Hacker News
- Positions on Generative AI https://evantravers.com/articles/2024/09/03/positions-on-generative-ai/ 3 comments ai
- Study has analyzed more than 1,000 AI-generated ads from across the web and found that they are only labeled as ads about half the time — and that they intentionally appeal to consumers in positive ways to influence them https://today.ku.edu/2023/02/14/study-finds-only-about-half-ai-generated-ads-labeled-unknowingly-driving-consumer 5 comments science
- AI-generated ‘slop’ is slowly killing the internet, so why is nobody trying to stop it? | Low-quality ‘slop’ generated by AI is crowding out genuine humans across the internet, but instead of regulating it, platforms such as Facebook are positively encouraging it. Where does this end? https://www.theguardian.com/global/commentisfree/2025/jan/08/ai-generated-slop-slowly-killing-internet-nobody-trying-to-stop-it 596 comments futurology
- AI-generated ‘slop’ is slowly killing the internet, so why is nobody trying to stop it? | Low-quality ‘slop’ generated by AI is crowding out genuine humans across the internet, but instead of regulating it, platforms such as Facebook are positively encouraging it. Where does this end? https://www.theguardian.com/global/commentisfree/2025/jan/08/ai-generated-slop-slowly-killing-internet-nobody-trying-to-stop-it 1731 comments technology