reset 10x PCs remotely with Arduino, Ethernet shield and relays. https://www.reddit.com/r/arduino/comments/5l6b84/arduino_n00b_project_help_need_to_turn_onreset/ 3 comments arduino
- Nvidia's Android powered portable gaming system, Project Shield, set to go on sale early June for $349 http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2418922,00.asp 26 comments technology
- The Arduino CNC Shield makes it easy to get your CNC projects up and running in a few hours. It uses opensource firmware on Arduino to control 4 stepper motors using 4 A4988 Stepper drivers,, with this shield and the Crowduino you can build all kinds of robotics or CNC projects. http://www.elecrow.com/cnc-shield-for-arduinogrbl-compatible-p-1380.html 18 comments arduino
- Trump says he will hire Herschel Walker - the former NFL running back and disgraced senate candidate - to lead missile defense shield project, if elected https://www.thedailybeast.com/herschel-walker-makes-donald-trump-jr-gaffe-during-surprise-rally-speech/ 529 comments politics
- My most recent project: An arduino data logger that also graphs the data online without the need for anything but the arduino, an ethernet shield, SD card, and the sensor. http://everettsprojects.com/2012/12/31/arduino-super-graphing-data-logger/ 10 comments arduino
- Raytheon Co and Lockheed Martin Corp are working with Japanese partners on rival projects to develop new radars that will enhance Japan's shield against any North Korean missile strike, government and defence industry sources in Tokyo told Reuters. http://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-japan-missiles-radar-exclusive-idukkbn18j0iv 3 comments worldnews
- RasPoE is a Power over Ethernet (PoE) shield for Raspberry Pi B+ and Raspberry Pi 2. The shield allows you to use a single Ethernet cable to provide both data and power to your Raspberry Pi project. RasPoE is compliant with the IEEE 802.3af standard. it is available at Elecrow now. http://www.elecrow.com/raspoeraspberry-pi-poe-shield-p-1479.html 17 comments raspberry_pi
- PoW Shield: Application Layer Proof of Work DDoS Filter- PoW Shield is an open-source project that provides DDoS protection/mitigation on OSI application layer by authenticating traffic using a simple proof-of-work validation process https://ruisiang.medium.com/pow-shield-application-layer-proof-of-work-ddos-filter-4fed32465509 3 comments netsec