Hacker News
- Blinken pressed Netanyahu to release frozen Palestinian funds https://www.axios.com/2024/06/13/blinken-netanyahu-release-frozen-palestinian-tax-funds 21 comments politics
- Warner Bros. Discovery sent out a press release and they gave credit to AEW for TNT and TBS' ratings success: "Popular AEW Dynamite, AEW Collision and AEW Rampage reached nearly four million viewers each week across TNT and TBS" https://wrestlingnews.co/aew-news/warner-bros-discovery-gives-credit-to-aew-for-tnt-and-tbs-ratings-success 376 comments squaredcircle
- [Borussia Dortmund] We understand that, on Saturday, the Bundesliga has put out a press release that our match against Leverkusen will be aired live on ABC. This is correct and all fans in the US will be able to watch the match on cable, for free. We are excited to play football this year. https://twitter.com/BlackYellow/status/1554847210310975490 8 comments formula1
- New Impact Press Release hyping Slammiversary, also mentions Mickie James will be apart of the media tour for the show. https://411mania.com/wrestling/impact-releases-press-release-hyping-slammiversary-next-month/ 3 comments squaredcircle
- Novatti to Launch AUD Stablecoin Leveraging Stellar Blockchain - SDF Press Release https://www.stellar.org/press-releases/novatti-to-launch-aud-stablecoin-leveraging-stellar-blockchain 9 comments cryptocurrency
- Bitcoin scam: Kroger confirms press release was faked https://edition.cnn.com/2021/11/05/investing/kroger-bitcoin-scam/index.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+rss%2Fcnn_latest+%28RSS%3A+CNN+-+Most+Recent%29 8 comments cryptocurrency
- A fake press release claimed Kroger accepts Bitcoin Cash - this caused a minor spike in BCH price https://www.theverge.com/2021/11/5/22765098/kroger-bitcoin-cash-cryptocurrency-hoax-pump-dump 11 comments cryptocurrency
- MIT Press releasing an updated version of Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (SICP), written in Javascript! For the people who swear by the original SICP written in Scheme what do you think of an upcoming version in JS? https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/structure-and-interpretation-computer-programs-1 28 comments learnprogramming
- 'Bananas' DOJ Press Release on Discarded Ballots Viewed as Effort to Fuel Trump's Lies About Mail-In Fraud https://www.commondreams.org/news/2020/09/25/bananas-doj-press-release-discarded-ballots-viewed-effort-fuel-trumps-lies-about 215 comments politics
- Press Release: Claire Williams Steps Down as Deputy Team Principal https://www.williamsf1.com/news/2020/09/claire-williams-steps-down-as-deputy-team-principal 95 comments formula1
- The steroid dexamethasone could be a COVID-19 game-changer. But ‘science by press release’ bothers some Canadian researchers https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2020/06/18/the-steroid-dexamethasone-could-be-a-covid-19-game-changer-but-science-by-press-release-bothers-some-canadian-researchers.html 6 comments science
- Donald Trump Claims Mike Pence Also Had Conversations With Ukraine President, Wants Pence Transcripts Released | Donald Trump Made a Surprise Claim in His United Nations Press Conference Wednesday, Apparently Implicating Vice President Mike Pence in the Ukraine Scandal. https://www.inquisitr.com/5656541/donald-trump-mike-pence-conversations-ukraine-president-transcripts/ 7403 comments worldnews
- Trump call transcript shows he pressed Ukrainian president to probe Biden — live updates — The full transcript released by the White House is below: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-ukraine-unredacted-call-transcript-read-ukraine-president-released-by-white-house-today-2019-09-25-live-updates/ 43 comments worldnews
- Department of Energy refers to 'freedom gas' and 'molecules of U.S. freedom' in press release https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/onpolitics/2019/05/29/department-energy-uses-freedom-gas-refer-natural-gas/1270444001/ 14 comments moderatepolitics
- F1 Press Release: "Long Run Pace" https://pbs.twimg.com/media/d1sayr5x0aa4wwk.jpg?format=jpg&name=orig 43 comments formula1
- RPi.GPIO.wait_for_edge(4, GPIO.FALLING) detects both press and release of button https://gpio.in 13 comments raspberry_pi
- [Ward] Billy Eppler on hiring of Brad Ausmus, via press release #Angels https://twitter.com/taylorblakeward/status/1054057905064833024?s=21 3 comments baseball
- Hurricanes Press Release regarding the Skinner trade, including Don Waddell Statement https://www.nhl.com/hurricanes/news/canes-deal-jeff-skinner-to-sabres-for-picks-prospect/c-299657892 61 comments hockey
- I released shortcutd, a daemon that launchs commands when pressing keys combinations. Works without graphical env. Support keyboard hotplug https://github.com/tiben/shortcutd 6 comments coding
- Press scrum relentless as UCLA players, including LiAngelo Ball, arrive after being released by Chinese authorities https://streamable.com/xa6h3 15 comments sports
- Press scrum relentless as UCLA players, including LiAngelo Ball, arrive in Los Angeles after being released by Chinese authorities https://streamable.com/xa6h3 165 comments nba
- Comey is said to have become unsettled by interactions with Trump. Trump calling him to demand Comey make press releases on his innocence https://www.adn.com/nation-world/2017/05/18/comey-is-said-to-have-become-unsettled-by-interactions-with-trump/ 29 comments worldnews
- Comey, Unsettled by Trump, Is Said to Have Wanted Him Kept at a Distance. Trump asking him to make press release to clear his name https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/18/us/politics/james-comey-memo-fbi-trump.html 3 comments worldnews
- The EPA just sent a press release praising an energy-efficiency program that Trump wants to eliminate. https://newrepublic.com/minutes/141899/epa-just-sent-press-release-praising-energy-efficiency-program-trump-wants-eliminate 4 comments politics
- Donald Trump is releasing 'propaganda' from the White House press office https://www.indy100.com/article/donald-trump-white-house-press-office-statement-release-reviews-propaganda-7545771 32 comments politics
- White House sends out an official press release promoting media organizations that praise Trump http://www.deathandtaxesmag.com/316292/white-house-curate-media-praise-president-trump-early-actions/ 15 comments politics
- Microsoft announces streamlining of smartphone hardware business | (Microsoft press release) https://news.microsoft.com/2016/05/25/microsoft-announces-streamlining-of-smartphone-hardware-business/ 11 comments windowsphone
- ESM press release: "EFSF programme for Greece expires today" http://www.esm.europa.eu/press/releases/efsf-programme-for-greece-expires-today.htm 11 comments europe
- Evidence of cosmic inflation discovered by BICEP2 is just lensing by foreground galaxies - ESA press release. http://sci.esa.int/planck/55362-planck-gravitational-waves-remain-elusive/ 3 comments science
- "Netflix to launch in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France, Belgium and Luxembourg in late 2014" (official press release on pr.netflix.com) https://pr.netflix.com/webclient/getnewssummary.do?newsid=1251 24 comments europe
- Governing UK Conservative Party erases all pre-election speeches and press releases from the internet http://www.computerweekly.com/blogs/public-sector/2013/11/conservatives-erase-internet-h.html 26 comments worldnews
- Press release by BJP in response to allegation by Congress on malnutrition in Gujarat http://bjp.org/index.php?view=article&type=raw&catid=68%3Apress-releases&id=9065%3Apress-shri-ravi-shankar-prasad-on-cag-malnutrition-&tmpl=component&print=1&layout=default&page=#.ulgdubdaox4.twitter 18 comments india
- Most of what you read was wrong: how press releases rewrote scientific history | Ars Technica http://arstechnica.com/staff/2012/09/most-of-what-you-read-was-wrong-how-press-releases-rewrote-scientific-history/ 3 comments science
- MS Press Release. New Office Customer Preview for free. http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/news/Press/2012/Jul12/07-16OfficePR.aspx 58 comments windows
- An interesting press release from Clyde FC regarding the Rangers 'Newco'. http://www.clydefc.co.uk/news/2012/06/30/4134/ 20 comments soccer
- Activist group, The Yes Men, get fake press release striking at Bank of America up on Dow Jones Newswire for two hours! http://www.forbes.com/sites/peterhimler/2012/04/19/the-fake-press-release/ 20 comments politics
- Press starts to doubt anti-piracy propaganda machine: Last week an MPAA-supported lobby group released a study claiming that 72% of people would stop downloading if their ISP warned them; however, 78% of those surveyed don't even use file sharing software https://torrentfreak.com/press-starts-to-doubt-anti-piracy-propaganda-machine-110920 6 comments technology
- Release Palin's medical records. (as a more direct way to quash Trig's parentage question versus press release outing of so-called pregnant daughter) http://andrewsullivan.theatlantic.com/the_daily_dish/2008/09/goldfarb-doesnt.html 7 comments politics
- "McCain's official website features 14 press releases taking on Obama since the first of the year, only 3 for the former first lady." http://www.drudgereport.com/flash1jm.htm? 3 comments politics