Hacker News
- JavaScript from 2001 on India's largest private bank site https://netbanking.hdfcbank.com/jsdir/RS_01_eng.js 156 comments
- Private players in India can build and operate rocket launch sites https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/science/private-players-in-india-can-build-and-operate-rocket-launch-sites/articleshow/83869508.cms 3 comments india
- Anybody aware of a good poker frame work to run your own private site for home games? https://www.reddit.com/r/poker/comments/fk7318/anybody_aware_of_a_good_poker_frame_work_to_run/ 10 comments poker
- NASA images reveal crash site of Israel's failed private moon lander https://www.businessinsider.com/nasa-pictures-israel-beresheet-moon-lander-crash-site-2019-5 9 comments worldnews
- I made a site that lets you track your ETH #DeFi activity from one dashboard. And it works on mobile - no private key / web3 browser needed! https://www.reddit.com/r/ethereum/comments/az7mq0/i_made_a_site_that_lets_you_track_your_eth_defi/ 31 comments ethereum
- Good site for creating private tables? https://www.reddit.com/r/poker/comments/780vum/good_site_for_creating_private_tables/ 8 comments poker
- When using Google in Private mode on iPhones, does Google still have access to things like key strokes, location and sites you visit? https://www.reddit.com/r/apple/comments/6xh78q/when_using_google_in_private_mode_on_iphones_does/ 6 comments apple
- New Zealand space launch is first from a private site http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-39971843 3 comments worldnews
- World's First Private Space Launch Site is Ready for Takeoff in New Zealand http://www.natureworldnews.com/articles/29360/20160928/worlds-first-private-space-launch-site-ready-takeoff-new-zealand.htm 5 comments space
- Pipeline protest turns violent in North Dakota after construction crews destroyed American Indian burial and cultural sites on private land. http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/oil-pipeline-protest-turns-violent-north-dakota-n642626 59 comments worldnews
- Mozilla takes your Internet browsing privacy to a new level by allowing users to enable "Tracking Protection" while visiting sites in Private Browsing mode. http://bgr.com/2015/11/05/firefox-private-browsing-tracking-protection/ 39 comments technology
- Just found out that Apple discontinued the iTunes U Private Sites, which allowed Colleges and Universities to host and distribute their own course materials to their students, without it being accessible to the public. https://support.apple.com/en-gb/ht204935 4 comments apple
- Firefoxs "Private Browsing Mode" saves your visited sites permissions in "about:permissions". https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=967812 71 comments linux
- Accessory apps and notifications | wasn't this site private ? http://www.windowsphone.com/en-us/how-to/wp8/apps/accessory-apps-and-notifications 7 comments windowsphone
- Did you know, even in "Private Browsing", "Incognito", "don't open the door, I'm uhhh, buying presents" mode, Flash still keeps cookies and lets each website store upto 100Kb on your disk. GO TO THIS LINK AND SEE THE FUCKTON OF SITES, DELETE THEM http://www.adobe.com/go/settmgr_storage_en 367 comments reddit.com
- French court literally orders a private news site to publish a story about the convictions of copyright infringers http://torrentfreak.com/court-pays-p2p-news-site-to-write-about-convicted-pirates-090614/ 5 comments worldnews
- At least 8 labourers, non-locals, working on a private property site were killed and 2 were injured by unidentified militants in the Satellite Town area of Kech district, Balochistan. Police and Law Enforcement Agencies are investigating the case: District Administration https://twitter.com/khorasandiary/status/1713071171736858657 2 comments pakistan
- The CEO of far-right social media site Gab said it was under attack from 'demon hackers.' The hacker threatened to leak passwords and private messages from 15,000 users. https://www.businessinsider.com/gab-hacked-hack-andrew-torba-far-right-demon-hackers-2021-3 4 comments politics
- Former Special Forces sought by private security company to guard polling sites in Minnesota, company says https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/private-security-minnesota-election/2020/10/09/89766964-0987-11eb-991c-be6ead8c4018_story.html?utm_source=reddit.com 3 comments politics
- A small company in rural Australia built the most powerful private hybrid rocket but Australia doesnt have a launch site, so they have to lift off from a cattle station. https://www.cnet.com/features/building-a-rocket-in-a-garage-to-take-on-spacex-and-blue-origin-gilmour-space-technologies/ 21 comments space
- If your ISP still sees the IP addresses of sites you request, how does using a different DNS make you more private? https://www.reddit.com/r/privacy/comments/8nx0o3/if_your_isp_still_sees_the_ip_addresses_of_sites/ 13 comments privacy
- Seattle wants all-private construction funding for possible NBA, NHL venue at KeyArena site - willing to listen to proposals that involve demolishing KeyArena http://www.seattletimes.com/sports/nba/keyarena-demolition-possible-for-nba-nhl-structure-as-seattle-releases-request-for-proposals/ 15 comments hockey
- A protest of a four-state oil pipeline turned violent after tribal officials say construction crews destroyed American Indian burial and cultural sites on private land in southern North Dakota http://bigstory.ap.org/article/dca1962d120b4b069c0436280ad62bd1/oil-pipeline-protest-turns-violent-southern-north-dakota 4 comments politics
- New Git site with 25 free public or private repos (non commercial) https://gitpal.com 15 comments web_design
- A new study of 100 private water wells in Texas showed elevated levels of potential contaminants such as arsenic and selenium closest to natural gas fracking sites http://www.uta.edu/news/releases/2013/07/schug-water-well-contaminants-study.php 973 comments science
- Private Tab add-on: use private tabs in the same window as regular tabs and create shortcuts to open sites in private tabs automatically https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/private-tab/ 9 comments firefox
- Serious bug causes “quite a few” HTTPS sites to reveal their private keys http://arstechnica.com/security/2015/09/serious-bug-causes-quite-a-few-https-sites-to-reveal-their-private-keys/ 4 comments privacy
- Private Torrent Sites Run Their Own Mini-PRISM to Share Data on Users -- "All of these user profiles were accessible by all member sites via API" http://torrentfreak.com/private-torrent-sites-run-their-own-mini-prism-to-share-data-on-users-130908/ 4 comments technology
- One of the Internet’s most-loved torrent sites for TV show content has decided to call it quits. TheBox.bz, a private site with around 90,000 members, will close its doors on Saturday http://torrentfreak.com/major-tv-torrent-site-thebox-bz-calls-it-quits-130829/ 16 comments technology
- Nielsen Co., the privately held New York media-research firm, "scrapes" patient info from web sites and sells it to big pharma. http://online.wsj.com/article/sb10001424052748703358504575544381288117888.html 6 comments reddit.com
- Hey Reddit! The private torrent site, RevolutionTT, has an open registration going on. Get your account while you still can! https://www.revolutiontt.net/hohoho.php?xmas=7dcd3940d864f7692eba480aa8538b70c525 6 comments reddit.com
- Google has begun blocking Scroogle search requests (a search privatization site) http://www.scroogle.org/cgi-bin/nbbw.cgi 6 comments technology
- [NYTimes] Inside the Trial Over Kobe Bryant Crash Site Photos. Vanessa Bryant is suing Los Angeles County, saying that her privacy was invaded when sheriff’s deputies and firefighters privately shared photos of the fatal scene. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/12/us/kobe-bryant-crash-photos-trial.html 486 comments nba
- Facebook Inc cannot challenge search warrants New York prosecutors used to get information from its site on hundreds of users suspected of Social Security fraud, a state appeals court said on Tuesday, in a decision likely making it harder for New Yorkers to keep their digital lives private. http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/07/21/us-facebook-privacy-warrants-iduskcn0pv27d20150721?feedtype=rss&feedname=topnews 3 comments technology
- Investigation shows Ukrainian leader Petro Poroshenko may have used his presidential influence to shut down investigations into damage of a protected historic site caused by unauthorized construction on his private property in central Kyiv http://www.rferl.org/content/ukraine-poroshenko-land-deal-questions-tsars-village/27013945.html 68 comments worldnews
- Republicans Are Still Gunning For Obamacare. Georgia Has a Scheme to Force People Off the Popular HealthCare.gov Online Sign-Up Portal and Onto Private Insurer Sites https://www.dcreport.org/2020/11/11/republicans-are-still-gunning-for-obamacare/ 11 comments politics
- How the Most Toxic, Notorious Pro-Trump Online Community Tricked Reddit and Got Back Online — private chats show how The_Donald’s banned users continue to manipulate the site https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2020/10/the_donald_reddit_discord/ 12 comments politics
- SOPA 2.0 Sneaks In A Really Dangerous Private Ability To Kill Any Website: "If someone sends a service provider a notice claiming infringement on the site under this bill, the first thing every lawyer will tell them is "quick, take voluntary action to cut them off, so you get immunity." http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20111216/03275317104/how-sopa-20-sneaks-really-dangerous-private-ability-to-kill-any-website.shtml?threaded=false&sp=1#comments 11 comments politics
- Webcam 'creepshot' pictures viewed and shared on Reddit. Russian site Insecam, and others, were scoured for shots of women in private security camera feeds. http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2014/nov/20/webcam-creepshots-pictures-shared-reddit-insecam 2 comments worldnews
- 'Bulletproof' Arizona security team raises hackles at Gogebic mine site in WI - Private masked security guards, toting semi-automatic rifles, and wearing camouflaged uniforms http://host.madison.com/wsj/news/local/environment/bulletproof-arizona-security-team-raises-hackles-at-gogebic-mine-site/article_24cb77d0-9444-5ba8-948c-acad96f5e315.html 5 comments politics