Hacker News
- I built an awesome Sidenav plugin with dark mode for Tailwind CSS https://tailwind-elements.com/docs/standard/navigation/sidenav/ 9 comments webdev
- Vite.js plugin for Hotwire Turbo enabling fast development by reloading only the DOM when template files are modified, avoiding full page reloads. Includes HMR support for Tailwind CSS https://github.com/ermolaev/vite-plugin-turbo-reload 5 comments rails
- I've made a WordPress plugin boilerplate utilizing modern web technologies and tools such as React, TypeScript, SASS, Tailwind CSS, Shadcn UI, Vite, Grunt.js, Storybook, HMR and more. https://github.com/prappo/wordpress-plugin-boilerplate 19 comments wordpress