Hacker News
- What could go wrong? “Perl cgi html uploading linux kernel” https://stackoverflow.com/q/44148502/100754 5 comments
- Which is better perl-CGI, mod_perl or PSGI? http://perl5maven.com/perl-cgi-mod-perl-psgi 11 comments perl
- (plack-based) Modern Perl CGI http://blogs.perl.org/users/aristotle/2018/11/modern-perl-cgi.html 3 comments perl
- Perl and CGI https://www.perl.com/article/perl-and-cgi/ 41 comments perl
- Perl CGI XML Statistics https://www.reddit.com/r/perl/comments/95707v/perl_cgi_xml_statistics/ 7 comments perl
- Testing Perl CGI application https://perlmaven.com/testing-perl-cgi 5 comments perl
- Re: The Perl Jam 2: CGI Sucks http://kentfredric.github.io/blog/2015/12/31/re-the-perl-jam-2-cgi-sucks/ 11 comments perl
- Apache CGI and Perl. http://pastebin.com/S3MwhvUw 24 comments linuxadmin
- A Perl 6 port of CGI::Application is in the works http://github.com/moritz/cgi-application 8 comments perl
- CGI::Tiny - Perl CGI, but modern https://dev.to/grinnz/perl-cgi-but-modern-4630 5 comments perl
- Perl Weekly Issue #383 - To CGI or not to CGI? http://perlweekly.com/archive/383.html 18 comments perl
- Modern Perl CGI | Grinnz [blogs.perl.org] http://blogs.perl.org/users/grinnz/2018/11/modern-perl-cgi.html 7 comments perl
- A self-modifying CGI Perl counter http://neil.fraser.name/software/counter/ 3 comments coding
- Perl cgi not passing the hash to mysql http://stackoverflow.com/questions/39968481/perl-cgi-not-passing-the-hash-to-mysql/39974309 34 comments perl