Hacker News
- Portfolio Performance: FOSS tool to evaluate performance of investment portfolio https://www.portfolio-performance.info/en/ 0 comments
- The Impact of Rebalancing Strategies on ETF Portfolio Performance https://www.mdpi.com/1911-8074/17/12/533 2 comments
- How would a crypto portfolio with 15 cryptos having different use cases perform https://botsfolio.com/crypto-portfolios/Use-Case-Diversity 35 comments cryptocurrency
- Top performing investor Nancy Pelosi reveals large new stake in Tesla, 3% of her and her husband's portfolio by weight https://twitter.com/thejefflutz/status/1771731563115393483 31 comments wallstreetbets
- Portfolio Performance (software) https://www.portfolio-performance.info/en/ 5 comments italiapersonalfinance
- Capitol Losses: The Mediocre Performance of Congressional Stock Portfolios https://web.stanford.edu/~jhain/Paper/JOP2013.pdf 8 comments economics
- Portfolio of Factset S&P 500 Predictions of Inclusions performed better than S&P 500 https://insight.factset.com/through-the-looking-glass-predicting-sp-500-constituent-changes 13 comments investing
- How do you think this portfolio will perform in a few years? https://ibb.co/vj7LMps 12 comments stocks
- Does accumulating all world portfolio performs better than distributing? https://backtest.curvo.eu/portfolio/spdr-eimi--NoIgygCgIgSgBAajgUQJIFlUgDTFK5ABkICEAxATUIHEAVARgBYdCA6ADnYF1cQDiSAaXSNqALQBsElq3oAmLoqA 32 comments eupersonalfinance
- When a 59% Annual Return Just Isn’t Enough - Investors appear to be growing more and more optimistic about how their portfolios will perform in the years to come. Disappointment is bound to follow https://www.wsj.com/articles/when-a-59-annual-return-just-isnt-enough-11625238010 6 comments wallstreetbets
- Been working on a new portfolio to hopefully land a junior/entry level position. It's not 100% complete yet, trying to work through some weird performance issues on safari as well as other browser compatibility issues, but here it is so far! Appreciate any critiques or suggestions. https://www.thnlsn.me/ 15 comments webdev
- I just deployed my React portfolio! Please let me know what you think, additionally, I am getting a somewhat low lighthouse performance score on mobile. Is this due to page animations? Should I avoid these on mobile? https://nikstires.com/ 3 comments reactjs
- How would an equal weighted GOOGL MSFT AAPL portfolio have performed vs. market? https://investorplace.com/2015/06/largest-companies-by-market-cap-facebook-walmart-fb-wmt/ 292 comments stocks
- Are there any quantitive studies of portfolio evaluation, programming problem tasks, and other job interview strategies in relation to new hire performance outcomes? http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~xia/resources/documents/marlow-cscw13.pdf 3 comments programming
- Risk Adjusted Performance of The Common Robinhood Portfolio https://money.usnews.com/investing/stock-market-news/slideshows/most-popular-stocks-on-robinhood?slide=11 13 comments investing
- Q2 2019 portfolio performance report https://www.reddit.com/r/eupersonalfinance/comments/c914ot/q2_2019_portfolio_performance_report/ 6 comments eupersonalfinance
- Crypto Users who Diversify Perform Better [Portfolio Analysis] https://hackernoon.com/crypto-users-who-diversify-perform-better-new-research-ebf775d348dd 4 comments btc
- [BE] 2019 Q1 portfolio performance report https://www.reddit.com/r/eupersonalfinance/comments/b9glka/be_2019_q1_portfolio_performance_report/ 12 comments eupersonalfinance
- Track your absolute portfolio performance for free. Great UI, awesome stats. https://stockcomparison.pandabearventures.com/portfolio.php 6 comments stocks
- How do you track your portfolio performance with monthly contributions ? https://www.reddit.com/r/investing/comments/ac6231/how_do_you_track_your_portfolio_performance_with/ 15 comments investing
- Deep dive into the past performance of my portfolio https://www.reddit.com/r/eupersonalfinance/comments/abxin7/deep_dive_into_the_past_performance_of_my/ 10 comments eupersonalfinance
- [BE] 2018 Q3 portfolio performance report https://www.yoranbrondsema.com/post/portfolio-performance-report-q3-2018/ 8 comments eupersonalfinance
- Investment portfolio managers with psychopathic traits perform worse and bring in less money for their clients. Research looking at subtle cues of nonverbal behaviors. https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/ritual-and-the-brain/201803/fund-managers-psychopathic-traits-get-you-less-money 3 comments science
- Calculating portfolio performance https://www.reddit.com/r/investing/comments/77aydg/calculating_portfolio_performance/ 9 comments investing
- Portfolio Performance - Open Source program http://www.portfolio-performance.info/portfolio/ 16 comments eupersonalfinance
- anti-/r/investing portfolio - 14 month performance https://www.reddit.com/r/investing/comments/6rluld/antirinvesting_portfolio_14_month_performance/ 33 comments investing
- Can you recommend a good portfolio app to watch your own performance? https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/6nvlmb/can_you_recommend_a_good_portfolio_app_to_watch/ 7 comments personalfinance
- Portfolio Performance Visualization https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/5jrbz8/portfolio_performance_visualization/ 11 comments personalfinance
- anti-/r/investing portfolio - 6 month performance https://www.reddit.com/r/investing/comments/5aqui1/antirinvesting_portfolio_6_month_performance/ 49 comments investing
- anti-/r/investing portfolio - 4 month performance https://www.reddit.com/r/investing/comments/50vqjo/antirinvesting_portfolio_4_month_performance/ 42 comments investing
- Best software for tracking portfolio performance? https://www.reddit.com/r/investing/comments/4xuw45/best_software_for_tracking_portfolio_performance/ 5 comments investing
- REAL WSB PORTFOLIO - Performance https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/4w59fr/real_wsb_portfolio_performance/ 33 comments wallstreetbets
- Made it to improve my own trading performance (my portfolio is about $190.000 in IB), sure it will help others. The best thing it does - the app lets me avoid emotional trading and losing money. It's free, no ads, no bloody newsletters and other bullshit. https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/bullboard-stock-screener-market/id1132159614?amp%3Bmt=8&ls=1 54 comments wallstreetbets
- 1 month performance - 5 different portfolios https://i.gyazo.com/bccabcbbba0efe8fe755df2a23fbeb70.png 7 comments investing
- lol anti-/r/investing portfolio - 2 month performance +9.9% lol https://np.reddit.com/r/investing/comments/4qs8cm/antirinvesting_portfolio_2_month_performance/ 32 comments wallstreetbets
- anti-/r/investing portfolio - 2 month performance https://www.reddit.com/r/investing/comments/4qs8cm/antirinvesting_portfolio_2_month_performance/ 57 comments investing
- I am having trouble deciding between Betterment, Wealthfront, and Intelligent Portfolios (Schwab) and am considering an experiment. What are your thoughts on investing some money in all three and tracking performance over a period of time? https://www.wealthfront.com/tax-optimized-direct-indexing 20 comments investing
- The Performance of /r/InvestmentClub's Portfolio vs The S&P 500 During 2014 (Feel Free To Edit) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1fRdMCsfbQVIhDfmhPfrD8EmDgREKa2AilQzUigGcGpk/edit?pli=1#gid=341657953 16 comments stocks
- 2012 Lazy Portfolio Performance https://docs.google.com/a/sdrone.net/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AiPoZ9czoEMWdDVxWU1LN3Y4LU84SmNGUS1PMzdyQ0E&usp=sharing#gid=0 54 comments personalfinance
- Performance of Lazy Portfolio vs Actively Managed funds http://www.marketwatch.com/story/lazy-portfolios-upend-popular-active-funds?siteid=yhoof 3 comments business