Hacker News
- Wikipedia: 97% of all articles lead to Philosophy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Getting_to_Philosophy 18 comments
- Wikipedia: Getting to Philosophy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Getting_to_Philosophy 4 comments
- Do all first links on Wikipedia lead to philosophy? http://matpalm.com/blog/2011/08/13/wikipedia-philosophy/ 48 comments
- Following the 1st link on Wikipedia leads to 'Philosophy' for 93.4% of pages http://www.kevinstock.org/2011/05/following-the-first-link-on-wikipedia/ 31 comments
- Inspired by XKCD:903, Wikipedia steps to philosophy http://ryanelmquist.com/cgi-bin/xkcdwiki 131 comments
- 94.52% of all articles in Wikipedia lead eventually to the article Philosophy http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/wikipedia:get_to_philosophy 18 comments philosophy
- The most popular philosophy articles in Wikipedia this month. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/wikipedia:wikiproject_philosophy/popular_pages 4 comments philosophy
- Graphically examine the assertion that following the first link on Wikipedia inevitably leads to "Philosophy" http://xefer.com/wikipedia 86 comments philosophy
- Worried about Wikipedia - A Bit of Web Philosophy http://blog.outletpc.com/2011/03/worried-about-wikipedia-bit-of-web.html 6 comments technology
- Crosspost from /r/xkcd: Wikipedia Philosophy - I wrote a program and made some cool graphs http://www.reddit.com/r/xkcd/comments/i61cj/wikipedia_philosophy_i_made_some_cool_graphs/ 13 comments programming
- Notice a common thread? Inspired by xkcd, the wikipedia steps to philosophy. http://ryanelmquist.com/cgi-bin/xkcdwiki 25 comments math
- TIL that if you repeatedly click on the first link in any Wikipedia article that's not in parenthesis or italics, it will almost always eventually bring you to "Philosophy". http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/philosophy 3 comments reddit.com
- Wikipedia "Philosophy trick" STUMPED http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/molyneux%27s_problem 12 comments reddit.com
- Gareth Evans (this article is unusually good for Wikipedia's philosophy section) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/gareth_evans_%28philosopher%29 3 comments philosophy
- A Homepage for Philosophy--the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy vs Wikipedia http://www.neh.gov/humanities/2011/januaryfebruary/feature/homepage-philosophy 5 comments philosophy
- Am not happy with Wikipedia's definition of Philosophy, so i wrote this, please tell me what you think http://neouto.wordpress.com/2011/01/26/taking-issue-with-wikipedias-definition-of-philosophy/ 28 comments philosophy
- Nearly as Impressive as Wikipedia and Ten Times Better than Knol: The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy http://plato.stanford.edu/contents.html 5 comments technology
- I created an interactive social network graph of all the philosophers in Wikipedia, charting who influenced whom and including filters for different schools of though, to help myself get into philosophy (xpost from /r/dataisbeautiful) [OC] https://oliveiradata.com/2017/01/09/social-network-visualization-a-history-of-philosophy/ 8 comments philosophy
- Using Nokogiri, I created a (buggy) web scraper which tests the idea that clicking the first link on any given wikipedia article will eventually lead to Philosophy https://gist.github.com/1654064 25 comments ruby
- Conservapedia on Wikipedia: "Wikipedia is an online encyclopedia founded by entrepreneur and atheist Jimmy Wales and philosophy professor Larry Sanger on January 15, 2001. Despite its official "neutrality policy", Wikipedia has a strong liberal bias." BTW I love Conservapedia's web code. http://www.conservapedia.com/wikipedia 10 comments politics