- Introducing the ‘mozjpeg’ Project: The goal is to provide a production-quality JPEG encoder that improves compression while maintaining compatibility with the vast majority of deployed decoders. https://blog.mozilla.org/research/2014/03/05/introducing-the-mozjpeg-project/ 17 comments firefox
- Product hunt accidentally launched our project today https://www.producthunt.com/posts/stylized 2 comments entrepreneurridealong
- Product hunt accidentally launched our project today https://www.producthunt.com/posts/stylized 5 comments sideproject
- Here's a CS project that I made this summer because I was fed up with how much time I wasted last summer doing nothing productive. The project visualizes the "field of view" of a point with surrounding obstacles. I hope you like it as much as I liked making it. https://moxil-shah.github.io/Isovist-Sandbox/ 18 comments programming
- Saudi Arabia announces plans for a futuristic city named The Line- The future of architecture could forever be changed by the design of this new vertical city. Details about the project pose it as an epicentre of sustainability, productivity, seamless living, and leisure. Images are mind-blowing. https://thred.com/culture/saudi-arabia-announces-plans-for-a-futuristic-city-named-the-line/ 10 comments futurology
- I made a Tailwind CSS visual builder to visually design and generate code for your Frontend in HTML and React. You can easily create websites, forms, prototypes and webpages visually and with lots of templates to help ship projects to production faster. Made with Reactjs, Tailwind +Firebase https://www.devwares.com/windframe/ 20 comments reactjs
- Experts: Finnish nuclear project "directly supports Russian nuclear weapon production" - nation reconsidering project in light of neighbor’s militancy https://yle.fi/news/3-12328641 25 comments energy
- Xcel plans pumped hydro storage project in Colorado's Unaweep Canyon. The project’s capacity would be 800 megawatts, with an average annual energy production of 2,780 gigawatt hours. Colorado lawmakers last year approved House Bill 1052 that removed restrictions on pumped hydro facilities. https://coloradosun.com/2022/01/24/unaweep-canyon-hydro-power-xcel/ 25 comments energy
- [Black] Heading into the weekend, here are the top age- & league-adjusted, NHL equivalent point production projections for prospects (PNHLe). https://twitter.com/NHLRankKing/status/1459164796142735360 32 comments hockey
- What started as a side project turned into a product. https://ctiny.io 5 comments django
- Coronavirus to Shave Trillions From the Economy Over 10 Years: The Congressional Budget Office projects a nearly $16 trillion hit to the gross domestic product over the next decade, $7.9 trillion after adjusting for inflation. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/01/us/politics/coronavirus-economy.html 6 comments politics
- Productivity app "Getting Things GNOME" wants to make a comeback. It's the only free & open-source native Linux desktop to-do app that caters specifically to GTD and isn't a commandline or web app. It needs to know if users are interested. Let the project know if it's worth saving. https://github.com/getting-things-gnome/gtg/issues/210#issuecomment-549126313 35 comments linux
- The gpl-violations.org project tries to raise public awareness about past and present infringing use(r)s of GPL licensed software. The ultimate goal is to make companies engaging in the distribution of products based on GPL licensed software understand that GPL is not public domain, and that there http://gpl-violations.org/ 112 comments linux
- US envoy warns EU on joint military projects, threatens to "retaliate" should European countries prefer to use European over American products for defence http://global.chinadaily.com.cn/a/201903/11/ws5c855672a3106c65c34edc7d.html 52 comments worldnews
- Coal production may have reached a point of no return, per projections https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2019/02/trump-doesnt-mention-coal-in-state-of-the-union/ 3 comments politics
- Arduino to production project idea https://www.reddit.com/r/arduino/comments/a33hjj/arduino_to_production_project_idea/ 10 comments arduino
- The Project I Sank Taught me About Customer Relations and Product Management https://theascent.pub/the-project-i-sank-taught-me-about-customer-relations-and-product-management-9ba15ce0b607 4 comments programming
- Recently have seen a lot of criticism about wind power projects and the effects on birds / bats. This article shows that the negative effects are a product of any man made structure, not just wind mills. https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/health-science/stop-blaming-cats-as-many-as-988-million-birds-die-annually-in-window-collisions/2014/02/03/9837fe80-8866-11e3-916e-e01534b1e132_story.html?utm_term=.7e65b98816e0 3 comments technology
- Honduras arrests energy executive tied to murder of environmental activist. Prosecutors accuse the man of "providing logistics and other resources" for murder of Berta Caceres. Legal experts claimed her murder was "the product of a plan" by executives to spearhead a mega-dam project. http://www.dw.com/en/honduras-arrests-energy-executive-tied-to-murder-of-environmental-activist/a-42809485 5 comments worldnews
- What kind of css work do you do most often? Making many different projects in one style (like Facebook & Google) or making a few of the same projects many times in many different styles (rebranding a standard product for many clients)? https://www.reddit.com/r/css/comments/7hem5z/what_kind_of_css_work_do_you_do_most_often_making/ 8 comments css
- Rahul Gandhi cites drop in Nano production, says PM Modi’s ‘Make in India’ project ‘just died’ http://indianexpress.com/article/india/rahul-gandhi-cites-drop-in-nano-production-says-pm-modis-make-in-india-project-just-died-4955479/ 5 comments india
- Europe’s consumption of products such as beef, soy and palm oil could increase its contribution to global deforestation by more than a quarter by 2030, according to projections from a leaked draft EU analysis. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2017/jun/30/europes-contribution-to-deforestation-set-to-rise-despite-pledge-to-halt-it 23 comments worldnews
- Best project management / productivity software for managing a small team? https://www.reddit.com/r/productivity/comments/5x3yaq/best_project_management_productivity_software_for/ 9 comments productivity
- Joey Bosa's projection vs production https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/comments/5max45/joey_bosas_projection_vs_production/ 28 comments nfl
- How to get an arduino project made as a product? https://www.reddit.com/r/arduino/comments/5iwqei/how_to_get_an_arduino_project_made_as_a_product/ 7 comments arduino
- What are some good Productivity tools to not be distracted and keep track of projects https://www.reddit.com/r/learnprogramming/comments/4mc9ph/what_are_some_good_productivity_tools_to_not_be/ 3 comments learnprogramming
- So we’re now over $2 million per year with local services (crazy to even be able to type that). Here’s how we've set ourselves apart from the competition, the tools we use to accomplish this, and a super transparent product launch to see how we get out of the gate with projects. Story time... https://www.dropbox.com/s/zj4nto0cvf7bbsm/Screenshot%202015-11-02%2012.09.26.png?dl=0 85 comments startups
- Apple's 'Project Titan' car initiative negatively impacting Tesla's product development, source says http://appleinsider.com/articles/15/09/14/apples-project-titan-car-initiative-negatively-impacting-teslas-product-development-source-says 10 comments apple
- DuPont created a working prototype of a "self-braking car" in 1987 but shut the project down because "Products which were not closely aligned with historical products were simply not to be pursued" http://www.forbes.com/sites/adamhartung/2015/04/09/why-google-created-a-self-driving-car-and-dupont-didnt/ 22 comments technology
- elementary OS: For Profit Product, not Open Source Project http://www.linuxhiker.org/2015/02/elementary-os-for-profit-product-not.html 33 comments linux
- Congo mines no longer in grip of warlords and militias, Enough Project finds 2010 US law requiring companies like Apple and Intel to prove products are conflct-free has worked http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/jun/11/congo-mines-no-longer-grip-warlords-militias-report-enough-project 13 comments worldnews
- Fedora is changing: "look at successful products MacOS X, Playstation 4, Android and ChromeOS, the red thread between them is that while they all was built on top of existing open source efforts, they didn’t just indiscriminately shovel in any open source code and project they could find" http://blogs.gnome.org/uraeus/2014/04/16/preparing-the-ground-for-the-fedora-workstation/ 252 comments linux
- Apple makes new Campus 2 project video to sell Cupertino like it sells products to consumers http://9to5mac.com/2013/10/12/apple-shows-off-its-campus-2-project-video-to-cupertino/ 23 comments apple
- Canadians Warn Americans: Don’t Trust Harper’s Tar Sands Rhetoric – Production of heavy crude oil from the Alberta tar sands is Canada’s fastest growing source of greenhouse gas emissions, & if expansion continues as govt & industry project, they'll cancel out every effort to mitigate emissions http://ens-newswire.com/2013/08/14/canadians-warn-obama-dont-trust-harpers-tar-sands-rhetoric/ 243 comments worldnews
- As of now, Kickstarter projects "cannot simulate events to demonstrate what a product might do in the future. Products can only be shown performing actions that they’re able to perform in their current state of development." http://www.kickstarter.com/blog/kickstarter-is-not-a-store?reddit 948 comments technology
- Why I created another linux firewall project, and why its unmatched by any other product http://blog.sphirewall.net/?p=57 11 comments startups
- KESC to develop World’s Largest Biogas Project; will produce 300 tons/day of organic fertilizer as by product. http://fmcommunication.blogspot.com/2012/02/kesc-to-develop-worlds-largest-biogas.html 3 comments pakistan
- On Boehner's assertion that debt is an Obama product: Bush summed $5.07 trillion in debt (during his 8 years as president). Obama's policies are estimated to total $1.44 trillion in debt (8-year projections). http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2011/07/do-big-governments-make-for-small-people/ 8 comments politics
- BP has broken federal laws and violated its own internal procedures by failing to maintain crucial safety and engineering documents related to one of the firms other deepwater production projects in the Gulf of Mexico, according to internal emails and other documents http://www.truthout.org/whistlelower-bps-other-offshore-drilling-project-gulf-vulnerable-catastrophe59027 7 comments politics
- If Marijuana Production Were Legal: Projected Tax Revenues, by State [PIC] http://www.sloshspot.com/blog/11-13-2009/if-marijuana-production-were-legal-projected-tax-revenues-by-state-245 130 comments business