- Postgres...as an App? https://bytes.yingw787.com/posts/2020/06/15/postgres_as_app_1/ 20 comments programming , unix
- Iron web app demo that uses Postgresql and r2d2-postgres connection pool https://github.com/superlogical/rustwebapp 2 comments rust
- Trying to run a django app with a postgres image but keep getting a role does not exist error for my POSTGRES_USER.... https://pastebin.com/HXEFyYBA 8 comments docker
- Just wanna say thanks to flask,sqlalchemy,postgres and redis. I managed to create a server app that handles 7 Million requests per day. (probably more) https://www.reddit.com/r/flask/comments/6r2gir/just_wanna_say_thanks_to_flasksqlalchemypostgres/ 14 comments flask
- Newb writing first real app. .NET Core + Nancy + Postgre + JWTs. How bad is it? https://github.com/fantari/myfirstcoreapp 5 comments dotnet