Hacker News
- Home Builders Bypassing Individual Home Buyers for Deep-Pocketed Investors https://www.wsj.com/articles/home-builders-bypassing-individual-home-buyers-for-deep-pocketed-investors-11649678401 8 comments
- Home Automation Gateway(Domoticz) with 20$ Pocket Router http://albert-david.blogspot.com/2019/01/20-pocket-router-as-domoticz-home.html 2 comments
- Pocket Rejection - App Store Submission Troubles Hit Home http://www.appleiphoneapps.com/2009/03/pocket-rejection-app-store-submission-troubles-hit-home/ 5 comments
- China’s Deep-Pocketed Tourists Are Staying Home, For Now https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-01-06/china-s-deep-pocketed-tourists-are-staying-home-for-now 30 comments china
- China’s Deep-Pocketed Tourists Are Staying Home, For Now https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-01-06/china-s-deep-pocketed-tourists-are-staying-home-for-now 7 comments worldnews
- Home Builders Bypassing Individual Home Buyers for Deep-Pocketed Investors https://www.wsj.com/articles/home-builders-bypassing-individual-home-buyers-for-deep-pocketed-investors-11649678401?mod=mhp 134 comments moderatepolitics
- HELOC or out-of-pocket for home expenditures? https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/6n53i6/heloc_or_outofpocket_for_home_expenditures/ 13 comments personalfinance
- Rents spike as big-pocketed investors buy mobile home parks https://apnews.com/article/mobile-home-parks-rent-investors-8dbadf3f9a33faddb06abc980b046176 278 comments business
- [Highlight] Dyson Daniels picks the pocket, Zaccharie Risacher hammers it home in transition https://streamable.com/cbz615 4 comments nba
- “Every home already has a 15kWh battery”: how solar sponge tariffs can be a win for your pocket and the planet https://amp.theguardian.com/commentisfree/article/2024/jul/10/solar-power-sponge-tariffs-saving-money-electricity 5 comments energy
- ‘Problematic pockets’: How Discord became a home for extremists. https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2023/12/12/discord-app-extremism/ 11 comments technology
- The Government Seized an Elderly Minnesota Woman’s Home Over $2,300 in Unpaid Property Taxes, Sold It, and Pocketed the Proceeds. The Supreme Court Just Agreed to Hear Her Case. https://lawandcrime.com/supreme-court/the-government-seized-an-elderly-minnesota-womans-home-over-2300-in-unpaid-property-taxes-sold-it-and-pocketed-the-proceeds-the-supreme-court-just-agreed-to-hear-her-case/amp/ 134 comments politics
- After exchanging words during the game, Ben Simmons picks DSJ's pocket and slams it home. https://streamable.com/ow2zs 3 comments nba
- UK - Desperate schoolchildren caught filling pockets with food to avoid going hungry at home http://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/midlands-news/starving-schoolchildren-caught-stockpiling-school-13881509 31 comments worldnews
- Home warranty’s vs outta pocket repairs? https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/7and6s/home_warrantys_vs_outta_pocket_repairs/ 6 comments personalfinance
- A teacher brought a kid's ripped coat home to fix. His daughter slipped a note in the pocket https://www.nbcdfw.com/news/national-international/a-teacher-brought-a-kids-ripped-coat-home-to-fix-his-daughter-slipped-a-note-in-the-pocket/3456265/ 4 comments worldnews
- Report: Dems Paying Out Of Pocket For Extra Security Measures Back Home Amid Rising Threats https://talkingpointsmemo.com/news/report-dems-paying-out-of-pocket-for-extra-security-measures-back-home-amid-rising-threats 16 comments politics
- Jayson Tatum picks Sessions' pocket and hammers home the fastbreak slam https://streamable.com/xmdv2 49 comments nba
- In these harsh times, I find comfort in noticing that I have only one euro coin from my home country in my pocket http://instagram.com/p/magnmzhfcb/ 15 comments europe
- President Obama to Pocket-Veto Bill that Might Make it Easier to Foreclose on Homes http://blogs.abcnews.com/politicalpunch/2010/10/president-obama-to-pocket-veto-bill-that-might-make-it-easier-to-foreclose-on-homes.html 9 comments business
- Kid in Georgia calls 911 'cause he finds 7 family members dead when he gets home. Is then arrested for having pot in his pocket. http://www.cnn.com/2009/crime/08/31/georgia.killings/ 48 comments politics
- A Colorado pastor accused of pocketing $1.3 million in cryptocurrency scam says the Lord encouraged him to use funds for a home remodel https://www.businessinsider.com/colorado-pastor-charged-cryptocurrency-scam-lord-ordained-fraud-2024-1 34 comments law
- Melbourne six-year-old and her siblings pool pocket money to buy their first home https://7news.com.au/business/melbourne-property/melbourne-six-year-old-and-siblings-pool-pocket-money-to-buy-clyde-home-c-5017089 62 comments nottheonion
- NCAA Tournament - Fairfield pitcher's pitch ricochets off catcher's glove right into home umpire's front pocket https://streamable.com/jvlknn 19 comments baseball
- I found my hostel key in my pocket when I arrived home. Totally lost on what to do. https://www.reddit.com/r/germany/comments/6uxocu/i_found_my_hostel_key_in_my_pocket_when_i_arrived/ 8 comments germany
- Moving to Michigan, got $50k in my pocket and a $120k per year job. What is a responsible home price to target for? https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/7vtcw4/moving_to_michigan_got_50k_in_my_pocket_and_a/ 58 comments personalfinance
- 76 years ago, on 28 March 1941, Virginia Woolf drowned herself by filling her overcoat pockets with stones and walking into the River Ouse near her home. http://dailydose.press/8mgd 3 comments books
- America's top CEOs pocket 340 times more than average workers: Report found that chief executive officers of the top 500 companies took home $12.4m on average while they exported jobs overseas http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/may/17/ceo-pay-ratio-average-worker-afl-cio 151 comments business
- 75 years ago, on 28 March 1941, Virginia Woolf drowned herself by filling her overcoat pockets with stones and walking into the River Ouse near her home. http://www.independent.ie/life/virginia-woolf-the-woman-who-remade-the-novel-34572892.html 1027 comments books
- Plane crashes into man's home. He's alive because he'd just left to buy Hot Pockets. https://boingboing.net/2015/11/11/plane-crashes-into-mans-home.html 3 comments nottheonion
- iPhone 6s home button was hot to the touch and the screen was unresponsive today after being in my pocket for a couple of hours. Apparently I am not the only one. http://9to5mac.com/2015/09/30/iphone-6s-touch-id-3d-touch-speaker-power-issues/ 7 comments apple
- A "Case Créole" in Reunion, a pocket of French territory near Madagascar. Although thousands of km from the French Caribbean, it shares many architectural similarities and even a name with their homes. https://c2.staticflickr.com/6/5774/23346109301_6d86a90f72_b.jpg 3 comments europe
- Real Estate Shell Companies Scheme to Defraud Owners Out of Their Homes -- Relying on the secrecy of limited liability companies, white-collar thieves are targeting pockets of New York City for fraudulent deed transfers, leaving the victims groping for redress. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/11/08/nyregion/real-estate-shell-companies-scheme-to-defraud-owners-out-of-their-homes.html?_r=0 6 comments economy
- Hypocrisy Much ? After living in the costliest home in the world, Nita Ambani says she gives 5 Rs to her children as pocket money http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/news-by-company/corporate-trends/i-gave-my-kids-rs-5-as-pocket-money-nita-ambani/articleshow/10276932.cms 9 comments india
- [NEED URGENT HELP] My parents are considering getting a Pocket Wifi modem to use as the PRIMARY INTERNET CONNECTION for our new home. Need facts and information I could present to them to convince them not to. http://japan-wireless.com/Rent_Wifi.html?gclid=Cj0KEQiAwuSkBRC7qKq8rr7796sBEiQA5VnSuCdw7DhNhtHycQY4yDWG3-Mic10WhtagE8WHt72PW3waAuWR8P8HAQ 51 comments techsupport
- Dementia care costs can quickly burn through people's savings. On average, seniors with dementia paid $3,090 a month out-of-pocket for non-nursing residential care at places like an assisted living facility, and $3,849 a month at full-fledged nursing homes https://news.gsu.edu/2024/02/07/study-highlights-financial-burden-of-dementia-on-older-adults-families/ 461 comments science
- [Jenkins] The ball I threw to the great @JohnnyBench_5 , was the first honorary pitch ever thrown at an @MLB game in Iowa. (there wasn’t one last year), We both signed it & I tucked it in my pocket as I boarded the @Cubs plane home. It will be Proudly displayed in my home.🌽⚾️ https://twitter.com/fergieajenkins/status/1558607160057237504?s=19&t=NECNmqWsM7-s2ISp_aPUSg 8 comments baseball
- Bank of Mum and Dad is now paying the rent, too. Parents in Britain put hand into pocket to the tune of £1bn a year, as housing crisis grows.Almost 150,000 renting households in England were at risk of losing their home in the past year – some 350,000 people https://www.theguardian.com/money/2016/jul/16/bank-mum-dad-generation-rent 264 comments worldnews
Linking pages
- Russia Has Lost Two Squadrons of Its 'Best' Su-35 Fighters - 19FortyFive https://www.19fortyfive.com/2022/08/russia-has-lost-two-squadrons-of-its-best-su-35-fighters/ 1276 comments
- BigBadToyStore - Page Not Found http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/bbts/product.aspx?amp%3Bmode=retail&%3Bpicture=out&product=tak10927 168 comments
- Get started with Kotlin | Kotlin https://kotlinlang.org/docs/getting-started.html#create-your-powerful-application-with-kotlin 13 comments
- Silicon Investor (SI) -- Stock Discussion Forums http://markets.siliconinvestor.com/siliconinvestor/action/getedgarwindow?accesscode=120919114014548 6 comments
- Inside this update - Microsoft Support https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/inside-this-update-93c5c27c-f96e-43c2-a08e-5812d92f220d?OCID=WUSettings 4 comments
- BigBadToyStore - Page Not Found http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/bbts/product.aspx?amp%3Bmode=retail&product=tak10694 1 comment
- Inside this update - Microsoft Support https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/inside-this-update-93c5c27c-f96e-43c2-a08e-5812d92f220d?ocid=wusettings#windowsupdate=19044 1 comment
- BigBadToyStore - Page Not Found http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/bbts/product.aspx?amp%3Bmode=retail&product=tak10695 1 comment
- Ayahuasca Retreat • What is this traditional healing beverage? https://tangerineretreat.com/ayahuasca-retreats/ 1 comment
- Joey Hess https://joeyh.name/ 0 comments
- What's new in recent Windows updates - Microsoft Support https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/what-s-new-in-recent-windows-updates-2df971e0-341a-68b1-3bf8-bc3e3ff8c3a5 0 comments
- Nifty Form Icons | Colin Toh http://colintoh.com/form-icons 0 comments
- Inside this update - Microsoft Support https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/inside-this-update-93c5c27c-f96e-43c2-a08e-5812d92f220d 0 comments
- Noise Abatement Society – To solve noise pollution for the benefit of all. https://noiseabatementsociety.org/ 0 comments